Chapter 26 The first lesson of survival in the apocalypse

"Brother Nan, leave that corpse alone and let me come."

"Brother Nan, look at me, look at me, see how good I am!"

"Brother Nan, please help me, I'm stuck in a tree and can't get up or down!"

"Ouch, Brother Nan, help me, this corpse brother is so powerful, I can't beat him!"

Wearing a new outfit, Bai Xiaofei is like a child who just got a new toy, he will go up to try the equipment in his hand when he sees anything, especially when he sees Brother Corpse, he seems to be in a tizzy Like a stimulant, he rushed forward screaming.

And then sure enough.

He was hammered.

The kind that was really hung up and hammered.

I saw a giant baby corpse brother with many tentacles on its upper body. It was holding Bai Xiaofei with one hand and was swinging him like a whack-a-mole to smash him towards other low-level corpse brothers on the ground.

While smashing it, it laughed loudly and said: "It's fun, it's fun, it's so fun!"

Fortunately, the battle suit given by Gui Gun not only has a huge bonus in strength, but also has top-notch defense power. Otherwise, with the force with which this giant baby corpse can throw people, Bai Xiaofei would have been knocked half to death long ago.

But Bai Xiaofei, who was equipped with many equipments, was unable to resist at all, and once again experienced the feeling of being pinned to the ground and beaten wildly by Brother Spider Corpse.

Especially after those low-level corpse brothers were smashed, their sticky and smelly black blood was splashing all over the sky. Not only was it all over Bai Xiaofei's head and face, but a lot of it also splashed into his mouth, which made him unable to bear it. I feel like I want to spit it out.

But he couldn't break away from the big hand of the giant infant corpse brother, so he could only hold his head and scream wildly to find Nan Yu for help.

shouting shouting.

The giant infant corpse brother's body suddenly stopped moving, and then his grip loosened, and Bai Xiaofei fell heavily back to the ground.

Before he could relieve the pain on his body, he hastily rolled over on a lazy donkey, avoiding the body of the giant infant corpse brother who suddenly fell down.

Nan Yu, holding his heart in his hand, silently looked at Bai Xiaofei who was howling like a ghost, shook his head gently, and after drinking up the essence and blood of the giant infant corpse brother in one breath, he wiped the corners of his mouth and said: "Let's go on. "

"Hey, good."

Bai Xiaofei crawled up from the ground, rubbed his still sore shoulders and said, "Brother Nan, Brother Guner, didn't you say that I already have the strength in the middle stage of the prefecture level? How can I be beaten like this by this corpse brother?" ?”

He really doesn't understand.

Just now Nan Yu said it himself, this giant infant corpse brother only has the strength of the early stage of the prefecture level, so he excitedly went up to the duel, but he didn't expect that he was hanged and beaten.

This is not reasonable!

This unscientific!

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's unwilling expression, Nan Yu immediately said angrily: "Do you know why you can stand in front of me now?"

"Ah, why?"

"Because you really have the strength of a mid-prefecture-level person in this outfit. Otherwise, you would be lying on the ground waiting for me to send you back to the evacuation point for rescue."


Bai Xiaofei scratched his head, his face was a little confused: "I'm in the middle stage, it's in the early stage, so, then why can't I beat this dead brother?"

"Because you're stupid."

Nan Yu rolled his eyes at him: "Didn't you just see what this corpse brother was doing? He was pulling out a tree, and he could pull out a big tree that only two people could hug with one hand. What kind of power level is this? Aren’t you going to come out? With your level, you still have to fight with it?”

The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei found a tree that was about the same thickness as the one that Brother Ju Ying pulled out just now. He hugged it with both hands and exerted force. With a sound of "Hey!", veins suddenly appeared on his combat uniform, and then the big tree Then he uprooted it.


He held up the big tree again and turned around, proudly showing off to Nan Yu while turning, "Brother Nan, look, I can do it too."


Nan Yu's fist hardened again.

He walked towards Bai Xiaofei with a grin on his face, and in front of Bai Xiaofei's face, he casually pulled out a big tree and swept it across.

"Brother Nan! What are you doing!"

The sudden attack made Bai Xiaofei jump up instinctively.

With the blessing of the combat uniform, he jumped to a height of more than ten meters, easily dodging Nan Yu's attack.

However, Nan Yu had no intention of letting him go. He grabbed the big tree in his hand and threw it towards Bai Xiaofei fiercely.

"Hey, let me go, Brother Nan, you want to kill someone!"

The panicked Bai Xiaofei had no place to rely on in the air this time, and could only watch as the big tree hit his chest, sending him flying a hundred meters away.

After doing all this, Nan Yu clapped his hands and walked slowly towards the place where Bai Xiaofei fell.

"Ouch, it hurts me so much, oops——"

Before he walked in, Bai Xiaofei's wailing came first.

Nan Yu's hit on him was not light, and a huge human-shaped crater was created wherever Bai Xiaofei landed.

And when he saw Nan Yu again, he lay sprawled in the big pit, weeping and saying: "Brother Nan, why are you beating me?"

"Besides this, do you have no other thoughts?"

Nan Yu squatted by the pit, looking at Bai Xiaofei's miserable condition, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Bai Xiaofei shivered and said cautiously: "It seems, it seems."

"Then let's hear it."

"Uh, this, that, uh"

"So what you're thinking about now is actually why this bastard Nan Yu is beating me up all of a sudden, right?"

"No, Brother Nan, it's not what you imagined."

The strange sound made Bai Xiaofei's skin crawl. He forgot about the pain all over his body. He jumped up from the pit and backed away until he hid behind a big tree.

Nan Yu sighed helplessly.


He really wanted to pry open Bai Xiaofei's head and see what was going on in his head all day long.

"Come here, come here."

But being helpless, Nan Yu still tried his best to wave to Bai Xiaofei calmly.

"Nan, Brother Nan, you won't beat me up again, will you?"

Bai Xiaofei huddled behind a tree and asked with an aggrieved look on his face.

"No, come here."

Nan Yu narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous breath suddenly filled the air.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately shut his mouth and walked over obediently.

As soon as he walked to Nan Yu, Nan Yu grabbed his hand like lightning and shouted: "What do you have in your hand?"

"What do I have on my hands?"

"Nothing at all."

Bai Xiaofei didn't understand.

"That's why I said you were stupid. Where are the tiger claws Gui Guang gave you? Where are the black spider gloves he gave you?"

Nan Yu said with a tone of hatred: "You have so much equipment on your body, but what about you? You don't use any of it? You still want to fight Brother Corpse like this? If you want to be Brother Corpse's shit, then you continue to be so confused. Mix it up.”


"Yeah, I have tiger claws on my body."

After being scolded by Nan Yu, Bai Xiaofei suddenly remembered that he still had so much equipment that he could use.

But Nan Yu's lecture was far more than that.

Just listen to him continue: "Your current combat power is all supported by equipment and has nothing to do with your own strength. To put it bluntly, you are just a rookie relying on the power of equipment."

"Fortunately, what you are encountering now is just a mindless corpse brother. If you encounter a practitioner with malicious intentions, with your current skills, let alone someone from the mid-earth level to the early earth level, you will be at the peak of the human level." They can fool you around."

"When you don't have absolute strength, you have to use your brain when fighting, you have to use your brain, you know?"

Nan Yu nodded his temples, and continued: "Do you know what you look like now? Like a brainless idiot, in this city where mutant corpse brothers and foreign practitioners are rampant, an idiot like you is more important than someone waiting to be slaughtered." Lambs are easy to kill, you know that?"

"Hmph, let me tell you, with your appearance, you still want to save your little girlfriend? I wonder if you will ever see her alive!"

Nan Yu's words were hard to hear.

But Bai Xiaofei was not as careless as before. Instead, he listened to his preaching very seriously.

It wasn't until Nan Yu finished talking on the phone that he said, "Brother Nan, can you teach me a few tricks? You're right. If I want to rescue Xiao Wei, I must become better in this city." Just be strong."

When he said this, he was unusually serious and every word he said was precise and precise. He was completely different from the previous Bai Xiaofei.

 Please follow up on reading tomorrow, Tuesday. Whether there are any recommendations this week will depend on tomorrow’s data ()

(End of this chapter)

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