People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 28 What the Survivor Alliance Sees and Heard (Wednesday 2 for follow-up reading)

Chapter 28 What the Survivor Alliance Sees and Heard (Tuesday for follow-up reading)
Go into the building where the Survivor League is located.

The corridor was dark, with only a few old voice-activated lights that flickered off and on with the footsteps.

Mottled blood was everywhere.


Due to the ravages of the corpse brother, even in the most tragic place, there will be no corpses, and there will be no densely packed fly maggots crawling around.

A faint stench spread everywhere.

But fortunately, these are still within Bai Xiaofei's tolerance range, and it won't make him sick enough to spit out all the biscuits he ate just now.

As the floors get higher and higher.

The bloodstains in the corridor became less and less, correspondingly, there were more and more writings on the walls.

[Survivor Alliance, all survivors are welcome. 】

[Medicines and food are all available. 】

[The protective measures are tight, so there is no need to worry about Brother Corpse’s attacks. 】

Following the direction of the arrow, Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu went all the way to the top floor.

There are six households on this floor.

However, the doors of every house were closed. Following the direction of the arrow, they came to a house in the deepest part of the corridor.

Different from the normal security doors of other homes, the door of this home is a large homemade iron door. Several sharp iron spears are welded to the door. On the right hand side of the door is written in big red letters 'High Danger'. There are five words "piezoelectric" and a red button on the left hand side, with "Please ring the doorbell" written below.

"There is high voltage, and the doorbell is still ringing"


"It can make such a powerful thing."

Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised when he saw this unusual large iron door.

This door looked like it was welded by myself later, not to mention that there were iron spears and high-voltage electricity on the door to defend against corpses, Bai Xiaofei was a little curious, who is the owner here, who has such abilities.

"Go ahead and ring the bell."

Nan Yu pouted at him.

However, Bai Xiaofei, who was always bold, was a little hesitant at this meeting.

"Brother Nan, why do we have to dress like this?"

Looking at his naked upper body, Bai Xiaofei asked, dumbfounded.

Just before entering the corridor, Nan Yufei wanted to strip him of his clothes and let him go upstairs wearing only a pair of shorts. Even Nan Yu himself took off his combat uniform and wore a set of vest shorts that he got from somewhere.

And not only did they take off their clothes, Nan Yu also smeared a lot of corpse brother's blood on the two of them, and they also took off their combat boots, walking barefoot like this, looking really embarrassed.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you are asked to ring the doorbell, just ring the doorbell."

Naturally, Nan Yu would not explain that it was for his class, so she said it to him fiercely.

Bai Xiaofei shrank his neck and obediently stepped forward and rang the doorbell several times.

In the empty corridor, the doorbell of 'ding dong ding dong' kept echoing. For some reason, Bai Xiaofei felt a little creepy listening to it.


After ringing the doorbell, Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu waited for three to four minutes, but no one came to open the door.

"Is there no one?"

Bai Xiaofei muttered something, and then stepped forward to press it again.

at this time.

A voice rang out.

It was a voice from a mask hanging on the wall: "Is it just the two of you? Wait a minute, my wife and I will get dressed and come out to open the door for you."

"Oh well."

Bai Xiaofei responded, and then waited patiently again.

Unexpectedly, this wait was another half day.

Bai Xiaofei was starting to get a little impatient, and only then did he hear someone tinkering behind the door, and after a few locks of 'clicking', the locked iron door was finally opened.

Behind the door was an extremely tall figure.

This was a tall and strong man in pajamas, probably about two meters tall, just standing here, Bai Xiaofei felt a sense of pressure rushing towards his face.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, please come in."

The brawny man was tall and thick, with scars on his face, and he spoke extremely politely.

"Hi, my name is Bai Xiaofei."

"Nan Yu."

The strong man was polite, so Bai Xiaofei naturally introduced himself politely, and Nan Yu also said his name.

"Hello, my name is Zeng Yong."

The strong man smiled and also said his name.

When he was about to enter the door, Bai Xiaofei glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly found that Zeng Yong was still holding a bladed pistol in his hand. It seemed that it was also made by himself.

Such a discovery made him a little wary.

No matter when, armed people are always stronger than empty-handed ones, and many people even rely on the sharpness of their weapons, and it is not impossible to challenge them by leapfrogging.

This is what Nan Yu just taught him.

Realizing that Bai Xiaofei was staring at his hand, Zeng Yong waved his gun indifferently, smiled and said, "Sorry, I scared you."

"This is a water gun I made myself. It's not a real gun. It's not filled with bullets, but corrosive liquid. I'm the only one in charge of force in the family, so I have to get something for self-defense."

There is reason to say this.

Bai Xiaofei immediately doubted his presence and followed Zeng Yong in.

As soon as I entered the door, I could smell a faint smell of blood and air freshener.

But in this building, it's not surprising that there is any smell, Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

When he saw the first room he saw, it was densely packed with all kinds of food and drinking water. Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but blurt out: "Are you going to open a supermarket?"

"Haha, you are right, our family does run a supermarket."

A gentle female voice came from another room.

Bai Xiaofei looked up, and saw a pregnant woman in purple pajamas with a tall belly, who was lazily leaning on the sofa and beckoning to him: "Please come and sit down."

Being able to build a home worthy of a shelter in such an apocalyptic world, with a pregnant woman in tow.

Bai Xiaofei thoughtfully followed Nan Yu and walked in, then sat side by side on the sofa with Nan Yu.

After another brief self-introduction.

Zeng Yong handed over two cigarettes: "Come on, buddy, have a cigarette."

Bai Xiaofei took it and put it in his mouth. He was groping for the lighter habitually, when Nan Yu elbowed him: "There is a pregnant woman here."

Upon hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was startled, hurriedly took the cigarette out of his mouth, and apologized repeatedly to Zeng Yong's wife: "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't think about it all of a sudden, my fault, my fault." wrong."

"It doesn't matter, my husband is just like that." Zeng Yong's wife didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "He is also a non-smoker, but he has done too much business and has developed the habit of passing cigarettes to people he meets. .”

Embarrassed, Zeng Yong took back the cigarette that Nan Yu hadn't picked up, got up and poured two cups of tea to Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei: "I was negligent just now, forgive me."

As he spoke, he also picked up a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "Where did you come from? Are there anyone alive outside?"

"Jinding Building."

Before Bai Xiaofei could speak, Nan Yu rushed to speak before him.

I saw him pretending to be sad and saying: "Oh, don't mention it. Our family was all eaten by a zombie. We two brothers also tried our best to escape from it. As a result, there were more zombies outside than in the building." Awesome, Brother Zeng, if we hadn’t seen your Survivor Alliance, neither of us would have known where we would have gone.”

The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched.

The Nan Yu in front of him was even scarier than when he killed Brother Corpse, but he didn't dare to interrupt Nan Yu's performance, so he could only make a weeping expression: "Dad, Mom, Xiao Lu, woo woo woo, and Xiaowei, my Xiaowei."

While talking, he remembered the last phone call Xiaowei made to him, Bai Xiaofei's nose felt sore, and he actually cried out.

Zeng Yong and his wife looked at each other, then reluctantly took out a pack of tissues and handed them over. They patted Bai Xiaofei on the shoulder and said, "Brother, my condolences."

"Hey, it's a coincidence that our Survivor Alliance is here. My wife and I are both doomsday theorists. Even before the virus broke out, we always believed that humankind would definitely perish, either from disease or alien invasion or Meteor strikes or something."

"Because of this sense of crisis, our family has stored food for almost three years."

"It's just that in this doomsday, we can't be alone. Naturally, we can help if we can. No, we have established such an alliance."

Zeng Yong's expression was a little proud, and his wife kept looking at him with a smile, without interjecting.

"Brother Zeng, you are really a good person."

Bai Xiaofei took out a tissue, wiped away his tears, blew his nose hard, then looked around with the dirty paper: "Is there a trash can here?"

"Put it in the ashtray, I'll clean it up later."


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and when he was about to put the tissue in, his hand suddenly paused, and then he threw the tissue into the ashtray with a slight frown.

At this time.

Nan Yu suddenly said: "Brother Zeng, your Survivor Alliance has taken in a lot of people. Why haven't you seen anyone else? Are they all resting in the room?"

"No, since our survivor alliance was established, you two brothers were the first to come."

Zeng Yong's wife laughed: "It seems that we are really destined. You two brothers must be tired after running for your lives. Husband, go get them some hot food."

She said the last sentence while looking at Zeng Yong.

Zeng Yong didn't waste any time. He stood up and said, "Okay, brother, just wait for me. It'll be quick."

Say it.

He got up and left.

Looking at his back as strong as a bear, Nan Yu said to Zeng Yong's wife with some embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, do you have a bathroom here? Can we use it to take a shower? After running all the way, we are covered in blood again. It's sweaty again, and it's dirty the floor of your sofa."

"It's okay, the bathroom is over there, you go."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Nan Yu thanked him, picked up Bai Xiaofei who was holding a water cup and was about to drink tea, and dragged him to the bathroom without any explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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