Chapter 43 Jack the Clown

an hour later.

Nan Yu returned to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Still that question.

He doesn't know the way.

He walked too far when he was looking for Brother Corpse to kill him, and he couldn't find his way back when he came back. He didn't know how many circles he had to go around before he found it.

"Hey, where are those soldiers?"

Seeing the quiet environment at the entrance of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Nan Yu immediately realized something.

That ghost magician had already come here before him.

"Hey, it's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Nan Yu was overjoyed and walked leisurely into the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital carrying the giant ball.

Compared with the time when I came here before, it is bustling.

The current Chinese medicine hospital calendar is very quiet.

It was as quiet as a haunted house.

As soon as Nan Yu took two steps forward, the door of the hospital was pushed open. Then several soldiers with white flowers in their mouths pointed their guns at him and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


"Is this controlled by the Dark Sun Magician?"

Nan Yu didn't dodge or dodge, he let the bullets pour on him, and at the same time looked at the soldiers curiously.

Except for the white flowers in the mouth, all the pupils in the eyes of these soldiers have been replaced by the whites of the eyes, and they are completely unconscious.

Against the hail of bullets, Nan Yu walked forward step by step.

And these soldiers controlled by the dark magician seemed to have no sense of fear. Facing Nan Yu who was so oppressive, they also did not dodge or dodge, and always maintained the action of standing still and shooting, even if Nan Yu was standing In front of them, they also remained motionless.

"Excuse me, it's interesting."

"Is this hypnosis? Mind control? Or some weird Western power?"

Nan Yu reached out curiously, and forcibly squeezed the white flower out of a soldier's mouth.

But even pulling out the white flower had no effect, the soldier still stood there blankly and shot at Nan Yu, nothing changed at all.

"Tsk, my brain has been damaged, there's no way to save it."

After judging the status of these soldiers, Nan Yu flashed the black light in his hand, and Juque directly chopped off all the heads of these soldiers, and the intensive gunfire finally stopped.


Suddenly, two poker cards struck from behind Nan Yu.

These playing cards are not ordinary playing cards, but some kind of alloy playing cards made of special materials. They are extremely sharp, and when they hit Nan Yu, there is even the sound of gold and iron striking each other.

"Yo, the Lord is here."

Nan Yu turned around.

Opposite him was a white-haired magician wearing a top hat. His skin was colorless and he had three delicate mustaches on his chin. He was wearing a black suit and a cane. He looked pretty good. Quite a bit like a British gentleman.

"A battle suit with good protection."

"You should be a member of the Yanhuang Special Forces Team. I'm sorry for making a mess here, but I have no intention of conflicting with you."

"Using your Yanhuang's words, we are called turning hostility into jade soap."

"Why don't you and I just give up? I'll take my people out of here and stay here to protect your survivors."

Dark Sun Magician doesn't speak Chinese very fluently, but fortunately, he can barely understand it.

Nan Yu listened patiently for a long time, and after he finished speaking, he kindly reminded: "It's turning hostility into jade silk, not jade soap."


The Dark Sun Magician was speechless for a moment.

Nan Yu walked towards him with a smile, shook the giant que in his hand and said, "No matter what you say, don't even try to run away today."

"That's why we don't have to talk?"

"Talk? Do you have the capital to talk to me?"

Nan Yu grinned and kicked his feet violently, preparing to kill the dark sun magician.

However, the floor tiles under his feet had turned into a piece of ice at some point. Not only did he not push out, he almost slipped.



It was the first time that Nan Yu saw a Westerner display his supernatural powers. Nan Yu was quite surprised.

The Dark Sun Magician's attack did not end there. He just snapped his fingers, and then a long box with three layers of grids appeared out of thin air, covering Nan Yu entirely inside.

"Give me a hand—"

"Cough cough cough-"

"FUCK, what's going on!"

The dark sun magician who was about to cast his supernatural ability watched Nan Yu easily break free from his magic box in a daze, and even studied his magic box there with a look of interest.

He immediately said something back: "FUCK, this guy's mental power is higher than mine."

Only in this way can it explain why Nan Yu was able to break his own magic with brute force.

The physical defense is not afraid of his own poker cards, and his mental strength is higher than his own, how can he fight this!
After realizing this, the Dark Sun magician immediately covered himself with a magic cloth, and when the magic cloth fell, his figure had already disappeared.

It is clear.

The dark magician ran away.

As for whether the black witch who was doing experiments in the operating room would be caught by Nan Yu, he immediately forgot about it, and his own life was almost at risk, so how could he care about the black witch's life and death!
"What a terrible guy. When did the Yanhuang Special Energy Team come out with such a powerful person?"

In the dark, the Dark Sun Magician made up his mind while observing: "Run, run, it's too dangerous to stay here."

And right now.

Nan Yu suddenly turned his head to look at the hiding place of the Dark Sun Magician, grinned and said, "I found you!"

"FUCK, how can you have such strong mental power!"

The Dark Sun Mage cursed angrily, and immediately took out a blue glass bottle from his pocket and opened it.

For an instant.

The rich aroma instantly filled the entire hospital hall.

This is the potion that the dark sun mages are most proud of. It is said that even the powerhouses at the top of the earth level will faint when they smell this smell.

But Dark Sun Magician waited and waited. Nan Yu was almost in front of him, but he still showed no sign of fainting.

"Immune toxin."

"What kind of monster is this!!!"

The Dark Sun Magician sighed, and quickly put the magic cloth on his body again.

Only this time he didn't teleport away again.

A big hand passed through his magic cloth, easily pinched his neck, and directly interrupted his magic.

"Your ability is very interesting."

"But it's a pity, you are really too weak, Kong has a good ability but can't exert your strength."

Nan Yu chuckled, then flew up and kicked Dark Sun Magician in the crotch.

There was a sudden sound of cracking eggs.

The gentlemanly demeanor of the Dark Sun Magician, who could barely maintain it, suddenly turned into a twisted and painful expression, with tears and snot streaming down his nose.

"Call someone, call me all the people from your Dark Council."

Hearing Nan Yu's request.

The Dark Sun magician with his legs tightly crossed said tremblingly, "I, I can only call my brother Jack the Clown, I can't call anyone else."

"Then call your brother."

"Yes Yes."

Out of fear of death, the Dark Sun magician didn't say any nonsense, and immediately took out a mobile phone and dialed a number, and opened his mouth: "I'm going to die, come and save me."

(End of this chapter)

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