People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 41 The Real Juque (4 more for further reading)

Chapter 41 The Real Juque (Fourth Watching)
Finished taking care of Poison Lady.

Not to mention Li Bai and the old man who were already afraid of Nan Yu, even Bai Xiaofei felt a little scared seeing Nan Yu now.

The road ahead is smooth.

There were no Japanese ninjas or black lines of fire to interfere, only corpse brothers swarming in like flies after smelling the smell.

Bai Xiaofei's injury was almost healed.

Then he once again acted as a tool to clean up the dead brother.

It took almost half an hour.

They rushed to their destination, the fourth safe evacuation point, H City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


What greeted them was a bullet, several rifles and the muzzles of two tanks.

"Comrade, get out of the way, there is a corpse brother coming behind you!"

The soldiers guarding the gate raised their guns and shouted anxiously.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei heard it, he knew it was a misunderstanding, he quickly raised his hand, showed the soldiers the iron chain in his hand, and responded: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, this corpse brother won't harm anyone, I'm here to send the survivors who came here."

After finishing speaking, he signaled Li Bai and the old man to go forward, while he and Nan Yu stayed behind.

"Brother Fei, are you really not going with us?"

"Yeah, kid, we finally got to the evacuation point, come with us."

Li Bai and the old man did not leave immediately, but persuaded Bai Xiaofei earnestly.

In their opinion, following Nan Yu is much more dangerous than facing Brother Corpse.

Now there is a chance to leave H City and go to a safer place, so why stay in H City with Nan Yu, a dangerous person.

"Uncle, Li Bai, my parents have taught me since I was a child that a man must be true to his word. Since I promised Brother Nan to take him to Longquan Jiange, I must keep my word. You go, go, don't worry about it. I."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and waved at Li Bai and the old man.

"Brother Fei."


In the face of the soldiers guarding the gate, Li Bai and the old man walked into the gate with their heads turned three times at a step, and then stood at the gate and watched.

It wasn't until Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei completely disappeared that they left crying.

Although they had known Bai Xiaofei for a short time, Bai Xiaofei's optimism and sense of responsibility were still deeply remembered by the two of them and would be unforgettable for a long time.

After seeing off Li Bai and the old man.

Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei were much faster.

Follow the route pointed by Bai Xiaofei.

After starting from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, it will not take long to arrive at Longquan Jiange.

this way.

They didn't encounter any survivors, only corpse brothers hiding in every corner.

Some are human-shaped, some are not human-shaped, some emerge from the ground, and some fly down from the sky.

In short, all kinds of corpse brothers opened Bai Xiaofei's horizon severely.

Like other locations in the infected area, most of the corpse brothers they encountered were weak human-level corpse brothers, and only a few of them were earth-level corpse brothers.

Old rules.

It was Bai Xiaofei who cleaned up the human-level corpse brothers, and Nan Yu cleaned up the earth-level ones, while drinking blood and essence to replenish themselves.

It took almost an hour.

Nan Yu and the others finally arrived in front of an antique four-story building.

There are four large characters hanging upstairs, which are the Longquan Jiange that Nan Yu has been looking for for a long time.

"finally reached."

Nan Yu looked at the sword characters written in seal script upstairs, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It was delayed for half a day.

Finally found here.

Due to the outbreak of the Corpse Brother virus, there was no one in Longquan Jiange for a long time. After Nan Yu and the others broke in, they went straight upstairs.

when going upstairs.

Bai Xiaofei was still chattering about Longquan Jiange.

"Brother Nan, you don't know, this place is owned by my fellow villagers."

"This Longquan sword is a special product of our city L. If I have time, I can take you to my hometown to see sword casting."

"I used to come to this store to play when I had nothing to do."

"The third floor here is full of good swords worth tens of thousands of dollars, and the fourth floor even has a giant sword forged by Ou Yezi, the ancestor of Longquan swords."

"If you want to talk about this giant que, it is really a treasure. It can definitely be called the treasure of the Longquan Jiange."

When talking about this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly paused, looked at Nan Yu and said, "Brother Nan, you didn't come here to get that Juque sword, did you?"

"What do you say?"

Nan Yu tilted his head and glanced at him: "What? Can't I take the treasure of your Longquan sword?"


"I can take it, I can take it."

Bai Xiaofei smiled awkwardly and stopped nagging.

There is only one sword placed on the fourth floor of Longquan Sword Pavilion.

That is Juque.

One of the Yanhuang artifacts, it has the effect of amplifying internal force.

The treasure he had been longing for finally appeared in front of him. Nan Yu unceremoniously stepped forward and smashed the tempered glass display case with his palm, and took out the Juque sword.

Bai Xiaofei also curiously stretched his head and looked at it carefully.

Different from ordinary swords, Juque is an extremely wide and thick epee. The sword body seems to be composed of red and white metal squares, and its width is a full thirty centimeters. Holding it in your hand is not so much a The sword, it is better to say it is a pretty door panel.

"This is Juque."

Bai Xiaofei had only heard of the name Juque before, and this was the first time he had admired the treasure of his hometown so closely.

"It's definitely a giant tower."


Nan Yu placed the giant tower in front of him, and then slapped it with his palm.

"Hey, Brother Nan, what are you doing? This is a good baby!"

Seeing Nan Yu's actions, Bai Xiaofei hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him.

Then he saw that the giant gate that had just looked like a door panel instantly broke into pieces under Nan Yu's palm, and fell to the ground with a crackle, revealing another black sword body with a normal size and no different from an ordinary sword inside.


"This, this is?"

Seeing the huge change in appearance, Bai Xiaofei was a little confused.

"This is the real Juque, boy, the outer layer is just a scabbard."

Nan Yu clenched the hilt of the sword, pouring the blood-colored inner energy into the giant tower. Then he raised his hand with his backhand, and a huge crescent-shaped sword energy flew out from the giant tower.

This blow easily split the fourth floor of Longquan Jiange in half.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

What kind of power is this, a building can be demolished with one blow, what if a living person gets hit by it?
"Well, yes, it's a good sword."

Nanyu is very satisfied with Juque's performance.

This sword indeed has the effect of amplifying internal force, and also has the function of storing internal force.

In other words.

As long as you store your internal energy into the sword in advance, you don't have to waste your internal energy pouring into it during battle.

"A good sword, a good sword"

The more Nan Yu looked at the sword, the more satisfied he became, and he couldn't help laughing.

Juque has arrived.


Nan Yu still needs to make a choice.

One is to take Bai Xiaofei, continue to teach him, and let him practice in advance to achieve killing power, so that he can get the heavenly blood essence as soon as possible.

The second is not to take Bai Xiaofei with him, and let him continue to grow by himself. In this case, Bai Xiaofei's entry will be a little slower, and the time to become a heaven will be much later.

After thinking for a while.

Nan Yu made a decision.

He first pointed out a clear path to Bai Xiaofei.

"There is a place called Cemetery BBQ not far from here. There is a Dr. Fish there. The vaccine to cure Brother Corpse's virus is in his hands. If you want to save you, Xiaowei, go find him."

After that, he said to Bai Xiaofei, "You can walk the rest of the way on your own," and then he snorted away.

(End of this chapter)

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