Chapter 22 Conditions

"I go."

"Is this the prefecture level?"

"When did the Earth level become so powerful?"

Gui Gun, who was hiding not far away, stared dumbly at the fight between Nan Yu and Big Bird Corpse Brother.


To say that fighting is flattering Brother Big Bird.

This is simply torture.

When the big bird corpse brother just rushed down, Gui Gun had the heart to help him, thinking that he could sell Nan Yu a favor in this way.

But when Nan Yu started, he found a problem.

give me a hammer
No need for help at all.

The martial artist named Nan Yu is suspected to be a prefecture-level warrior. His movements are so fast that he can't even see clearly, and his strength is so strong that he can easily throw a street lamp weighing more than [-] catties onto a tall building tens of meters away. .

When facing Brother Big Bird Corpse, Nan Yufu kicked him down from the sky as soon as he made a move, and then pinned him to the ground. No matter how hard Brother Big Bird Corpse struggled, he could never break free from Nan Yu's grasp. After suppressing it, Nan Yu easily tore off its pair of wings, completely denying it a chance to fly again.

What follows is a pure torture show.

This super giant corpse brother, which was far larger than the size of a normal corpse brother, was torn to pieces by Nan Yu in just a few minutes. Various parts of internal organs were scattered all over the street.


Gui Guang swallowed hard.

so horrible.

He is also at the prefecture level, and he is still in the middle of the prefecture level.

But let him face this big bird corpse brother who is also in the middle of the prefecture level. He thought to himself that he could only expel him at most, and he had to borrow various props. It was absolutely impossible to kill him, let alone kill him. Let alone a unilateral killing like Nan Yu.

Not everyone has the strength of Nan Yu, who can press such a terrifying corpse brother to the ground so that it can't even stand up.

"Can Aldo do this?"

Ghost Stick thought of another member of the special energy team.

Erdo of Yanhuang Special Energy Team [-] is nicknamed Beastmaster.

This guy is famous for his strength. When he activates the beast king state, his strength is terrifying. Among the earth-level warriors in the entire Yanhuang Special Forces Team, he is one of the best in terms of pure strength.

Soon Gui Gun came to the conclusion: "Erduo can't do this, even if he turns on the beast king state, what kind of strength does this guy have? Even a pure warrior should not be so exaggerated. The prefecture level is the right one.”

"Could it be."

"Is he a heaven-level person?"


As soon as this thought came to mind, Gui Gun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Although he has never seen a strong person at the sky level make a move, Nan Yu's current performance is really difficult to measure with the earth level. All he can think of is the word sky level.

"For heaven, if he is willing to help us, wouldn't that be?"

The more Ghost Stick thought about it, the more excited he became.

However, when he raised his head and was about to talk to Nan Yu again, what he saw was the scene where Nan Yu dug out the heart of the giant bird corpse and drank the blood without hesitation.


Ghost Stick rubbed his eyes vigorously.

He thought he was dazzled.

But no matter how he convinced himself in his heart that he must be dazzled now, the fact that Nan Yu was drinking the blood of the dead brother was still in front of his eyes.

Especially when he was drinking the blood of Brother Corpse, Nan Yu's inhuman face with red eyes and fangs made Gui Gun even more at a loss.

"Hey, have you seen enough?"

After drinking the blood essence, Nan Yu held the heart of Brother Big Bird Corpse in his hand, and shouted at the ghost stick.

In fact, Nan Yu had already discovered that he was following him as early as when he left the base.

It's just that Nan Yu has been ignoring him.


Gui Guang, who was full of random thoughts, came out, scratched his head and laughed.

After all, it was a bit embarrassing to be found out by stalking and peeping.

What's more, Nan Yu was covered in blood at this time, and he was holding a giant heart close to the height of an adult in his hand. Even a battle-experienced warrior like Gui Gun would inevitably feel a little scared after seeing this.

"I remember your name is Gui Guang, right?"

Nan Yu hiccupped, then threw the heart in his hand aside, and jumped off Brother Big Bird's corpse.

Just as he thought.

The essence and blood in the body of this big bird corpse brother is not very strong. A zombie brother can rival seven or eight middle-level earth-level corpse brothers.

They all fed him up.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the leisure time to practice ghost sticks, and he would just treat it as digestion now.

"Yes, I'm the ghost stick of the fifth team of Yanhuang Special Energy."

Seeing Nan Yu's appearance return from inhuman to normal, Gui Gun couldn't help but take another look.

"Want to ask me if I'm Brother Corpse?"

Nan Yu looked at Gui Gun with a half-smile.

This question is asked by almost everyone who sees him revealing his true face as a zombie, and Ghost Stick is obviously no exception.

"Uh hey hey."

Gui Gun was even more embarrassed now that his own thoughts had been seen through.

Fortunately, the shoes he was wearing were strong enough, otherwise he would probably have carved out three rooms and one living room with his toes.

"Don't worry, I'm not Brother Corpse."

When he said this, Nan Yu pulled his clothes in disgust, and muttered: "I have to find a dress that won't be stained with blood."

Start from this world.

Because of Brother Killer, he had to change several sets of clothes.

This one was on the way to the evacuation point, and he found a set casually, but after a while, he was stained with blood again. In broad daylight, his body would become fishy and smelly after a while.

After hearing what he said, Gui Gun quickly said: "There are combat uniforms of our special forces team in the base. If you need them, I will get you a set when you get back."

"That's a good feeling."

Nan Yu did not refuse.

Ghost stick was overjoyed, and after pondering for a while, he seemed to have made up his mind and said anxiously: "Well, Mr. Nan, there is something I want to tell you."

"I want to ask what state I am in? I want to ask if I can join your Yanhuang special team? I want to ask if I can help you go to the city library and rescue all the survivors inside?"

Nan Yu said all the ghost stick wanted to ask in one breath, and then said: "Besides these, what else do you want to ask?"


The corner of Gui Guang's mouth twitched.

Nan Yu knows everything about feelings, but he was indifferent to her before just because he didn't want to pay attention to him?
After thinking about this, he took a deep breath, tried to force a smile and said, "No, Mr. Nan, that's all I want to ask."


Nan Yu didn't reject the ghost stick for thousands of miles like he did in the military base, but raised three fingers and replied seriously: "First, my strength is considered to be at the level of the sky. Specifically, which realm is the level of the sky, I have no choice. I don’t know; second, I will not join your Yanhuang special team; third, I can help you go to the library to save people, but I have a condition.”

After Ghost Stick listened carefully, the expression on his face changed again and again.

The joy is that Nan Yu is really a heavenly class.

You must know that heavenly masters are national treasures not only in Yanhuang, but also in the whole world. Except for the gods in Zhenguo, heavenly masters are the sharp edge of a country's actions outside the country, and it is also the face of a country to the outside world.

What a pity, Nan Yu is unwilling to join the Yanhuang special ability team.

However, this matter is entirely based on personal wishes, and Yanhuang does not force all masters to join the Yanhuang special ability team.

As for the last thing.


Gui Guang took a deep breath and asked, "Tell me what conditions you need."

He has already made preparations for the lions of the Nanyu Club to open their mouths.

But if he could recruit a heaven-level expert to help, then he felt that as long as the price was not excessive, it would be worth it.

Seeing Ghost Stick's expression of 'You can speak casually', Nan Yu smiled: "Essence blood, the essence blood of a master, and must be heart essence blood, at least ten drops of the peak of the earth level, one drop of the sky level is enough, otherwise it will be free. talk."

(End of this chapter)

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