Chapter 32 Guess?

Bai Xiaofei's battle with this female corpse brother was extremely difficult.

Without the blessing of equipment, Bai Xiaofei is just a rookie who has just entered the earth level and just started learning boxing.

This female corpse brother is only a beginner at the earth level.

In terms of hard power, the two of them are evenly matched.

But this female corpse brother has a unique advantage, that is, she has six arms.

Especially the four thick arms behind it.

These arms are not only thicker than an adult's thighs, but also more than two meters long. After eating his own parents, the female corpse brother's strength became extremely terrifying. The iron chain that previously bound it would be taken away by it now. Come and use it as a weapon.

Under the circumstances, Bai Xiaofei's disadvantage became even more obvious.

Accidentally, his chest was hit by the chain, and his chest suddenly became red and swollen, and his movements were even slower than before.

One move is bad, and another move is bad.

Although the female corpse brother's attack is disorderly, after all, two fists are no match for four hands, and it still has weapons in its hands.

Bai Xiaofei could only keep retreating and dodging, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

But still the same.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

The wounded Bai Xiaofei was already much slower, and the female corpse brother was completely defenseless and kept attacking frantically. Not long after, he was hit by the iron chain twice.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's injuries were getting worse, the female corpse brother's attack became even more frenzied, his four big hands swung like a whirlwind, the walls cracked everywhere they passed, and a good room was beaten like it was forcibly demolished in an instant.

Seeing that the big hand of the female corpse brother was about to catch the embarrassed Bai Xiaofei.

Nan Yu sighed, dodged, stood in front of Bai Xiaofei, and deflected the female corpse brother's attack with his fingers.

"Nan, Brother Nan, ahem—"

Bai Xiaofei, who had a chest injury, was not very fluent in his speech, coughing for a long time even if he said a word.


Nan Yu dropped these three words lightly, then stepped forward and shouted softly: "Open the door."

The voice did not fall.

He bent his elbows and stretched his arms outwards, easily swaying the female corpse brother's arm away, and then immediately stepped forward and rushed straight in front of the female corpse brother.

Just listen to him shout again: "The cannon can reach the sky from the ground."

Taking advantage of the momentum of charging forward, Nan Yu made fists with both hands and hit the corpse brother directly in the chest.

For an instant.

The crackling sound of bone shattering was extremely clear.

The female corpse brother who suffered severe injuries could not help but scream and retreat repeatedly.

Nan Yu then stepped forward, swung his right arm out like a whip, and slapped the female corpse brother's iron helmet with a heavy palm.

Amidst a toothache cracking sound, the iron helmet of the female corpse brother was dented in a large area, and blood gushed out of the helmet like a spring, and the female corpse brother who was roaring crazily just now became silent immediately, softly Limp down on the ground.

"The tiger climbs the mountain hard."

After Nan Yu said the last move calmly, he turned back to look at Bai Xiaofei: "I only used less than [-]% of my strength, do you understand?"


"It seems that I understand."

Bai Xiaofei nodded with a vague understanding.

He didn't know if Nan Yu really used less than [-]% of his strength.

But he could tell that Nan Yu was really trying to beat, otherwise, with the ruthlessness he used to beat Mr. Mu and those earth-level corpse brothers, this female corpse brother would have been cold when he shot it, and it was absolutely impossible to survive it. He has three moves.

The reason why Nan Yu did this was obviously to teach himself how to use Bajiquan in actual combat.


"Open the door Bajiquan, the main thing is not to be cowardly. If you go in, I will go in. If you retreat, I will go back in. You can chase after you, carry you on your shoulders, hold you back, whatever you want, the only thing is that you can't be cowardly. "

"Like the way you played just now, running around like a monkey, won't you be beaten in the end?"

"Just remember, even if you don't have that equipment, you are still an earth-level, earth-level person, understand? In the eyes of ordinary people, you are also a great master."

"So, when you meet your opponent, go forward without hesitation, just go ahead."

Nan Yu patiently taught Bai Xiaofei while digging out the heart of the female corpse brother.

The first entry to the prefecture level is also the prefecture level.

It is still much more useful than a human-level corpse brother, so it cannot be wasted.


He was actually a little disappointed.

With Bai Xiaofei's combat experience, without the blessing of equipment, no matter how good his martial arts talent is, he still cannot beat this female corpse brother, Nan Yu knows this very well.

Therefore, Nan Yu thought about using this female corpse brother to create a life-and-death crisis, to see if he could force Bai Xiaofei's killing momentum to awaken.

The so-called killing potential.

This is Bai Xiaofei's plug-in, which contains the killing intent in his soul. Moreover, his soul is still normal and has not been divided. Once awakened, he will immediately become a heaven-level strength.

But it's a pity.

The pressure between life and death brought by this female corpse brother seemed not enough to fully arouse Bai Xiaofei's murderous intention.

"Tsk, I still lack a bit of momentum to move forward."

Nan Yu shook his head, drank all the essence and blood, then stood up and said, "Let's go, we still have things to do."


Bai Xiaofei clutched his chest, stood up with difficulty, and limped behind Nan Yu.

When the two passed by the 'kitchen' again.

Nan Yu stopped, and after thinking for a while, he threw a fireball inside, and the raging flames ignited instantly, and began to spread continuously in this purgatory on earth.

Looking at the blazing fire.

Bai Xiaofei's face was extremely serious.

He didn't murmur until he saw the flames engulfing the entire 'kitchen', "Brother Nan, will people in the last days really annihilate their humanity?"


Nan Yu shook his finger: "I told you, this is not called destroying humanity, this is called releasing humanity."

"Free humanity?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned and didn't understand what Nan Yu said.

"Some people can abide by their hearts, such as the teacher Xiaojia you met, and the little policeman. Even in the apocalypse, they are sticking to their moral bottom line and trying not to turn themselves into monsters."

"But in troubled times when there are no legal checks and balances, the evil in their hearts and the resentment in their hearts will be infinitely amplified by some people. Driven by their evil thoughts, they are willing to become demons, a madman and a monster."

"In the past, they only dared to think about things they didn't dare to do, but now they will put them into practice. Once they are familiar with each other, they will become more and more unscrupulous if they are not managed or sanctioned."

"Like that Teacher Mu, he can turn all his students into corpses without changing his face, and this Zeng Yong couple, they can chop up people and feed them to their daughter without turning red and panting, and even I don't feel like I'm wrong."

"Boy, this is the end of the world."

"That's true human nature."

"So, don't think that everyone is as kind as you. You don't have to have the intention to harm others, but you must have the intention to guard against others. Do you understand?"

Nan Yu chattered a lot of truth.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but nod his head.

After Nan Yu finished speaking, he pondered for a while, and asked seriously: "Brother Nan, did you already know that there is a problem with the Survivor Alliance?"

At first he didn't notice any difference.

But after Nan Yu took this opportunity to instill many truths in himself, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt this way.

This feeling, as if Nan Yu deliberately brought himself here to let him see the sinister people in the last days, so as to teach himself a good lesson.

To this, Nan Yu's answer was simple.

"Ha ha."

"you guess?"

After finishing speaking, Nan Yu laughed loudly and walked out of Zeng Yong's house.

(End of this chapter)

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