Chapter 30 Destroying Human Nature


Zeng Yong was beaten to the brink of death by Bai Xiaofei, and it seemed that he was exhaling more and less inhaling.

Panting, Bai Xiaofei raised his fist high, looking at Zeng Yong who had been beaten into a human shape, but he couldn't swing his fist anymore.


"Pity him? Can't you do it?"

Nan Yu's voice came from the side.

He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, looking at Bai Xiaofei with a half-smile.

"Nan, Brother Nan, I, I."


Bai Xiaofei was so excited that he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

He really didn't know what language to use to express his current mood.

The League of Survivors is a scam.

The kindness of Zeng Yong and his wife, everything they do is a lie.

There is poison in the smoke, poison in the water, poison in the food, and surveillance cameras are everywhere. In this home, nothing is normal.

As long as you believe this couple, you have fallen into their trap.

They tricked those who were desperate in the apocalypse to come here, and then brutally killed these people, cut them into pieces, and threw their bodies around like garbage.

"Why?" Bai Xiaofei said with a trembling voice.


"Why would they do this?"

Bai Xiaofei's voice was very low.

He doesn't understand, doesn't understand.

We are all ordinary people struggling to survive in this apocalyptic world.

But why did Zeng Yong and the others do such an inhumane thing.

"For money? For sex? For profit? Or for what?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure it out.

In the last days, shouldn't everyone help each other and overcome difficulties together?Why do they have to do this?

"Money? Huh."

Nan Yu was amused: "Now in H City, except for the brainless corpse brother, who still accepts money? As for the other things you mentioned, Bai Xiaofei, you think that in this troubled world, even if you are given a golden mountain, you can still get money." Where can I use it?"

"Then what are they for?"

"Did you just hear everything? Are you still asking?"

"I heard something."

As Bai Xiaofei said that, he suddenly froze for a moment.

If I remember correctly.

Zeng Yong's wife seems to have said, 'with these two men, my daughter can live for a few more days'.


Bai Xiaofei said to himself.

He boasted that he still had no problem with Chinese language.

Zeng Yong's wife's words, interpreted from another angle, aren't they talking about her daughter's cannibalism?
eat human
In H City, there is only one thing that can eat people.

Brother Corpse!

In other words, Zeng Yong's daughter has become a dead brother!
But the husband and wife were reluctant to part with this child, so they hid her, and then made such a fake survivor alliance, tricked people into killing them, and then fed the human flesh to their daughter.


After figuring out the whole story, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shudder.

Chop the living people into pieces and feed them to his daughter who has turned into a corpse.

Such an inhumane thing.

This kind of thing only appears in movies.

It actually appeared in front of my eyes.

"The doomsday is turbulent, and humanity is wiped out."

Bai Xiaofei smiled bitterly: "This is really a desperate world."

"But that's human nature."

Nan Yu shrugged his shoulders, patted Bai Xiaofei and said, "Let's go, go and see that guy who eats people here."

When he was about to leave, he still didn't forget to turn his head and say, "By the way, don't forget to take this guy with you."

After coming out of this slaughterhouse-like 'kitchen'.

Bai Xiaofei took a few deep breaths of fresh air.

He hasn't learned to hold his breath yet, and he was suffocated just now by holding his breath in the kitchen.

Come to the living room again.

Zeng Yong's wife was nowhere to be seen, and it was unknown where she had gone.

Bai Xiaofei glanced around, and immediately found a lot of blood on the ground, he quickly greeted Nan Yu and said, "Brother Nan."

"I saw it, follow up."


Bai Xiaofei nodded and dragged the unconscious Zeng Yong over.

After turning two corners in succession, the bloodstains disappeared under a black curtain.

Bai Xiaofei stepped forward and opened the curtain.


There is an iron gate behind it.

The door was unlocked, and a bright light came from inside.

open the door.

There is also a soundproof glass door in the spacious room, and the light seen earlier came out from behind this glass door.

Bai Xiaofei stepped forward and gently pushed the glass door open a crack.

"this is"


Bai Xiaofei stared dumbfounded at the huge portrait of Jesus in the room.

I don’t know whose handwriting it was.

Anyway, the Jesus in the portrait is really looking a little loveless.

Below the portrait.

It was a corpse brother with four arms, an iron helmet on his head, and howling loudly.

Judging by the two bulges on its chest, it should be Zeng Yong's daughter without a doubt.

This daughter's dead brother was tightly tied together by several iron chains, and the two thick arms behind her were hung from the ceiling by the iron chains. Presumably, it was afraid that it would explode and hurt people, so this was done. Bind it here.




The female corpse brother was tied to a chair, and there were constant cries of hunger from under the helmet.

Zeng Yong's wife, with a bulging belly and a cloak, was kneeling on the ground and praying tremblingly to the weird Jesus statue: "Lord, please forgive my poor daughter."

This was followed by an incomprehensible prayer.

Until the prayer is finished.

She just stood up and picked up an iron bucket at her feet. She walked towards her daughter and said, "Good boy, daddy just made a lot of delicious food for you. Mommy will bring it to you right away~"

Smelling the smell of blood, the daughter's corpse struggled more violently, screaming incessantly: "Mom, I'm hungry, I'm hungry."

"Be good, mommy will feed you right now."

Zeng Yong's wife walked up to her daughter's corpse brother, took out a human hand from the iron bucket, and stuffed the human hand through the gap in the mask.

The room suddenly resounded with the sound of 'click, click, click' tearing flesh and bones.

Seeing her daughter eating people, Zeng Yong's wife didn't show any discomfort, but gently stroked the iron helmet on her daughter's head, and said softly: "My dear baby, you must be hungry, I'm sorry, Dad Mom is useless, let you starve for three days."

"Be good, eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke."

One hand is obviously not enough for my daughter’s corpse brother.

After realizing that her mother did not continue to take human flesh for her, she shook her body violently, and the iron chains that bound her were stretched straight in an instant.

However, she couldn't break free from the iron chains on her body, and could only scream angrily: "Hungry! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Hungry!!!"

Zeng Yong's wife seemed to have been accustomed to her daughter's sudden madness. After taking two steps back calmly, she picked up the iron bucket again and said softly: "Good daughter, don't eat too much at one time, otherwise, you will My body is about to change again.”

Her voice just fell.

Variation protrusions.

Zeng Yong, who had been beaten to the point of dying, didn't know when he woke up.

He didn't know where he got the strength from being bruised and bruised, so he threw away Bai Xiaofei's hand, then relied on his height and strength to pick up Bai Xiaofei and ran forward, while still yelling: "Honey, pull the switch quickly." .”

Looking at the direction in which he was rushing, it was obvious that they were the iron chains that tied his daughter. Looking carefully, the ends of these iron chains were connected to several thick cables, and the switch was a hand-operated switch that Zeng Yong's wife had.

Think again of the 'danger, high voltage' written in front of Zeng Yong's house.

It is clear.

Zeng Yong, who knew he was no match for Bai Xiaofei, planned to use high voltage electricity to die with Bai Xiaofei.

(End of this chapter)

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