Chapter 36 Black Line of Fire

Hearing this name, Li Bai and the old man looked at the furious Bai Xiaofei blankly.

"Then that's a corpse brother, right?"

"Brother Fei's girlfriend is actually a monster? Oh, my god!"

"I advise you two to stop saying such things, lest you get beaten later."

Nan Yu crossed his arms and kindly reminded Li Bai and the old man.


When he said this, Li Bai and the old man decisively changed the subject.

"Those people have guns in their hands, can Xiao Fei do it?"

"Yes, yes, I know Brother Fei is powerful, but that's a gun! A gun! If you shoot him, you'll be dead."

"Why panic, the clothes that kid is wearing are bulletproof, as long as he doesn't hit his head, he'll be fine."

"Oh oh oh, that's it."

"Oh my, this young man is really awesome."

as they speak.

The berserk Bai Xiaofei had already fought against the group of militants.

have to say.

Bai Xiaofei's combat experience has indeed improved a lot.

Faced with such dangerous gunmen, he did not perform any stupid tricks like dodging bullets with his body. Instead, he used his speed to rush directly into the crowd, forcing the group of armed men to engage in close combat with him.

Blessed with combat uniforms and tiger claws.

These soldiers, who relied solely on weapons and equipment, were instantly overwhelmed and found it difficult to deal with them.

As for who these militants are.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know. He only knew that these people captured Xiaowei and tortured her. Now he only wanted to beat these people down.

Nan Yu, who was watching, knew the identities of these people.

Black fire.

The world's number one arms dealer has done a lot of human experiments and weapon development in private. The overall leader is named Da Jie Feng, and his real identity is Xingchen Meidi, one of the three kings of the United States. He is a god-level peak player who cannot be denied.

Of course.

The strong one is the Black Fire Headquarters, not the little rubbish like the Yanhuang branch.

In the Yanhuang branch.

The strongest one is the masked man who is hiding behind the team and secretly observing Bai Xiaofei.

This person is the leader of the Yanhuang Branch of the Black Line of Fire. He has no internal strength and no supernatural powers. His strength depends entirely on taking drugs. Normally, he is at the middle stage of the prefecture level. If he takes drugs, he should be able to reach the late stage of the prefecture level.

And like the previous Bai Xiaofei, his combat experience is to bully the weak with brute force, it is really hard to tell who is stronger and who is weaker when he and Bai Xiaofei are now facing each other.

What Nan Yu thought in his heart happened to be what the leader was worried about.

"The equipment of the Yanhuang Special Abilities Team is so strong in martial arts."

Seeing his subordinates being beaten to the ground by Bai Xiaofei like mowing grass, the leader's masked face was extremely serious: "Martial arts experts over level 100 are really troublesome, how could they meet people from the Yanhuang Special Team here. "

As he said that, he glanced at the three of Nan Yu who were watching from the sidelines, and said thoughtfully: "Oh, it seems that he was rescuing survivors, and then happened to meet them."

But after he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong: "No, we are all catching corpses, not survivors. Why is he so crazy? Could it be that he thinks we are catching survivors."

Thinking of this, he shouted: "Hey, members of the Yanhuang Special Energy Team over there, please stop, we have no intention of conflicting with you!"

However, he shouted several times in succession, but Bai Xiaofei ignored him and continued to beat his own people to death, especially the soldiers holding chains in their hands, who were beaten even more horribly.

Seeing that he was being ignored and finally caught the corpse brother, he was also running around. The masked leader suddenly became furious and rushed forward with an angry shout: "Damn you! I told you to stop! Can't you hear me?"

The people of the Yanhuang Special Abilities Team are certainly difficult to deal with, but the Black Line of Fire is not someone to be trifled with either.

The reason why Bai Xiaofei stopped was because he wanted to give Yanhuang some face, and he didn't want to have a conflict with the Yanhuang Special Team right now.

I didn't expect this kid to be so ignorant. He even used the word "please" and gave him such a big face, but he dared to pretend that he couldn't hear it!
As soon as the leader of the Black Fire Yanhuang branch took action, the situation immediately changed.

I saw him wielding a mountain cutting ax that was about the same height as himself, jumped several meters high, and attacked Bai Xiaofei suddenly with the momentum of smashing Huashan Mountain.

The whistling sound of piercing the air instantly overwhelmed the wails all over the floor, and the heavy sharp ax came straight to Bai Xiaofei's face.


Seeing that the situation was not going well, Bai Xiaofei let go of the black fire-line soldier in his hand, rolled to the side like a lazy ass, and hastily dodged the blow.

And the soldier who was caught in his hands just now was in bad luck.

The mountain ax in the masked leader's hand was as wide as a door panel. The ax didn't hit Bai Xiaofei, but instead split him in half.

"Hmph, boy, the reaction is quite fast."

Killed one of his subordinates by mistake, but the masked leader was not affected at all, and continued to swing his giant axe, slashing towards Bai Xiaofei.

One axe, two axes, three axes.
Relying on his own brute force, although the masked leader's attack was chaotic, he highlighted a powerful force, forcibly swung the heavy giant ax out of the afterimages, and the majestic offensive momentum made the onlookers Nan Yu's mind A few words popped out involuntarily.

Tornado destroys parking lot.

Despite the blessing of the battle suit, facing the violent attack of the masked leader, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to bet that the defense power of the suit could withstand such a crazy attack, so he could only keep dodging and looking for opportunities to counterattack.

"Hahaha, boy, come on, don't you like fighting? Come and fight! Come and fight with me! Don't fucking run away!"

The masked leader laughed wildly, pressing on Bai Xiaofei step by step.

As for his group of subordinates, when they saw their leader showing off his power, they immediately ran aside, staying as far away from the battlefield as possible, some ran to treat the soldiers who were injured by Bai Xiaofei, and some ran to arrest those who were running around. Corpse brother.

Xiaowei is also among the targets of these arrests.

But she was tied up with several chains, and her hands and feet were bound tightly. Not to mention running, she even struggled to crawl. She could only twist her body and arch outward like a caterpillar, and her mouth kept saying ' Ho ho ho' shouting.

Before she could crawl out far, she was caught by two soldiers with a black line of fire.

"Hey, Xiaobai, look, this bitch still wants to run away."

The person who spoke was a soldier wearing glasses and looking quite gay.

At the same time, he kicked Xiaowei hard several times, and couldn't help laughing happily when he saw Xiaowei struggling because her hands and feet were tied up.

"Don't tell me, this bitch looks quite unique, and her small waist is also very attractive. I will have a good time when I return to the base."

"Hey, Brother Bai, you have such a strong taste, even Brother Zhi can do it."

"Fuck your ass, my sexual orientation is normal, unlike you, who knows how to pick up soap with JACK all day long!"

The soldier known as Brother Bai wore a mohawk and mercilessly exposed the fact that the bespectacled man was gay.

I just didn't expect that after hearing what he said, the man with glasses would actually feel shy for a moment, twisting his butt and saying: "Oh, I actually value you the most. If you are willing to play a game of picking up soap with me, I can do that too." I contribute my anus to you~~~~"

Just when the man with glasses was getting excited, a voice of disgust suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"It's disgusting."

"How dare you? What shameless person dares to scold me!"

"Who is it? Believe it or not, I asked my brother to send you into the arena!"

Xiao Bai and the glasses man cursed and were about to turn around when the glasses man's head was cut off by a red light.

Blood gushed out from the neck of the headless corpse like a fountain. Before Xiaobai realized what was going on, he suddenly felt something biting his neck heavily.

In just a dozen seconds, Xiaobai, who had prefecture-level initial strength, turned from a living person into a shriveled corpse without even using any means.

Nan Yu, who was full of blood, threw away his body and glanced at Xiao Wei, who was still twisting.

Although she became a corpse brother, Xiaowei's good looks and figure were perfectly preserved. Except for her skin color and fangs, other aspects were the same as before becoming a corpse brother.

Nan Yu shook his head lightly, and then yelled at Bai Xiaofei: "Bai Xiaofei, I have already saved Xiaowei for you, let's go and do it!"

Hear this voice.

The masked leader turned his head and looked over in confusion, while Bai Xiaofei shouted excitedly: "Thank you, Brother Nan."

Then, while the masked leader was distracted, he suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the handle of the mountain axe, and used an elbow to hit the masked leader's chest fiercely.

Amidst the explosion of broken bones, the masked leader who had been attacking like the wind just now was suddenly blasted away by Bai Xiaofei's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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