People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 38 1 The flash killing momentum (1 more follow-up)

Chapter 38: A flash of killing power (please follow up in the next update)

"Brother Nan, what are you doing!"

Facing the attack of the masked leader who was several times more ferocious than before, Bai Xiaofei dodged in panic.

He didn't quite understand.

Why did Nan Yu let this hunk kill him.

He didn’t offend Nan Yu either.

The masked leader who had taken the violent archangel's strength suddenly increased several times, and with the same combat clothing and equipment bonus as Bai Xiaofei, in terms of pure strength, he had already surpassed Bai Xiaofei by so much that he was almost crushing him. .

Although the mountain-opening ax had already been blown away by Bai Xiaofei, even with bare hands, Bai Xiaofei couldn't parry the masked leader's attack.

The so-called one power down ten meetings.

It is very appropriate to describe the battle between Bai Xiaofei and the masked leader.

No matter how Bai Xiaofei parried, the leader of the mask broke open with one punch, and then punched after another, causing Bai Xiaofei to retreat steadily.

Li Bai and the old man had already seen Ma.

Martial arts cultivating immortality and superhuman powers were just programs on TV in peaceful times.

But now, whether it's Nan Yu's invulnerable body, the fire snake that sprang out from his hand, or the destructive fight between Bai Xiaofei and the masked leader, it's all beyond their cognitive scope.

After the falling gravel flew past his scalp again, Li Bai and the old man decisively moved their positions and hurriedly hid in a corridor.

The battle between Bai Xiaofei and the masked leader was very fierce, and it was very dangerous even a few dozen meters away from them. If he was not careful, his life might be lost if he was affected by the aftermath of the battle.

As for Nan Yu’s side.

Safety is safety.

But they really dare not go there.

The soldiers on the Black Fire Line didn't see it, but they could see clearly that Nan Yu not only drank the blood of Brother Zhi, but also drank human blood!

This made Li Bai and the old man firmly believe that Nan Yu was a vampire, for fear that Nan Yu would suck them both up if he was unhappy.

Especially now that Nan Yu asked that masked leader to kill Bai Xiaofei, the only one who could bring them a sense of security.

A combination of factors.

Let Li Bai and the old man firmly believe that Nan Yu is not a good person.

"Master, do you think Brother Fei is in danger?"

"It's hard to say, don't let anything happen to this kid, we'll rely on him now."

"Brother Fei, brother Fei, you are the supreme martial artist, please don't let anything happen to you, god bless you!"

"Buddha, Bodhisattva, please keep Xiaofei safe and sound, Amitabha, Amitabha."

However, when Li Bai and the old man were talking about praying for Bai Xiaofei.

The masked leader has completely gained the upper hand.

The current Bai Xiaofei has no internal strength, only moves and a not very strong ability, even if he takes the opportunity to counterattack a few times, he will be hit back by the mask leader immediately, abdomen, ribs, cheeks, he doesn't know what he is No matter how many times he has been punched, I only know that there are double shadows on the face of the masked leader.

Facing a life-and-death crisis, the masked leader unleashed all his strength, completely giving up all defenses, and focused solely on exchanging Bai Xiaofei's life for his own.

Soon, Bai Xiaofei was pushed to the ground and hammered by the furious masked leader again.

"Hey, Bai Xiaofei."

"If you die, I will send your little girlfriend to accompany you."

"You can't be a couple of gods and gods when you are alive, but you can become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks when you die. It sounds good."

In a daze, Nan Yu's lazy voice reached Bai Xiaofei's ears.

What is Nan Yu talking about?

If he died, would he kill Xiao Wei?
Bai Xiaofei's already blurred consciousness suddenly became clear, and the fist of the mask leader suddenly became clear in his eyes.



Bai Xiaofei, who was held down by the masked leader, roared angrily, and a pair of golden eyes suddenly turned blood red.

He raised his hand to catch the masked leader's fist, then shouted loudly and kicked it away.

It seemed that some didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei would still be able to fight back after being beaten like this. The masked leader who was kicked out was slightly stunned when he landed, and then he also became furious, roaring and punching up again.

"Why aren't you dead yet!!!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

"How can I live if you don't die!!!"

When the masked leader's roar echoed through the sky, even Li Bai and the old man hiding in the corridor couldn't help but tremble.

But Bai Xiaofei was unusually sober.

When he stood up again, there was only one sentence lingering in his mind, 'Kill him, Xiaowei will live, kill him, Xiaowei will live'.

"Kill him and Xiaowei will live."

Bai Xiaofei muttered softly, and then looked firmly at the masked leader who was rushing toward him: "Kill you, and Xiaowei will live! Drink -!"

He had previously focused on defensive counterattacks this time. He stopped defending this time. After shouting, he also launched a charge. He turned sideways and slammed into the masked leader with his right shoulder.


The muffled sound of physical contact even overwhelmed the two roars.

This time.

The thinner Bai Xiaofei withstood the charge of the masked leader.

Followed by.

He seemed to have forgotten the pain in his body and began to fight back with punch after punch like a madman.


The two strong men with earth-level power seemed to be fighting, roaring and fiercely attacking each other in the most primitive and simple way.

If you punch me, I'll punch you back.

No one defended, and both of them tried their best.

Over time.

This time, the first person who couldn't hold on was the masked leader.

It's not that his strength isn't good enough.

Instead, the effects of the violent archangel gradually began to wear off.

The feeling of weakness from the fading effect of the medicine made him feel powerless.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei.

He had been beaten all the time, and was obviously bruised all over his body, but he became more and more excited. At first, there were still traces of punching skills that could be seen in the punches, but slowly he began to become more and more disorganized, and the force of his punches became stronger and stronger. As he became stronger and stronger, he actually began to have the ability to suppress the masked leader.

"Oops, Oops."

The masked leader thought to himself that it was terrible.

It is not good to use potions to increase combat power, because it overdraws one's body, and when the effects of the potion dissipate, one will inevitably fall into a weak state.

But by the time he realized this, it was already too late.

Bai Xiaofei, who had completely killed his head, didn't show any intention of holding back his hands. He punched to the flesh, and all of them hit his vital parts with precision.

Temples, throat, under ribs, lower body.

If it weren't for the physical fitness of the prefecture level, the masked leader would have been killed in just these few blows.

But even if he is not beaten to death now, he is not far away from death. He can only wag his tail and beg for mercy: "Spare me, spare my life."


Bai Xiaofei, whose eyes were nearly half red, could not listen to his words, and punched down again with a blank face.

This punch.

He hit the masked leader directly on the cheek, splitting the white mask into pieces, revealing a hideous and ugly face that was bleeding from all the orifices.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stop, like a ruthless pile-driving machine, punching the masked leader in the face one after another, causing his nose to crooked, his eyes to slant, blood to flow everywhere, and his teeth to fly everywhere.

Until Nan Yu lightly said 'he's dead'.

Bai Xiaofei finally stopped, staring at Nan Yu with a pair of half-red and half-gold eyes, but before he could make a move, he fell down and passed out.

"It's a pity, the murderous intention is still not strong enough."

"Hmph, Black Firewire's useless thing can't even force out a full version of its killing power."

Nan Yu walked over, sighed regretfully, grabbed the masked leader who was still breathing, and bit him viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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