Chapter 21

The evacuation point in the southern district of City H.

In fact, this place was not originally an officially designated evacuation point, but was temporarily transformed from a secret military base in H City.

The reason for doing this.

It was because the previous safe evacuation point was attacked by Japanese ninjas.

In order to ensure the safety of the remaining survivors in H City, H City's special teams and the Yanhuang Special Forces Team went out with all their strength and moved all the survivors that could be found in the surrounding area to this military base with tight security measures and sufficient weapons and equipment.

When Nan Yu and the others arrived here, they happened to meet a man with an afro head returning from the infected area with one male and two female survivors.

When he first saw Nan Yu, the afro-headed man was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket and started flipping through it quickly.

Soon, he found the picture he wanted.

Afro raised his phone, compared it with Nan Yu's face carefully, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "It's you!"


Nan Yu, who was talking to the guard guard, turned his head and looked over, frowning: "Do you know me?"

"No, I don't know you."

The explosive head shook his head, and then changed his tone and said: "But we have seen you on the surveillance camera. At that time, you were cleaning up the corpse wave in the Central Commercial Street. You should also be a prefecture-level warrior, right?"


Nan Yu responded casually and did not continue to answer his question.

Who is this afro?
Although his appearance was different from that in the comics, Nan Yu could still vaguely recognize his identity.

The ghost stick of the fifth team of Yanhuang Special Energy.

A prefecture-level master.

This guy is now approaching him to strike up a conversation, and he specifically mentioned the matter of the earth-level warrior.

It's self-evident what this guy is thinking. He definitely wants to help their special team rescue people.

Nan Yu is a person who hates trouble.

I especially hate doing things that are not good for me and troublesome.

It's okay to let him clean up the corpse brother, but there's no way to let him save people in vain.

Guigun was a little surprised by Nan Yu's indifferent attitude.

According to his thinking, such a person who cleaned up the tide of corpses in H city and escorted the survivors to the evacuation point by himself should be a warrior with family and country in his heart.

But how does he feel now? This guy doesn't seem to be interested in Yanhuang at all.

Just when Ghost Stick was thinking about how to continue communicating with Nan Yu, a voice of surprise suddenly sounded.

"Fly, Brother Fei!"

"Brother Fei, my brother Fei, what's wrong with you?"

The red-haired young man who came with Ghost Stick rushed forward crying and howling, and went straight to Bai Xiaofei who was lying on the stretcher.

Hearing his mourning cry, the two women who came with him quickly stepped forward and asked, "Milk, what's wrong? Do you know this person?"

Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui also wanted to ask this question, and looked at the red-haired young man curiously.

The young man who was called Milk said with tears and runny nose: "This is my cousin Bai Xiaofei. He is such a nice person. When I was a child, he took me with him to peek at Xiaoli next door taking a bath. Wow, cousin, my Cousin, you won’t die!!!”

Hearing this, Gui Guang stepped forward to check Bai Xiaofei's condition, then turned to the milk and said: "Don't worry, he won't die. Although the injury is quite serious, he has been injected with human enhancers, and his body is much stronger than ordinary people."

Then, he smiled and said to Nan Yu: "Since everyone knows each other, I will make an exception for your friend and allow him to go to the special medical cabin of our special energy team for treatment."

The meaning of wooing is beyond words.

Nan Yu shrugged his shoulders and did not respond to his kindness.

Gui Guang didn't mind his attitude, smiled and nodded to Nan Yu, then picked up the walkie-talkie and started issuing orders.


A team of medical staff in white coats came out of the military base and took Bai Xiaofei away as quickly as possible. The others also moved into the best rooms in the military base under Gui Guang's arrangement.

After Bai Xiaofei and the others settled down, Nan Yu went out again to look for Brother Corpse.

Now that he has confirmed that Brother Corpse's blood essence has an excellent strengthening ability on his physical body, and killing them can also unseal his mana seal, there is no reason to let himself be idle.

Not far after walking out of the military base, there was a buzzing sound overhead.

Nan Yu looked up.

It is a small Dragonfly fighter.

If I remember correctly, it should be called this name.

This thing is released in the military base to spread leaflets, and it also has a self-detonation program. Once it encounters those corpse brothers who can fly, it will activate the self-explosion program and die together with the corpse brothers.

Speaking of flying corpses.

There was one right in front of Nan Yu.

Compared with the Corpse Brothers I have seen before, this Bird Corpse Brother is not so big. Its body length alone is close to 20 meters, and its wings are fully extended to more than 40 meters. However, compared to such a huge In terms of size, its head is a bit too small, just about the same as that of a normal human being.

"Tsk, tsk, that's how many people we've eaten."

Nan Yu covered the sun with his hands and looked at Big Bird Corpse Brother, who was resting on a tall building.

Among the corpse brothers I had seen before, the largest one was only a few meters tall, and some of the smaller ones were as big as a child.

This is the first time I have seen such a super giant corpse brother that spread its wings and can be said to cover the sky.

Although the strength of the corpse brother is not based on body size, there is one thing that is absolutely true, that is, the bigger the corpse brother, the more vigorous the blood.

Just like the big bird corpse in front of you.

It is only the mid-term strength of the prefecture level.

But Nan Yu could feel the strong energy and blood rushing towards his face without opening his zombie blood pupils.

"Tsk, tsk, it's a great supplement."

Not much nonsense, after Nan Yu swept around, he pulled out a street lamp, weighed it a little, and threw it at Big Bird Corpse Brother.

With the sound of a cannon blasting through the air, the street lamp was firmly nailed into the body of the sleeping Big Bird Corpse.


"who is it!!!"

Brother Da Niaoshi who was awakened swung his claws and pulled the street lamp out of his body, then waved the street lamp and roared angrily.

It was not angry that someone attacked it, but that someone dared to disturb its sleep. The body that had just been stabbed by the street light was also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, before it found out who made the shot, another street lamp flew up from downstairs, not one, but three together.

Before the huge bird corpse had time to dodge, three street lamps were nailed to his body.

"Ahhhhh, damn human! I want to eat you!!!"

Being provoked one after another, Big Bird Corpse Brother's anger could not be increased.

It has seen that it has found the guy who provoked itself.

a human being.

A human being giving himself the middle finger.

Although he has very few memories of his life, Brother Big Bird Corpse still remembers that this internationally accepted gesture does not have a good meaning.

As a result, the enraged Big Bird Corpse Brother lost his mind in an instant, screamed and swooped down from the tall building, heading straight for Nan Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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