Chapter 24 Blood Lotus Dafa

Stay until dark.

Nan Yu changed into clean clothes again and returned to the temporary military base.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

He was still humming a tune while walking.

Teacher Xiaojia, who had been waiting at the gate of the military base, saw him and immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Nan, Xiao Fei is awake."

When Nan Yu left earlier, he specifically told them that Bai Xiaofei would notify him as soon as he woke up.

So after Bai Xiaofei woke up, Teacher Xiaojia stayed here, waiting for Nan Yu to come back.

Hearing the news, Nan Yu nodded: "Okay, you lead the way."

Teacher Xiaojia responded, and then attracted the way ahead.


This underground military base temporarily serving as an evacuation point occupies a huge area, and the internal passages are even more intricate. If there is no one to guide the way, even if you go around until dawn, you may not be able to find the place you want to go.

After following Teacher Xiaojia for a long time, they finally found the exclusive ward arranged by Gui Gun for Bai Xiaofei.

Before entering the door, Bai Xiaofei's triumphant voice came out.

"Milk, you didn't see the heroic appearance of my cousin at that time, such a big corpse brother, I fought with him for half an hour and were evenly matched."

"But, cousin, then why are you injured? I think sister Xiaojia and sister Xiaohui are fine."

"Well, that's not because that corpse brother is staring at me and beating me alone."

"But Mr. Nan who brought you here is fine."

"Hey, Milk, are you here to tear me down on purpose? Can I compete with that pervert, Brother Nan?"

Speaking of it.

There was a sudden coughing sound outside the ward door.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Nan Yu and Teacher Xiaojia appeared at the door.

If there is anything in the world that is most embarrassing, it must be being caught red-handed talking about someone behind their back.

Even if you didn't say it yourself, even if you listened to it from the sidelines, it would be a little embarrassing.

Just like Kaiwei Nai, Xiaolu's mother, and Xiaohui who are in the ward now, except for the ignorant Xiaolu who is still happily licking the lollipop, the adults all have embarrassing expressions on their faces.


This sentence has no effect on Bai Xiaofei.

When he saw Nan Yu coming in, he jumped off the bed with a thump, then tore off his clothes to show Nan Yu his healed wound, and said happily: "Brother Nan, look, I'm healed! alright!"

The ghost stick standing by the wall with his arms folded interjected at this time: "He was injected with KW74 medicine, which is a contraband, and has serious side effects. After the neutralizer, the effects of the medicine in his body will also be neutralized slowly, so I prepared another medicine for him."

As he spoke, he took out a golden potion from his pocket: "This is the latest researched KW89 human body enhancer. It has no side effects and no neutralizer is needed. Even an ordinary person can get it immediately after taking it. The power of the peak human level, coupled with the remaining KW74 medicine in his body, should be able to push his strength to the early stage of the earth level."

Bai Xiaofei, who was listening on the sidelines, was a little confused: "I know the medicine of KW, but what kind of human-level, prefecture-level, Brother Gun, Brother Nan, what are you talking about?"

Nan Yu glanced at him and said nothing.

On the contrary, Ghost Stick patiently explained to Bai Xiaofei: "The so-called human level and prefecture level are our Yanhuang's division of the strength of practitioners. When you were sent here, you were at the peak of human level, and at the early stage of prefecture level, you can Hanging and beating you fifty times ago with your bare hands, so you probably have an idea?"

"Wuhu, I can actually become so strong~~~"

Hearing what Ghost Stick said, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt complacent again.

"Yes." Gui Guang nodded and said very generously: "I will equip you with some weapons from the base later, which should give you a mid-prefecture level combat effectiveness."

Now Bai Xiaofei was even more excited, he jumped up in the ward with bare feet, and kept yelling: "Thank you so much Brother Gun~~~~"

"Okay, don't talk useless."

At this moment, Nan Yu interrupted the excited Bai Xiaofei, then he looked at Ghost Stick and asked, "Have you got any news?"

"There is no reply from headquarters yet."

Gui Guang spread his hands and said helplessly.

He is willing to contribute his heart and blood. After all, a heaven-level master is much more useful than a mere mid-level prefecture-level master like himself. It's a pity that people look down on someone like himself, a mid-level prefecture-level master.

And it's hard to say whether the master at the top of the prefecture level is willing or not.

After all, he wanted to give his heart and blood to a stranger. He had seen Nan Yu make a move, but it was okay for him to say, but no matter who it was, he had to think carefully about this matter before making a decision.

Nan Yu didn't get the answer he wanted, and didn't ask any more questions. He turned to look at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Go to Longquan Jiange tomorrow, do you have any questions?"

"no problem."

Bai Xiaofei patted his chest and laughed.

Nan Yu didn't stay too long in Bai Xiaofei's room.

After talking about going to Longquan Jiange tomorrow, he turned around and left, going to the room that Gui Gun had prepared for him alone.

But he didn't go to rest.

With his physique, let alone not sleeping for a day and a night, it doesn't matter to him even if he comes for a few more days.

not to mention.

He didn't stay idle all day and night, and opened his arms to suck the blood of many prefectures.

With the replenishment of these essences and blood, not only did he not feel tired, he was even full of energy, and he had the urge to find someone to fight with.

The reason why he chose to rest overnight at the military base.

It was because of a gadget in his hand.

He took out the U disk that was suspected to have downloaded the Blood Lotus Dafa from the body of Guardian Zuo.

This martial art is the top-level skill that the ancestors of the Blood Lotus Sect cheated from the corpse king Longyou back then.

Although zombies don't cultivate internal strength, Nan Yu still has a lot of interest in this skill.

without him
Because this skill was passed down from Long You.

As for Long You, he can also be regarded as a kind of zombie, and he is also a new type of zombie who can practice the triathlon of energy, energy and spirit.

Nan Yu had a very strong feeling that Long You's exercises would be very useful to him, and it couldn't be said that it would really allow him to cultivate his internal strength and embark on the path of qi refining.

For this reason, he also asked Gui Guan to arrange a room with a computer for him.

Turn on the computer, plug in the USB flash drive, and open the removable disk (F).

Inside there is a folder titled Blood Lotus Dafa and another folder titled Big Rabbit.

Open the blood lotus method.

Nan Yu gently slid the roller and looked at the training steps of the Blood Lotus Technique carefully.

As he expected.

This practice is indeed an evil way of cultivation.

Blood Lotus Dafa, Blood Lotus Dafa, as the name suggests.

The cultivation of this technique is to plunder the essence and blood for one's own use, so as to build an immortal body. The moves and mental methods in it are all related to blood, essence and blood. At the same time, this is an extremely rare method of refining Qi. Body training has a double effect.

Until the end, Nan Yu rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, after smoothing out the cultivation steps of the Blood Lotus Dafa.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated, mobilized the huge power of Qi and blood in his body, and walked along the acupuncture points mentioned in the Blood Lotus Dafa.

Only 2 minutes passed.

With the huge addition of Qi and blood, he completed the first level of the Blood Lotus Technique.

At the same time, his body, which has never cultivated internal strength, also felt the presence of aura.

The technique of the corpse king.

Well-deserved name.

(End of this chapter)

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