Chapter 27 Survivor Alliance (Follow-up reading on Tuesday)
"You have no internal strength."

"Then focus on external skills first."

"I'll teach you a set of boxing techniques first, coupled with your brute strength, so that you can have the strength to match the earth level just by relying on your physical body."

Nan Yu agreed to Bai Xiaofei's request.


When he said those words to Bai Xiaofei just now, he was already ready to teach Bai Xiaofei something.

This stems from an idea of ​​his.

In the original plot.

In the future, Bai Xiaofei will definitely be a super god-level powerhouse, a powerhouse who can fight to the death with the super god-level corpse king Long You.

But not before he became a strong man.

Bai Xiaofei has many very obvious shortcomings.

For example, being impulsive, being a little stupid, having power but not having the ability to control it or use it.

It was these and other shortcomings that made him encounter danger many times before he became a strong man, and he was almost killed on the spot several times.

So Nan Yu wanted to try.

If I teach him something, can I make Bai Xiaofei's road to becoming a strong man more smooth, and can I make him become a strong man comparable to Long You in advance under the premise of having the opportunity.

In this case, it is equivalent to having a big blood bag that can keep up with the trend all the time.

Based on this idea, Nan Yu decided to take advantage of the time when he was looking for Juque to teach Bai Xiaofei a lesson.

As for the first thing he taught Bai Xiaofei.


A kind of ancient martial arts.

It also has a very high reputation in this world. Uncle Tu of the first team of Yanhuang Special Neng is a master of Bajiquan.

Bajiquan is vigorous and fast, simple and unpretentious yet has a strong explosive power, known as "Taiji in literature secures the world, and Baji in martial arts determines the universe".

Previously, Nan Yu connived at Bai Xiaofei to challenge Brother Corpse to a duel, just to observe his physical condition after being injected with human enhancement agent twice.

In the end, Nan Yu came to the conclusion that with Bai Xiaofei's current physical condition, the most suitable thing to practice was Bajiquan, a boxing method that was quick to learn and powerful at the same time.

have to say.

When Bai Xiaofei really started studying seriously.

His comprehension ability really surprised Nan Yu.

Although he already knew that Bai Xiaofei was a super genius who was rare in a hundred years, but Nan Yu really never thought that Bai Xiaofei's martial arts talent was so high.

He just rehearsed Bajiquan once, and he only talked about the key points of exerting force and the skills of fighting against the enemy.

Then Bai Xiaofei can play in style.

Then when cleaning up the dead brother, his Bajiquan became more and more proficient.

In the beginning, if Bai Xiaofei was not careful, he would be injured by low-level corpse brothers. Now, in less than half a day, he has been able to skillfully use Bajiquan to kill those human-level corpse brothers. He fought back and forth with a corpse brother at the early stage of the prefecture level. Although he was hammered by the corpse brother in the end, it was because the recovery ability of the corpse brother was too strong. It can't be used up at all.

"Nan, Brother Nan, do you think I'm doing well in practice?"

Panting, Bai Xiaofei leaned on a stone, took out a compressed biscuit from his pocket and wolfed it down.

Practicing martial arts consumes a lot of energy, and since he has been cleaning up corpses along the way, he is already so hungry that his chest is touching his back.

"Let's be so-so."

Nan Yu responded casually, found a shade and sat down.

This is right and wrong.

From the perspective of a true Bajiquan master, Bai Xiaofei's current boxing style is indeed full of loopholes, and his actual combat experience is even more pitiful.

However, Nan Yu also knew that to talk about skill level regardless of the time spent practicing boxing, this was pure hooliganism.

No matter how you look at it, Bai Xiaofei can reach this level in just half a day. Bai Xiaofei can be said to be gifted.


Nan Yu didn't dare to say this.

Otherwise, with Bai Xiaofei's temper, his tail would be raised to the sky.

Hearing Nan Yu's nonchalant answer, Bai Xiaofei said, "Oh," and then handed over a pack of compressed biscuits and said, "Brother Nan, would you like some?"

"Need not."

"Brother Nan, there's something I've been curious about. Can I ask you?" Bai Xiaofei's mouth was full and his words were a little slurred.

Nan Yu glanced at him: "You tell me."

"You don't eat or drink every day, aren't you hungry?" Bai Xiaofei patted his stomach: "Look at me, I ate so much when I went out in the morning, but I still feel hungry all over after such a short time. You are much better than me, don't you feel hungry?"

"Ordinary food doesn't work for me."

"Then what food is useful to you?"

"Haven't you seen them all?"

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth, and the movement of stuffing biscuits into his mouth stopped.

what has he seen
Nan Yu drank blood.

And whether it's human blood or brother corpse's blood, he won't refuse anyone who comes, but except for blood, he won't touch any other food.

Previously when he was at Sunshine Elementary School, Bai Xiaofei had misunderstood Nan Yu as Brother Zhi because of this incident.

At that time, Nan Yu's explanation was that it was a problem with his skills.

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't quite understand what the problem of this exercise is, but he knows that as long as he is a human being, he has to eat. A human being is like iron and rice is steel.

Just drink blood without eating...


Isn't this still Brother Corpse?
As soon as this idea came out, Bai Xiaofei's expression immediately became weird.

Nan Yu is the corpse brother?
But how can there be such an anthropomorphic corpse brother? Aren’t corpse brothers all strange and inhuman?

Oh, yes, Nanyu will reveal his red eyes and fangs when he drinks blood.


The red-eyed fangs also suck blood.

Could it be that he is a vampire?
Nan Yu, who was enjoying the coolness on the side, looked at Bai Xiaofei's colorful face and knew that this kid must be thinking wildly again.

Even though he didn't know what Bai Xiaofei was thinking.

But if you think about it with your toes, you can tell that what this kid is thinking is definitely not serious.

"Okay, let's go, don't think about useless things here, you haven't finished what you promised me."

Nan Yu leaned on his knees and stood up.

"Oh, here we come."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, throwing out all the random thoughts just now.

Doesn't matter if Nan Yu is human or not, if he saved himself several times, taught himself boxing skills and went to kill the dead brother to kill the bad guys, then he is a good guy.

Go again.

Haven't gone far.

An arrow-shaped wooden sign appeared in the sight of Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei.
"Survivor Alliance?"

"What is this thing?"

Bai Xiaofei had doubts in his eyes: "Is there still food and medicine? There are still people in this place full of corpses? Could it be that they are superheroes like the Avengers?"

"Survivor League."

Nan Yu raised his eyebrows.

Looking along this sign, there are many similar signs around, and the arrows all point to a building ahead.

"Tsk, it turns out we are here."

Nan Yu chuckled lightly, raised his chin at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Would you like to take a look?"


"Maybe someone needs help."


Helping others is a bit strange coming from Nan Yu's mouth.

But after hearing this, Bai Xiaofei followed without any hesitation.

His idea is very simple, in this end-of-day-like H city, if someone encounters difficulties, he can naturally help, so it's better to help as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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