Chapter 29 The Runaway Bai Xiaofei
The bathroom at Zeng Yong's house is large and very tasteful. There are exquisite oil paintings hanging on the walls. The only drawback is that there are many tooth-like patterns painted on the edge of the toilet. Let alone sitting on it, you will get goosebumps just by looking at it. .

As soon as Nan Yu came in, he took off his vest, threw it away, and hung it on the oil painting without any bias.

"Brother Nan."


Nan Yu made a quiet gesture, and then turned on the shower head in the bathroom.

Amid the sound of rushing water, he crossed his arms, looked at Bai Xiaofei, and said in a low voice, "It's okay to say."

"Brother Nan, something is wrong with this family?"

Although he didn't know why Nan Yu didn't speak loudly, but seeing his cautious look, Bai Xiaofei also asked in a low voice.

"Hmm, tell me about your discovery." Nan Yu nodded approvingly.

"Well, first of all, there are too many supplies in this house. Even if you run a supermarket, you don't have the habit of using your own home as a warehouse. This is the top floor, and there is no elevator. Just carrying it will be useless. thing."

"Go on."

"Zeng Yong said he doesn't smoke, but there are many different brands of cigarette butts in their ashtrays. His wife also said that no one else has been here at all. Their words are contradictory."

"Good, what else?"

"Also, there's another thing." Bai Xiaofei recalled it carefully, and then said: "The smell, by the way, the smell, from the moment I entered their house, there was always the smell of blood. For this reason, they also specially sprayed the air with fresh air. agent to suppress the smell."

"Well, yes, you are very observant."

Nan Yu patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder, and then took out a capsule from his pocket: "Eat this, and follow what I do later."

"This is?"

Looking at the red and white capsule in his hand, Bai Xiaofei felt that this thing looked familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember where he saw it.

"Just eat it, good stuff."

The more Nan Yu said this, the more uneasy Bai Xiaofei felt.

He asked in a low voice, "Brother Nan, is there something wrong with this house?"

"Ha." Nan Yu laughed sarcastically: "You are so stupid, you can see so many problems, and you still ask me?"

"Er too."

Bai Xiaofei stopped talking nonsense this time, put the capsule into his mouth, and swallowed it hard.

A few minutes later, the two of them, who had washed off the blood on their bodies and had beads of water in their hair, came out of the bathroom together.

There were two sets of clean clothes on the sofa, Zeng Yong's wife was still the same as before, she leaned on the sofa and said, "I found two clothes for you guys, these are my husband's old clothes, they may be a bit big, don't worry I don't mind."

"It's better to be big than we were in such a mess before now."

Nan Yu laughed and said thank you: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

He didn't dislike it either, and after finishing speaking, he picked up the clothes on the sofa and put them on.

Bai Xiaofei still remembered what he said in the bathroom, and put on his clothes in the same way.

Zeng Yong is nearly two meters tall.

Naturally, all of his clothes were super plus-size. When they were worn on Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu, they looked like they were wearing a skirt, which made Zeng Yong's wife burst into laughter.

"Come, have a bite to eat."

At this time, Zeng Yong walked out of the kitchen, holding two plates in his hand.

The beef pasta is red in color and has a lot of meat, which makes you greedy just looking at it.

In normal times, such food is not a rare thing.

But in the current city of H, a serving of steaming noodles, especially noodles with a lot of meat, is simply the best delicacy in the world.

"Thank you Brother Zeng."

Nan Yu immediately stood up and took it, then ate it in big mouthfuls in front of Zeng Yong and his wife.

Seeing him like this, Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

Doesn’t Nan Yu not eat this kind of ordinary food?Why do you enjoy eating so much now?And didn’t he know that Zeng Yong and his wife had problems?How dare you eat the food they gave you.

"Is it not to your liking? Then I'll make you another one."

Seeing Bai Xiaofei holding the plate but not moving, Zeng Yong asked kindly from the side.

Bai Xiaofei came back to his senses and said quickly: "It suits your appetite. No need to bother anymore, Brother Zeng."

Say it.

He followed Nan Yu's example and started eating.

Zeng Yong’s craftsmanship is very good, and the pasta he makes tastes very good.

If I insist on the disadvantages, it is that there are too many seasonings, and the mouth is very dry after eating.

This time Nan Yu continued to take the lead in picking up the cup, drank all the tea in it in one gulp, then patted his stomach and said, "I haven't had a full meal for a long time, thank you so much."

Bai Xiaofei will also be extremely thirsty.

Seeing that Nan Yu had already drank the tea given by Zeng Yong, he also drank the tea in front of him.

"Brother Zeng, thank you very much."


"Ha, ha—ow—"

Nan Yu started to yawn while he was talking, before he finished speaking, he fell asleep at the first blow.

"Nan, Brother Nan, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Xiaofei was shocked and quickly stepped forward to push Nan Yu and try to wake him up.

But after just two pushes, Bai Xiaofei fell down, covering his head.

Zeng Yong and his wife, who had smiled at them just now, now had a different look.

"Husband, take them to the 'kitchen'."

"With these two men, my daughter can eat for a few more days."

Zeng Yong's wife no longer had the smile she had before, but instead had a sinister expression.

The ferocious-looking Zeng Yong said nothing, dragging Nan Yu with one hand and Bai Xiaofei with the other, dragging the two of them forward without any effort at all.

The 'kitchen' he was taking Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei to was not the kitchen where he had gone to cook for Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei before, but another spacious and dark room.

The closer it was to this 'kitchen', the stronger the smell of blood that was weak before.

After he pushed open the door, the pungent smell of blood scrambled toward his nostrils like life, and a disgusting smell of rust filled his throat every time he exhaled.

As for the scene in the room, it was an absolute hellscape.

Human limbs, broken arms and thighs were hung high here like pig's trotters in a butcher's shop. The bright red blood dripped from the broken parts into the iron bucket below, making it look like a silent room. Extra harsh.

All kinds of viscera were randomly thrown into a large bathtub for an unknown amount of time, exuding a peculiar smell, which made people feel like their stomachs were overwhelmed when they smelled it.

And in the dark corner, a few human heads were looming, and all kinds of expressions, such as unwillingness, anger, and bewilderment, were permanently frozen on them.

Black blood stains are everywhere, on the walls, on the chopping board, on the ground, as long as it is visible to the naked eye, there are traces of blood flowing.

Even Zeng Yong didn't want to go too deep into such a room, so he found a random place, threw Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei there, then turned around and left with an iron bucket in his hand, still retching as he left : "Ouch, I forgot to wear a mask again, damn it, I smoked to death, oh."

After a while.

Zeng Yong came back with several layers of masks on his face.

However, as soon as he entered the door, a fierce straight punch hit him in the stomach. The severe pain made him instinctively bend down to cover the place where he was hit. It was better not to bend down. As soon as he bent down, his neck immediately He was grabbed by someone, and then huge fists fell on his head like raindrops.

Zeng Yong, who is strong and strong, also tried to resist, but the hand on his neck was like an iron clamp. No matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't get rid of the grip of this big hand.

The furious Bai Xiaofei yelled loudly while beating him violently: "Bastard! Scum! Are you still human? You! You! You bastard who is not as good as a beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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