Chapter 33 The New Survivor

It wasn't long before he left Zeng Yong's house.

Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu discovered a new problem.

This question is serious.

It was so serious that even Nan Yu's face showed a ray of anger.

He stared at Bai Xiaofei, and asked, "Where are the clothes?"

"Yeah, where are the clothes? I obviously hid them well!"

Bai Xiaofei spread his hands out of aggrieved look, looking as innocent as he could be.

It is different from the powerful Nan Yu.

His strength was all supported by his combat uniform and equipment. The combat uniform was lost, and now he was so distressed that he was almost bleeding.

Not to mention that he was just beaten up by that female corpse brother. Even after drinking KW89 and gaining a strong self-healing ability, it will take time to recover from the injury. It will take at least one or two hours for him to recover. Peak condition.

What's even more annoying is that Nan Yu on the other side is still lecturing him.

"If you hide it, will you lose it?"

Like Bai Xiaofei, Nan Yu is quite annoyed about losing his clothes now.

Before going to the Survivor League, in order to get Zeng Yong and his wife into trouble, he and Bai Xiaofei changed into their combat uniforms and deliberately made themselves embarrassed before setting off.

How long did it take in the end?
It only takes less than an hour after all the calculations!
Then the clothes are lost? ?

You, Bai Xiaofei, still call this a perfect hide? ? ?

It's not that Nan Yu cares much about such a battle suit. With his strength, it doesn't matter whether he has a battle suit or not.

But the problem is that the clothes he is wearing now belong to that Zeng Yong, they are fat and big, and they are very uncomfortable to wear.

Let alone going to fight like this, walking is uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to change back into this blood-free combat uniform after cleaning up Zeng Yong, but now that the clothes are gone when he comes out, can he not be angry!
"Brother Nan, I just took a look. The one who stole our clothes must not be Brother Corpse. Only living people would steal things and put back the things I put on them."

Bai Xiaofei checked the place where they threw their things, and then began to analyze the identity of the clothes thief in a rigorous manner.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Nan Yu said angrily: "Brother Corpse only knows how to eat people, not steal."

"Is there any other survivors around here?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a survivor, maybe it's a wild dog, it's all possible."

"Wild dogs?"

Bai Xiaofei tilted his head and asked doubtfully: "Can wild dogs also come to steal clothes?"

"Don't say it's useless. Look around for any clues. As long as someone steals something, whether professional or amateur, there will always be some clues left behind."


Bai Xiaofei shrunk his neck, and began to look for it in all directions.

This search really made him find the problem.


Even if you don't look for it deliberately, you can still see the messy footprints around.

"A person without cultivation is just an ordinary person. You guessed right, he should be a survivor."

Nan Yu just took a casual glance, and he roughly recognized the identity of the clothes thief.


Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up.

Although I just met such heinous survivors as Zeng Yong and his wife, not all survivors are like them.

If it was really a survivor in need, he'd be more than happy to help.

Following the traces left by the clothes thief, Nan Yu and the others walked through the alley and came to another building.

This road was a road they had walked before, and all the corpses wandering here had been cleaned up, and the road was very quiet, not even the sound of insects chirping.

"No wonder he dared to come out during the day."

Bai Xiaofei looked around and confirmed that the clothes thief was in this building.

Low-level corpse brothers have poor eyesight, can't see clearly at night, and basically only move around during the day. Only those earth-level corpse brothers who have evolved will go out to look for food day and night.

And the clothes thief dared to come out in the daytime, obviously because all the dead brothers in this area were cleared up.

Otherwise, how would an ordinary person dare to go out to look for life-sustaining supplies at this time?

"Hmph, he is a very careful person."

Nan Yu said lightly.

"It's really very careful. It seems that it didn't come out until we finished cleaning up the corpse brother."

Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement: "Maybe this guy just followed us and stole it after seeing us take off our combat uniforms."

"Do you think there is an ordinary person following us, and I won't be able to see it?" Nan Yu gave him a blank look: "I said he was careful because this place is very close to the Survivor Alliance, but he didn't go. Said, this person is much smarter than you, at least he knows that when he has no ability to protect himself, he can't trust others easily."

"Uh heh heh heh."

Bai Xiaofei rubbed his nose and laughed awkwardly.

Say it again.

When going upstairs, Bai Xiaofei was still paying attention to the movement around him.

During the time he was with Nan Yu, what he learned the most was that no matter when he was in an unfamiliar environment, he must not let his guard down.

"There really is no corpse brother."

Following the inspection from floor to floor, Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that there was not a single corpse in this building.

In a neighborhood full of corpses, there is not even a single corpse in this building?

This discovery made Bai Xiaofei more vigilant towards the survivors hiding in this building.

According to the experience Nan Yu taught him, the more abnormal the place, the more difficult it is for the people who can stay here.

Zeng Yong and his wife are an example.

There was not even a corpse in the building of their house, which was very similar to the situation in this building.

When I went from house to house until I found the fifth floor.

Bai Xiaofei finally saw the clothes thief.

A bald black man wearing a light blue striped sweater who looked like he crawled out of soy sauce.

At this moment, he was squatting at the end of the corridor, eating crispy noodles, with a few bottles of mineral water at hand.

As for Bai Xiaofei's battle uniforms, he used them as a package for packing, stuffed them with food and drink, and tied them tightly with the sleeves of his clothes.

When Bai Xiaofei saw it, he couldn't bear it anymore. He stepped forward and yelled: "Hey, little thief! How dare you steal our clothes!!!"

Nan Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the purpose of this battle suit.

I thought it was some kind of survivor who knew the goods and used it to enhance his combat power.

In the end, it was taken away by such a black man, and it was still used for such trivial things.

"Cough cough cough-"

Bai Xiaofei's sudden utterance obviously frightened the black man. He swallowed the crispy noodles without chewing them, and was coughed repeatedly. He picked up a bottle of mineral water and gulped it for a few sips before he calmed down.

Looking at the fierce Bai Xiaofei, the black man seemed to be a little unresponsive. He pointed at the combat uniform on the ground and said cautiously: "Here, is it yours?"

"Nonsense, clothes thief, return my clothes!"

"Yes, sorry, I'm boogie and here are your clothes."

The black man scratched his hairless head, hurriedly untied his clothes and poured out the contents, and said in broken Chinese while doing it: "I just went to the drill market outside to find something to eat, and I got too much chicken fruit. I can't hold it, I happened to see your clothes, I mean no one wanted them, so I used them to hold food."

After saying that, he picked up a piece of bread and said, "Would you like another order?"

"If you don't eat, give me back the clothes first."

Bai Xiaofei resolutely refused.

He is still frightened by the poisonous food from Zeng Yong's family. He would not dare to accept this kind of food from a stranger again.


The black man who was rejected didn't show any disappointment, and quickly poured out the supplies he found and sent the clothes back.

Bai Xiaofei didn't put on his clothes in a hurry. Instead, he checked carefully to make sure that nothing had been tampered with and that none of the equipment was missing. Then he quickly put the combat uniform back on.

After doing this, he relaxed a little and asked, "What's your name? Are you a survivor of this building? Why don't you go to the evacuation point?"

"I, my name is Li Bai, and I'm from Africa."

"I don't live here. I came to find an evacuation point. I hid here to avoid those monsters."

The black man said with some embarrassment: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't steal your clothes on purpose. There are too many monsters outside. I don't dare to go out for too long, so I just use whatever I see."

Chatted for a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally confirmed one thing, this Li Bai is indeed a survivor looking for an evacuation point, not a murderer like Zeng Yong.

After consulting Nan Yu's opinion.

Bai Xiaofei said to Li Bai: "It's too dangerous for you to stay here alone. Follow us and we will take you to the evacuation point."


Li Bai was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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