Chapter 23 Reactions on the Sirius
Essence and blood.

Still the blood of the heart.

What Nan Yu asked for was neither the sub-healthy blood of ordinary people, nor ordinary blood essence, but the most precious heart essence blood, and even the lion asked for at least ten drops.

You must know that the heart essence and blood are different from ordinary essence and blood. It is where the essence of a practitioner's cultivation is condensed. It is also the crystallization of a practitioner's power. An ordinary earth-level peak practitioner can squeeze out at most ten Eight drops of heart essence and blood, even if one drop is lost, it will be a loss in strength, and it will take a long time to practice again to make up for the loss.

Nan Yu's behavior of asking for the essence and blood of his heart is equivalent to asking Yanhuang to exchange for his help in H City at the price of a sudden drop in the strength of several prefecture-level peak masters.

Gui Gun couldn't make the decision on such an important matter by himself. He could only say that he would go back and apply to his superiors, and then hurried back to the base.

Looking at his back, Nan Yu smiled, and walked towards other blocks with his hands behind his back.

Ten drops of the blood essence of an earth-level peak master.

This number is the limit that Yanhuang can roughly accept after he calculated.

Any more, and they're unlikely to agree.

As for the blood essence of a heavenly master, Nan Yu had no hope at all.

In recent years, Yanhuang has put all his thoughts on the development of science and technology.

Therefore, not only did Yanhuang's spiritual practice not progress, but it also regressed a lot. Both the number and strength of civilian warriors were far inferior to those in ancient times.

Now there is only one god level in Zhenguo, and it is only the early stage of god level.

Compared with Xu Fu, who was at the peak of the god level in Japan, the three kings in the first and second stages of the American country, and the czar at the peak of the god level in country E, Yanhuang's top combat power is not weak.

If it weren't for the existence of the real artifact of the Nine Dragon Hairpin, Yanhuang would have struggled to maintain the current peace.

The power of the god level is so poor, let alone the heaven level below.

Nowadays, there are only about a dozen heaven-level masters in Yanhuang Mingmian, and most of them are uncontrolled individual practitioners.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Nan Yu to want the essence and blood of these precious heaven-level masters.

"But ten drops of the blood essence from the heart of an earth-level peak master is pretty good."

Nan Yu was in a good mood.

With such a good mood, he went all the way forward and found another gathering place for dead brothers.



This is a star battleship that integrates Yanhuang's most advanced technology.

This is also one of the world's top battleships built with the power of Yanhuang.

on this battleship.

Not only does it have Yanhuang's most cutting-edge weapons, but it is also a large sky fortress, a war machine that integrates offense and defense.

Inside the office.

The gray-haired chief was sitting at the table in a dark green military uniform, holding information about H City in his hand and flipping through the pages.

According to the information sent by the troops in H City.

It can be said that the situation in H City today has reached a very critical level.

First of all, it is the clichéd corpse brother virus. Ordinary troops and ordinary weapons are completely powerless to deal with these mutant corpse brothers with strong regeneration ability and many special abilities.

Even a special team equipped with specially-made equipment suffered heavy casualties when faced with the strange and unpredictable corpse brother.

The worst thing is the loss of the five teams of Yanhuang Special Energy.

According to the latest news from Gui Guan, a member of the Special Forces Team [-], their plan to secretly sneak into the library to rescue the hostages failed. Captain Xie Luohan and team member Chameleon have sacrificed their lives.

Therefore, the ghost stick is now urgently requesting the capital headquarters to send new support.

"The situation is not good."

After reading the information, the Chief closed his eyes and rubbed his temples for a while, before asking again: "Is there any news from Missy?"

The secretary standing in the room immediately replied: "Report, I have contacted Erdo from the special ability team, but he said that the eldest lady refused to return."

"This crazy girl."

When the chief heard it, his head hurt even more.

Lin Long has had a naughty temper since he was a child, and he has always been indifferent to his own words.

But his daughter, who had been willful in the past, had never caused any serious trouble for herself, so the chief just turned a blind eye and let nature take its course.

But now she actually ran to H City, a place of right and wrong.

Is that a place where a little girl like her, who doesn't even reach the prefecture level, can go! ?

"Forget it, forget it, with Lan Haierduo and Zi Mouse and Rabbit here, at least there is no problem in keeping her safe, alas——"

After sighing, the guide then ordered: "Notify us and send Chou Niu and Wei Yang to H City for support."


"How is the assembly progress of the Si snake?"

"There is news from the capital that it will be put into use in a week at most."

"Let them speed up, time waits for no one."


After the secretary left, the chief leaned back, leaned on the chair in a comfortable posture, and continued to think about the affairs of H City.

Judging from all the current information, it is basically certain that Brother Zhi in H City has a king.

Under the command of the corpse king.

Those corpse brothers arrested at least two thousand survivors and put them in the city library.

This is almost all the remaining survivors in H City.

In order to rescue these survivors, the special team cooperated with the Special Forces Team [-] and used the Gustav train gun to attack the corpse brothers outside the library in the suburbs of W City.

Of course, in order to prevent accidental injury to survivors, they did not have weapons of mass destruction. Instead, they used armor-piercing bullets with a smaller lethality range. After attracting the attention of the corpse brother, Special Forces Team [-] went to the library to attack the survivors. to carry out rescue operations.

Just didn't expect it.

The power of these corpse brothers is so strong.

The fifth team of Teneng was almost wiped out, and only one ghost stick escaped with three survivors.

"Shall we send a team?"

The chief nodded lightly on the back of the chair, and muttered to himself with his brows furrowed.

Yanhuang special capable team.

This is a team composed of heaven-level experts.

Sending any one person from here can easily solve the current problems in H City.

After thinking for a while, the chief shook his head: "No, the first team's affairs are more important, so let's send the second team to find out first."

While he was frowning, there was another knock on the door.

The leader quickly sat up straight, straightened his wrinkled military uniform, and then shouted: "Come in."

A soldier with glasses pushed in the door. As soon as he entered, he sent a piece of information: "Chief, the ghost stick from the Yanhuang Special Energy Team [-] sent a report, saying that he found a man in H City who was not in the city. A heavenly master in the establishment."


Surprised, the chief immediately grabbed the report.

What is long drought meets rain.

He was worried that he would not be able to send a celestial expert to H city for support, but he found such a celestial expert outside the establishment in H city.

There is such a heaven-level master.

If he is willing to help.
Looking at the "Ten drops of blood essence from the heart of an earth-level peak practitioner or one drop of blood essence from the heart of a sky-level master" written on the back of the ghost stick report, the chief suddenly came up with an idea that he should go to H city to clean up the dead brothers .

What is he!
Ten drops of heart and blood from the top of the earth level, just teasing me!

Even if I agree, where can I find him so many prefectural-level peak practitioners who are willing to give away their heart and blood! ! !

 I have read this chapter yesterday. You should know that two sensitive parts have been changed, and the original plot arrangement is more rigorous than the current one.

(End of this chapter)

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