Chapter 20 This is such a wonderful world
The distance from Jinding Building to the evacuation point is very close.

Even if a normal person sets off on foot, the distance is only ten minutes.

However, Bai Xiaofei's injuries were serious now. Even though Nan Yu had sealed his acupuncture points and stopped the bleeding from his wounds, his face inevitably became paler as time went by.

Although Nan Yu said that Bai Xiaofei's condition was very stable and his life was not in danger, Teacher Xiaojia and Xiao Hui obviously didn't believe what he said.

Out of concern for Bai Xiaofei.

Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui discussed it, and then Teacher Xiaojia, who was in the best health, carried the fawn's mother, who was in coma again. Xiaohui carried the fawn on her back, and then rushed towards the evacuation point as quickly as possible.

Different from the anxiety of Teacher Xiaojia and the others, Nan Yu took his time. On the way, he still had the leisure to go to the residential buildings to see where there were dead brothers to kill.

But even if he had a Bai Xiaofei under his arm, and always went to look for Brother Shi when he had nothing to do, he was still able to walk steadily in the front. No matter how fast Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui walked, he always stayed in front of them. Ten meters.

In such a desperate hurry.

It took only a few minutes for them to reach the evacuation point.


What caught their eyes was not the scene of fully staffed and heavily guarded buildings as they imagined, but a completely destroyed ruins.

Wisps of black smoke curled up from the ruined walls, blood that had turned black was scattered everywhere, and human limbs and broken arms were scattered in every corner like garbage.

This is no safe evacuation point, it is clearly a purgatory on earth.

Exhausted, Xiao Hui fell powerlessly on the ground, looked at the ruins in front of her, and said to herself with dull eyes: "What's going on here?"

But even though she was so panicked, she still didn't forget to cover the deer's eyes to prevent the deer from seeing this hellish scene.

"Could it be, did Brother Corpse attack you here?"

Teacher Xiaojia, who also had an unbelievable face, leaned against a broken wall and expressed his guess in frustration.

Nan Yu looked around, and soon saw some strange gadgets.

So he put Bai Xiaofei on the ground, then walked to the ruins and pulled out a short blade similar to a flying knife from the rubble.

This is a dunna.

A hidden weapon that Japanese ninjas like to use most.

After playing with it for a while, Nan Yu stood up, sneered and said, "Hmph, it wasn't Brother Corpse who did it, it was a group of lingering wild dogs."

"Mr. Nan, do you know who did it?" Teacher Xiaojia asked.

"Ninja from Japan, tsk, this city H is really getting more and more lively."

"Japanese ninjas!? What are they doing in Yanhuang?"

"What to do? What else can you do? Since it is a dog, it must not change the habit of eating shit. Naturally, these wild dogs are here to take advantage of the fire."

Nan Yu casually crushed the kunai into an iron ball, then waved his hand and said: "Let's go, there is no one here, we have to find another place to treat Bai Xiaofei's injuries."

"But where else can we go?"

The evacuation point was destroyed. Whether it was Teacher Xiaojia or Xiaohui, they all seemed a little decadent after seeing this scene.

In the current situation in H City, they are now deep into the infected area. Even if there is no problem with Nan Yu's protection and safety, Bai Xiaofei's injury cannot afford to delay them. The two of them really don't know where to go.

"Here, go here."

Nan Yu leaned down and picked up a piece of paper.


Seeing the leaflet-like paper in Nan Yu's hand, Teacher Xiaojia discovered that there were also many papers exactly like this scattered on the ruins.

And it wasn't just the ruins of the evacuation point. There were this kind of paper everywhere on the buildings on the surrounding roads. It was just that we were in a hurry and no one noticed it.

Teacher Xiaojia also picked up one. After seeing the contents on the paper clearly, she couldn't help shouting out in surprise: "H City South District Evacuation Point."

Hearing this, Xiaohui hurriedly grabbed one, and after reading it carefully from beginning to end, her sorrow disappeared immediately, and she exclaimed happily: "Mr. Nan, I know the way to this evacuation point. It's not far from here." How far, if you walk, you can get there in about half an hour."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

Nan Yu stretched, then held Bai Xiaofei under his arm, and set off again with Teacher Xiaojia and the others.

Different from the previous evacuation point in the safe zone, the evacuation point in the southern area was located in the infected area, so the journey along the way was not as safe as before, and basically all the corpses appeared in piles.

Although most of these corpses were human-level corpses, Nan Yu still caught an earth-level corpse.

This corpse brother's body is as muscular as a bodybuilder, and it is also covered with a thick layer of bone armor. Its huge head is as wide as its body, and it has a mouth full of sharp teeth like a beast.

Bone Armor Corpse Brother is not only fast and strong, but also has a strength comparable to heaven in defense. Even with Nan Yu's attack power, it took almost 5 minutes to get his heart out.

Fortunately, after following Nan Yu for a long time, Teacher Xiaojia and the others are numb.

Therefore, even if they saw Nan Yu swallowing the essence and blood of the corpse brother again now, they would not be surprised. Instead, they would take advantage of Nan Yu's time to clean up the corpse brother and quickly rest and regain their strength.

"Brother Corpse in the late prefecture level, Shu Tan."

After devouring the blood essence of the bone armor corpse brother, Nan Yu didn't move, but raised his hands and looked at it thoughtfully for a while.

Suddenly, he picked up the Blood Demon Blade and slashed down with all his strength.

"Mr. Nan, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Nan, don't overthink it!"

Nanyu's move really frightened Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui who were sitting aside and resting, and they shouted in a hurry.

But soon they were speechless.

Because Nan Yu's arm was not damaged at all when the sword was struck. Instead, the Blood Demon Blade, which could easily cut off the Earth-level zombie brother, was broken into two pieces.

Looking at the half-cut knife in his hand, Nan Yu fell into deep thought.

After a moment.

He suddenly laughed, and the more he laughed, the more crazy he became.

"Ha ha--"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

In the quiet neighborhood, only his laughter kept echoing.

He broke through.


After devouring the essence and blood of Niu Ben52, Teacher Mu, Zuo Guardian, and four earth-level corpse brothers, Nan Yu's physical body finally broke through to another level.

This was supposed to be the level he could only reach after going through the Thousand Years of Thunder Tribulation.


In the original world, he failed to overcome the tribulation, causing his physical body to be stuck at a level of strength that was stuck by a shackle.

Unexpectedly, after only staying in this world for a short day and night, he broke through this layer of shackles, and the strength of his physical body went up to a higher level.

After calming down, Nan Yu threw away the broken knife in his hand and said with a grin, "This is really a wonderful world."

(End of this chapter)

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