Chapter 31 is a ruthless man
"You, you?"

The sudden presence of Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei surprised Zeng Yong's wife.

This house is her and Zeng Yong's secret.

At first, their daughter accidentally drank virus-infected tap water without knowing it and mutated into a corpse.

Fortunately, Zeng Yong was physically strong, so he was able to subdue his mad daughter.

Originally, according to Zeng Yong's intention, the daughter who had mutated into a monster was beaten to death.

Anyway, their family had enough food, and Zeng Yong's wife was pregnant with their second child, so they simply put all their energy into taking care of the child who would be born in two months.

But Zeng Yong's wife was reluctant to part with her daughter, so she begged her husband to spare her life.

Zeng Yong is a man who loves his wife.

So he locked up his daughter with chains.

When his daughter refused to eat or drink, he went out to pick up the corpse and feed it to her.

But there are too many corpses in H City, so many that they can't even find a single corpse.

Once Zeng Yong and his wife came together, they established such an alliance of survivors to trick people into feeding their daughter.

Of course.

Feeding Brother Corpse is not an easy job.

During this period, Zeng Yong's daughter once mutated again because of eating too much human flesh at one time, and two extremely powerful giant hands grew out of her back.

If Zeng Yong's strength was not far superior to that of ordinary people, and he was able to subdue his runaway daughter again, a tragic disaster might have occurred.

Afterwards, Zeng Yong increased the number of iron chains and bound those two giant hands. By the way, he also specially installed a set of high-voltage electrical devices, so that when his daughter mutated again, he could immediately subdue her and even kill her.

And now.

Zeng Yong, who was beaten up by Bai Xiaofei, was planning to use this high-voltage device to electrocute Bai Xiaofei to death here.

As for his own life and death, he could no longer care about it.

"Honey, hurry up! Pull the switch!"

Zeng Yong shouted anxiously.

Bai Xiaofei looked thin, but he was much stronger than him. He was about to lose control of Bai Xiaofei.

"Old husband."

Zeng Yong's wife had tears in her eyes, holding the switch of the switch knife in her hand, but she couldn't do it for a long time.

she knows.

As long as this switch is pulled down, Zeng Yong will definitely die.

It was also the two seconds of her hesitation that gave Bai Xiaofei time to fight back.

Bai Xiaofei hugged Zeng Yong's head neatly, then raised his knee, and bumped his knee heavily against his chest.

This time, Bai Xiaofei didn't stay strong.

Amidst the violent sound of bones breaking, an unknown number of ribs on Zeng Yong's chest were kicked and broken.

The momentum of his charge was also interrupted by this heavy blow. He hugged Bai Xiaofei and fell to the ground like a dog chewing mud. He slid forward a long way before stopping.

Even so.

He did not let go of Bai Xiaofei's hand. He hugged Bai Xiaofei tightly with one hand and grabbed the iron chain with the other hand. He shouted with all his strength: "Quick! Pull the switch!"

Zeng Yong's wife stopped hesitating this time, and closed the switch firmly and decisively.

To their surprise, nothing happened.

"Hey, you two, do you think I'm dead?"

Nan Yu's lazy voice came from the side.

As he spoke, he shook the thing in his hand.

It was a broken cable.


Just when Zeng Yong and Bai Xiaofei were hugging each other passionately, Nan Yu had already taken the time to unplug all the cables in the room.

Seeing this scene, Zeng Yong felt despair in his heart, and the strength in his hand couldn't help but loosen a little. Bai Xiaofei seized the opportunity, shook Zeng Yong's hand away, and then swung his elbow hard on his face.

This elbow directly knocked out all the teeth in Zeng Yong's mouth, and he was also knocked unconscious by this powerful force.

Bai Xiaofei got up after breaking free and looked at Nan Yu who was holding the cable with fear on his face.

If Nan Yu hadn't acted quickly and pulled out the cable just now, he would have been capsized in the gutter just now by Zeng Yong's sneak attack.

"Old man!"

"Husband, you wake up, you wake up."

Zeng Yong's wife ran to Zeng Yong regardless of her heavy belly, hugged him and kept calling him with tears streaming down her face.

Bai Xiaofei glanced at her, without saying a word, turned around and walked towards Nan Yu.

Although Zeng Yong and his wife did a lot of evil and killed many innocent people, but Bai Xiaofei hadn't figured out how to deal with such a woman with a big belly.

"Just let her go like this?"

Nan Yu dropped the cable, folded his arms and said.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, with a troubled expression on his face: "I don't know what to do."

"Hehe." Nan Yu looked at Zeng Yong and his wife hugging each other, and curled his mouth: "I have no objection to you letting them go, but before you let them go, you'd better think about how many people they have harmed, because of your temporary kindness , and how many more people will be killed by them."


Bai Xiaofei hesitated even more.

Brother Killer.

He has no psychological burden.

He hasn't done it yet.

Even if Zeng Yong and his wife did evil enough to eat peanuts in peacetime, Bai Xiaofei still couldn't make up his mind.

Just when he was hesitant, Nan Yu said again: "Hey, you don't have to hesitate, that woman has saved you some time, tsk tsk tsk, she is such a cruel person."


Bai Xiaofei was startled when he was told that, and then looked back.

This is not seen do not know.

Seeing the truth, Bai Xiaofei was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing Zeng Yong's wife with a grim face, she hugged Zeng Yong with one hand, and stuffed the other hand into her daughter's mouth, letting her daughter bite her arm as much as she wanted, while she herself was already sweating in pain. It's raining, but still doesn't say a word, just staring at Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu fiercely.

"What is she doing?"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened and his voice trembled unconsciously.

"Brother Feed the Corpse, can't you see? This method is used to promote further mutation of her daughter, so that her daughter can kill us."

Nan Yu clicked his tongue and commented: "This woman is very courageous. Her man has been defeated by you. In this apocalypse, just relying on her as a pregnant woman can not only support her daughter, but also whether she can survive is a problem, so She simply donated herself and let her daughter mutate again so that she could kill us to avenge her husband and wife."

Nan Yu's voice was not loud.

But enough for everyone in the room to hear.

When Zeng Yong's wife heard this, her face became even more savage: "Go to hell! Go to death! You two beasts, come and be buried with us!"

After saying that, she put her other hand into the helmet and laughed crazily amidst the severe pain of her flesh being torn apart.


Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth and cursed, then stepped forward and tried to rescue Zeng Yong's wife from her daughter's mouth.

Unfortunately, he was still one step too late after all.

After swallowing both of his mother's arms, his daughter's corpse brother's size rapidly increased in size, and the iron chains binding her were instantly broken into two pieces, no longer able to restrain her movements.

After escaping from the trap, her daughter ignored Bai Xiaofei who rushed over. She grabbed her parents and jumped like a bat, hanging on the ceiling. Then she aimed at her parents' heads and began to feast on them.

In an instant.

Blood and various human body parts fell to the ground like raindrops.

The distorted and weird portrait of Jesus, after being stained red with blood, looks hideous and terrifying like a demon crawling out of hell, which makes people shudder.

But in the blink of an eye, this evil-doing couple was chewed to bits by their daughter's corpse brother. Like the survivors they killed, they became the corpse brother's rations.

Relying on the flesh and blood of her parents, a pair of giant arms emerged from the back of her daughter's dead brother. From the hole in the mask, one could still see a huge one-eyed eye.

After eating.

It put its greedy eyes on Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei, jumped down from the ceiling with a thump, stared straight at Bai Xiaofei with its scarlet eyes, and kept growling: "Eat, eat you, hee Hee hee, I’ll eat you!”

"go to hell!"

The mutated daughter, Brother Corpse, was full of momentum. Bai Xiaofei was not afraid at all, and rushed forward with his fists waving. Even though he didn't have a piece of equipment on him, he still didn't flinch.

a time.

There was the dull sound of physical contact, Bai Xiaofei's cry of pain, and the sharp howling of his daughter's dead brother.

All kinds of voices intertwined into a weird tune in the room.

Nan Yu found a place to sit down, crossed his legs and watched the fight between Bai Xiaofei and his daughter's corpse brother. He whistled and said: "Barely at the early Earth level, he is a well-matched opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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