People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 40 A Very Stubborn Woman (Part 3 for further reading)

Chapter 40: What a tough woman (third update, please follow up)

This woman is one of the twelve jounin in Japan.

Her name is Poison Fairy.

As her name suggests, she is extremely good at using poison. At the same time, her skills in light kung fu, stealth, and hidden weapons are also among the best among the twelve jounin in Japan.

He is dissolute by nature.

In Dongying, besides being a ninja, I also have a job to shoot otaku movies with island features. I have a lot of fun. I heard that there are bumps, Godzilla, grass mud horse, Tinker Bell, Ninja Turtles, and tentacle octopuses in the movie. Many otaku have regarded it as the most exciting and classic work.

As for her strength.

It is visually estimated that it is at the level of the late prefecture level, but it is far from the peak of the prefecture level.

This is all the information Nanyu knows about the female ninja in front of him.

At this time, Du Ji has put all her attention on Nan Yu.

After the Japanese ninjas sneaked into H City, apart from looking for the things requested by their ancestors and Captain Ishii, the rest of their energy was focused on cleaning up the practitioners in H City.

Poison Princess is the jounin who was ordered to find and kill the practitioners in H City.

Before this.

She had already destroyed two safe evacuation points, and wiped out a special team and several H City residents who had been injected with human enhancers.

Today happened to be the time for her to meet Nan Yu and the others.

Coincidentally, she recognized the clothes Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei were wearing at a glance, they were the combat uniforms of the Yanhuang Special Forces.

There were two ordinary people, one was seriously injured and the other was a corpse. Only one of them was in good condition.

Two of them were members of the Yanhuang Special Forces. If they could be killed at once, it would be a great achievement in Dongpu.

Especially now that they are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Poison Ji made a quick decision and prepared to get rid of them all in one fell swoop.

"Little brother, from the look of you, you probably haven't tasted the taste of a woman yet, right? How about it? Do you want me, big sister, to help you have fun?"

As she spoke, Du Ji moved her hand, and strands of cold light intertwined with purple threads into a dense network, and shot out rapidly from her hand.

"There are so many tricks."

Nan Yu had no expression on his face, reached out and grabbed it, and accurately grasped the center point of the hidden weapon network. With a casual stir, he broke Du Ji's hidden weapon network.


Seeing Nan Yuyun break her own move easily, Du Ji's pupils suddenly tightened and she hurriedly let go of the thread in her hand.

Fortunately she reacted quickly enough.

Because after Nan Yu grabbed the silk net, he immediately pulled it back violently. If Poison Girl moved a little slower, she would be forcibly pulled by Nan Yu.

"Hmph, Yanhuang's body-protecting skills?"

The poisonous girl who escaped the disaster landed on another house, and disappeared into the air with a movement of her body.

Japanese stealth technique.

Compared to Niuben 52, that rookie.

Poison Girl's stealth and light skills are obviously much more powerful.

Oh no.

Poison Girl's technique can no longer be regarded as a stealth technique, it is completely an invisibility technique.

Her set of exercises didn't have the disadvantage of Niu Ben 52's inability to hide qi and blood, but completely disappeared into the air. Even Nan Yu's zombie blood eyes couldn't see her, and could only identify her location by sound.

"Do you really want to find my sister~~~"

"My sister is here~~~~"

"Oh, I guessed wrong, my sister is actually here~~~~"

"Little brother, don't be afraid. Sister will be with you soon. She will definitely make you, a little chick, so happy~~~~"

Poison Girl's charming and enchanting voice sometimes comes out to the left and sometimes sways to the right, making it difficult for people to distinguish her true position.

Like Bai Xiaofei and the others, they have already lost their heads and cannot tell where Poison Lady will come out from.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Little brother, do you miss your sister?"

As these words fell, Poison Concubine's figure appeared in front of Nan Yu, and the samurai sword in her hand glowed with a purple light, and she unleashed thirteen knives in a flash, and the knives went straight to Nan Yu's vitals.

As the Dongying people who are most familiar with Yanhuang.

Du Ji knew that Yanhuang had many body-protecting techniques, and after mastering them, his whole body was as invulnerable as fine steel.

It's just that this body protection technique has a cover.

Find the right door and poke it with a heavy hand, the vajra body will naturally be broken without attacking.

Now she is taking advantage of the wonder of invisibility to run away immediately if she misses a hit, so as to test out where Nan Yu's trap is.

However, what Du Ji didn't expect was that she was pinched by Nan Yu on the neck just after she appeared, and she crossed into the samurai sword with internal force in the late stage of the prefecture level, and was simply killed as soon as she came into contact with Nan Yu. Broken, not even a little damage.

"This is impossible."

"Are you, Heaven Level???"

The poisonous concubine who suddenly realized this suddenly lost her soul.

But she didn't sit still and wait for death, but she was about to raise her hand.

Naturally, Nan Yu would not give her a chance to fight back, so he stretched out his hand to poke her two arms, interrupting her counterattack, and then pinched Poisonous Girl out of breath immediately with a little force.

"Report to your people that you have encountered an opponent and need support."

Nan Yu said coldly.

A poisonous girl is nothing.

The key point is the other jounin from Japan. If I remember correctly, there is a heaven-level one among them.

This person is Nan Yu's target.

Now that I happen to have one hostage in my hand, I can deceive as many people as I can, and it will always be rewarding.

But I didn't think so.

This poisonous concubine looked at the coquettish group, but she was actually very stubborn.

Even though her life was already in Nan Yu's hands, she still gritted her teeth and squeezed out two words: "Hugh, think about it."

"Tsk, tough."

"I just like tough people."

Nan Yu chuckled, grabbed Poison Concubine's finger, and snapped it in the opposite direction, with a crisp 'click', the finger was snapped off.

Ten fingers connected to the heart.

Even though Poison Fairy is having difficulty breathing and her mind is blank now, the severe pain from her severed finger still makes her break out in cold sweat and scream out in pain.

"Did I ask you to call?"

Nan Yu exerted another force on her hand, and Du Ji's screams were suddenly suppressed. She could only roll her eyes and say "ho ho ho" and struggled feebly with her mouth open.

Nan Yu didn't continue to press her, but broke off the poisonous concubine's fingers one by one with great interest. He didn't let go until all ten fingers were broken, and asked with a smile: "Should I call you?" people?"

"You killed me."

"There is a kind."

Nan Yu gave the poisonous concubine a thumbs up, and began to torture her with the method of splitting her muscles and bones, forcing her to ask for help.

Seeing such brutal torture, Bai Xiaofei and the others couldn't help but shudder, and there were faint phantom pains in the corresponding body parts.

"Fei, Brother Fei, this Mr. Nan is not a pervert, right?"

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense, Brother Nan, Brother Nan is a good man."

"Ah, is this a good person too?"

"Young man, have you forgotten that he forced that big man to kill you just now?"

"Brother Nan must have his own considerations. Besides, didn't I get killed?"

"Oh, let me go, you are really big-hearted."

"Huhu——, old man, I obviously don't have a heart disease, why did my heart suddenly start to hurt?"

"Uncle, please stop looking at that woman and put your eyes where they should be."

"I put it where it should be. Don't tell me, this Japanese woman has a really good figure."

"It's quite good. Hey, uncle, you are your age, why are you looking at Japanese women? Let us brothers watch such a tragic scene."

that's it.

It's been a long time.

Poison Concubine has been tossed by Nan Yu into a human form, but she still insists on refusing to ask other Junin for help.

Facing such a tough woman.

Nan Yu had no other choice but to suck her blood dry and give her a happy ending.

(End of this chapter)

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