People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 42 The Dark Magician (5 more for further reading)

Chapter 42 The Dark Magician
Without Bai Xiaofei, without those miscellaneous people around him, Nan Yu felt a lot more at ease, carrying the giant que to sweep around the infected area in H City.

His goal is also simple.

Earth-level corpse brother.

With the current degree of sealing and physical strength he said, human-level corpse brothers are useless at all, which is why he handed over all human-level corpse brothers to Bai Xiaofei before.

Of course, if a prefecture-level practitioner killed him, he would be more than happy to accept it.

Just a pity.

At present, there are too few prefecture-level practitioners in H City.

Except for the Yanhuang special ability team, most of them are those wild dog ninjas from Japan.

Heavenly level is even less pitiful.

Not counting Long You, there is only the leading ninja from Japan.

"What's that ninja's name?"

Nan Yu leaned on Ju Que and thought for a while before he remembered: "Feng Mo Gray Taro, right? Hmm, it seems to be that name. He really knows how to name it, but I don't know if there is a Feng Mo Pleasant Goat?"

He had just killed a bat corpse brother and was sitting on the bench wondering where to go.

That poisonous concubine would rather die than follow, she was resolute in refusing to send a distress message to her companion, which really made Nan Yu very angry.

But this matter also made Nan Yu quite helpless.

I have used all the methods of torture to extract confessions, but still failed to pry open this woman's mouth. There is really no good way to deal with such a tough situation.

"Oh, that's right."

"In addition to the wild dogs from Japan, the white skins from the Dark Parliament should also be here."

At this time, Nan Yu suddenly thought of another group of people who came to H City to make trouble.

The Dark Parliament from Europe.

Led by their president, the vampire K, they had quite a few people here.

And if I remember correctly, that vampire should be at the heaven level in full condition, but now there is something in her head that suppresses her strength to the earth level.

Sucking her blood is actually equivalent to sucking a heaven-level blood essence.

This is an absolute tonic.

The only troublesome thing is that this woman has too many artifacts in her hands.

The artifacts in other people's hands are regarded as treasures, and they wish to pass on one artifact to dozens of generations, but the artifacts in this woman's hands are directly wholesaled by the catty, except for a few more expensive artifacts, all of them are disposable. , I don’t feel bad about throwing it away after using it, the family background is terrible.

The members of the Dark Council who followed K to City H also had several prefecture-level masters. From this point of view, if they could be caught, it would be a very good choice.

When Nan Yu mentioned this dark parliament, he thought of another name.

"Dark magician? Dark magician? What kind of magician?"

This guy whose name is unknown as a magician is also a member of the Dark Council. He once single-handedly destroyed the fourth evacuation point in H City, but was later killed by Yanhuang's mechanical warrior Chou Niu.

And the fourth evacuation point is the evacuation point that Nan Yu sent Li Bai and the old man to before.

This evacuation point has not been destroyed yet, that is to say, this guy must not have arrived at the Chinese Medicine Hospital yet, so he can go and wait for a wave in advance.

The more Nan Yu thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible.

Those wild dogs in Dongpu are so good at hiding, unless they show up on their own initiative, otherwise, if I search for them like headless chickens in this H city, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch their traces.

But there is such a big living person in front of the people of the Dark Council, there is no reason not to look for him!

After making up your mind.

Nan Yu immediately set off in high spirits.

H City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Evacuation work is in full swing.

Two state-of-the-art armed helicopters are staying on the roof of the Chinese Medicine Hospital to pick up survivors.

The soldiers in charge of patrolling and guarding the entrance of the hospital did not dare to relax their vigilance for a moment.

Since the Zijin Bridge evacuation point was destroyed by Japanese ninjas, various evacuation points in H City have strengthened their defenses several times, and even heavy firepower such as tanks and artillery that had not been deployed before were sent to the evacuation points as quickly as possible.

The search and rescue team that went out never stopped, and they went out every day to search for survivors near the evacuation point.

It's just that as the evolution of the corpses is getting higher and higher, many flying corpses appear in the sky of H City, which makes the rescue work more and more difficult. It takes three days to fly one.

In the woods not far from the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

A man wearing a magician's top hat was leaning on a cane, and smiled at a man wearing a purple cloak, hiding his head and face under the cloak: "Mr. Black Witch, I have searched all over this place, this place The material is the most abundant, and most of the soldiers are injected with human body strengthening agents, if it is used for transformation, it should be no problem to create a fifth-level black knight."

The cloaked man known as the black witch nodded and said, "Well, it is indeed a very good place to carry out my experiments, Dark Sun Magician, you can do it now."

"Okay, wait a moment."

The Dark Sun magician gracefully gave a gentleman's salute, and then swaggered out of the woods with his little yellow dog. One person and one dog walked directly to the gate of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

As soon as they saw someone appear, the soldiers guarding the gate immediately raised their guns and aimed at the past.

However, after seeing that it was a living person, these soldiers who were used to seeing survivors running by themselves put down their guns and shouted loudly, "Are you a survivor who came to the extraction point too?"

The Dark Sun Mage didn't answer, just sneered, stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers crisply.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you do magic?"

"Hey, there is something in your mouth, Lao Qi, Lao Qi, there is something in your mouth, ah! There is something in my mouth too!"

"What is this? A flower? What's the matter? How come a flower grows out of my mouth!"

"Ugh, this is, what, something!"

Amidst the wailing and screaming, the soldiers guarding the gate were all controlled by the strange white flowers growing from their mouths.

The dark magician was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He walked towards the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine bit by bit with his crutches, and at the same time issued an order: "Follow me, and arrest all living people. Anyone who resists will be killed."

The controlled soldiers stood up silently, escorting the Dark Sun magician with their guns like marionettes, and entered the traditional Chinese medicine hospital they had been guarding for many days.


There were bursts of gunshots and cries in the evacuation point that was originally like a doomsday pure land.

It wasn't until all the voices stopped that the black witch dared to come out of the woods and calmly walked into the gate of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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