Chapter 37 Kill him, you can live

Bai Xiaofei's killing move is very standard.

Just as Nan Yu taught him, knocking someone away is not a killer move, but pulling a person's elbow with a hammer is what kills someone.

Now is his actual combat verification.

The leader of the black line of fire, who relied purely on brute force, was only hit once. Even though he was wearing a top-level defensive battle suit, the ribs in his chest were still broken inch by inch, and he passed out after spitting out a mouthful of old blood.


Bai Xiaofei looked at his right elbow in surprise, kicked the masked leader who was unconscious on the ground, and then laughed: "Hahaha, I, Bai Xiaofei, are indeed a genius. , please call me Martial Arts Supreme!!"

Seeing that their leader was knocked unconscious, the soldiers on the black line of fire didn't have time to look at Xiaobai and the man with glasses who were killed by Nan Yu, and raised their guns at Bai Xiaofei one after another.

There are hundreds of black frontline soldiers who came to the love apartment to arrest Brother Zhi.

A total of more than 40 people were beaten unconscious and disabled by Bai Xiaofei, and about 50 people are still able to move.

Almost fifty black guns aimed at them, Bai Xiaofei didn't panic yet, Li Bai and the old man behind him raised their hands and surrendered first.

"Put down your guns!"

"Otherwise I'll crush this guy's neck with my foot!"

Not to be outdone, Bai Xiaofei stepped on the masked leader's neck and confidently shouted at the group of soldiers.

This trick really worked.

The soldiers who were still vicious just now saw that their leader was kidnapped, they couldn't help but looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Everyone stop, put down your guns, the leader is important."

At this time, a man wearing a monocle and a mask came out.

He first waved his hand to stop the soldiers, and then said to Bai Xiaofei: "Brother, if you have something to say, what conditions do you need to let our leader go?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but be speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer.


Why did he rush up and fight with the people in Black Fire?
Isn’t it just to save Xiaowei?
But now Xiaowei has been rescued by Nan Yu.

So what's the use of him still holding on to the leader? ?

Just when Bai Xiaofei was hesitating, a cold electronic sound suddenly sounded in the ears of the masked leader at his feet.

[System analysis, he was hit hard in the chest and is in a coma, the danger level is A! 】

[The automatic defense system is turned on, and Reagent No. 6 "Violent Archangel" is injected! 】

"Hey, you guys—"

Bai Xiaofei, who had no idea about this, had his hands on his hips and was trying to give orders to this group of black lines of fire.


The masked leader whose eyes were originally closed suddenly opened his eyes, shouted angrily, reached out and grabbed Bai Xiaofei's calf and squeezed it hard.



Bai Xiaofei seemed to hear the sound of his tibia breaking.

Caught off guard, before he had time to react, he was lifted upside down by the masked leader, and then he was grabbed by his leg and slammed towards the ground frantically. Seeing the berserk behavior of the masked leader, he didn't look like he was seriously injured .

Amid Bai Xiaofei's screams, the masked leader slammed and roared: "You bastard, I didn't expect you to let me use Reagent No. 6!"

"Do you know how expensive this medicine is?"

"There are only three fucking branches in the whole branch, three! I wasted one by a bastard like you!"

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Seeing his leader standing up vigorously, and still frantically beating his opponent, the soldiers who were dissatisfied with the leader's instant second relaxed their minds, and turned their heads to point their guns at Nan Yu again.

They didn't see how Xiaobai and the man with glasses died.

But they knew that the man in front of them killed their teammates.

They would not be lenient towards the enemy and would shoot directly without even needing orders from the second leader.

So there was such a weird piece of music in the love apartment.

On one side were Bai Xiaofei's screams and the roar of the masked leader.

On the other side was the continuous firing sound of dozens of rifles.

There are also the screams of Li Bai and the old man mixed in.

However, even though the magazine of bullets was empty, Nan Yu still stood there motionless, and even the smile on his face did not change.

"How, how is it possible?"

Not only Li Bai and the old man were grinning from ear to ear, but the soldiers on the black line of fire were so frightened that their voices trembled.

Nan Yu is wearing a very high-quality combat uniform, and these soldiers know it very well.

Therefore, when shooting, in addition to targeting Nan Yu's vital parts, they also focused on Nan Yu's head.

But so many bullets go down.

Let alone beating Nan Yu to death, he didn't even mess up his hairstyle.

"Well, it's a little itchy."

Nan Yu chuckled, pinched his fingers and said, "It feels like being bitten by such a big mosquito."

Even before the physical body was promoted, those grenades that could hurt the strong at the ground level couldn't break through his defense.

Not to mention his current physical body.

With the pistols in these soldiers' hands, it's almost like scratching an itch.

"Is your turn over?"

"Then, I'm coming."

Nan Yu chuckled.

It's just that this smile in the eyes of those black frontline soldiers is no different from the devil's smile.

"Strange, monster!"


"This is a monster! There's no way we can defeat it!"

The soldiers of the Black Fire Line are just a group of ordinary people wearing luxurious equipment. They have no other skills except bullying the unarmed survivors and those low-level corpse brothers.

The first time he saw someone like Nan Yu who was not afraid of guns and ammunition, he was so frightened that he threw away the gun in his hand and ran away, no matter how much the second leader shouted, it was useless.

However, with the foot strength of a group of ordinary people, even if they are allowed to run first, how far can they run.

Nan Yu pinched his fingers with his right hand and muttered softly: "Fire Dragon Curse."

The voice fell.

A vaguely high-pitched dragon roar resounded through the sky, and then a half-horned fire snake sped out from Nan Yu's hand. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with these soldiers on the black line of fire. In the blazing heat, even though they were wearing combat uniforms, , but was burned into a ball of ashes before he could hold on for even a second.

Using the Fire Dragon Curse to kill a group of ordinary people is a bit like using a cannon to kill mosquitoes.

But what Nan Yu wanted was not for killing people, but for another matter.

"This this!"

"The level of danger is immeasurable!!!"

The masked leader of the black line of fire naturally also saw the scene of Nan Yu killing his own soldiers, he was beating Bai Xiaofei violently, he let go of Bai Xiaofei involuntarily, and the urge to escape rose uncontrollably in his heart.


Nan Yu gave a soft drink.

The masked leader backed away like a frightened bird, but he really didn't dare to run anymore. He knew very well that with Nan Yu's fighting power and his ability, it was impossible to escape.

So instead of running for your life, it's better.
"Sir, you have a lot. I was the blind one who beat your little brother. You can hit or scold your little brother, you can do whatever you want. Please don't remember the villain's fault and spare my life."

The masked leader understood the saying "He who knows the current affairs is a hero" very deeply. He knelt down decisively on the ground and started kowtowing. He kowtowed so hard that not only his forehead was covered with blood, but also the ground was cracked. .

"Forgive your dog's life."


"Ha ha."

Nan Yu laughed, pouted at Bai Xiaofei who was lying on the ground: "Here, did you see that, if you kill him, you can live, if you can't kill him, you understand."

As soon as this word comes out.

Bai Xiaofei, who had just climbed out, immediately opened his mouth wide in surprise, and then saw the bloody masked leader rushing towards him fiercely again.

(End of this chapter)

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