Chapter 49 Dramatic Quarrel
A laser beam as thick as a bowl shines on the block.

Even with the scorching sun in the sky, this dazzling white light still makes people dare not look directly.

Within the attack range of the laser beam, the surging corpse tide was instantly torn open a hundred meters long blank channel.

"Haha, how about the stinky uncle over there? Have you never seen such a powerful baby before!"

Lin Long put down the laser cannon, leaned on the body of the cannon with one hand and put one hand on his hips, and said, "Hurry up, Uncle Smelly, let me see your abilities too."


Nan Yu still only glanced at her and turned his head away.

Not to mention getting angry, he didn't even care about Lin Long, and even took advantage of the ghost sticks and the others to open the way ahead, and found a place without sunlight to enjoy the shade.

This scene immediately made Lin Long even more excited.

She didn't even care about Brother Corpse, and ran to Nan Yu, looking left and right. Until Nan Yu frowned, she asked, "Uncle, why don't you clean up Brother Corpse?"

From the uncle to the uncle over there, to the smelly uncle.

Lin Long's names for Nan Yu became more and more arrogant.

However, Nan Yu was not someone who would be easily angered by her, so he simply replied with four words: "Save your energy."

This reason is very valid.

It was so legitimate that even Lin Long couldn't find a thorn in it.

If there was no explanation from Lan Hai before, she could still think of ways to mess things up, but now that Nan Yu is using this excuse to prevaricate, there is nothing she can do about it, so she has to mutter and manipulate Zishumaotu to help clean up the dead brother .

"Damn it, why are there so many monsters in this area?"

Ghost Stick threw out two specially-made grenades, and blasted a large piece of corpses in front of him into pieces. However, looking at the seemingly endless corpses, his expression became a little ugly.

This road was the one he took before rescuing the three appetizers from the library. There were not so many corpse brothers at that time, and they returned to the temporary military base smoothly.

But I didn't expect that when I came here again, the corpse brothers here would rush towards them like a tide.

"This Lin Long!"

"If she hadn't been the commander's daughter, I would have beaten her up."

Gui Gun felt very unhappy.

Since Lin Long's arrival, this eldest lady has been provoking Nan Yu. Now all these troubles are because she insists that staying on the plane is too boring, and she must kill a few dead brothers to enjoy the fun, but he has attracted so much A big wave of corpses.

The most annoying thing is.

This wave of corpses are all ordinary corpse brothers who have not yet evolved. It is easy to kill them, but it will waste a lot of time, energy and ammunition.

Looking at the tide of corpse brothers roaring and running towards them, the ghost stick put away the grenade and replaced it with a three-section stick to clean up the corpse brothers in close combat.

On the other side, Lan Hai and Erdo also entered a special way of "combining" and transforming. Lan Hai took sleeping pills and entered a state of out-of-body state, while Erdo frantically flipped through a book called "Xin Ping Mei". ', and then entered the form of a muscular man named 'Beast Blood Boiling', and then Lan Hai's soul entered Erdo's body, with Erdo as the main body, from turning them into a pseudo-spiritual three-cultivation Practitioners.

This combination mode, which the two of them called "Haier Brothers", is extremely powerful, and has reached the actual combat level of the prefecture level.

Lan Haierduo and Gui Guang were at the front, while the rats and rabbits commanded by Su Po Mao and Lin Long were providing fire support from behind.

However, no matter how they killed them, these corpse brothers still rushed out from all corners and corners, as if they were endlessly killing them.

With such a large number, Gui Gun and the others gradually began to feel a little overwhelmed.

After weighing again and again.

They decided not to fight, and temporarily avoided the edge of this wave of corpses.

"Where is Mr. Nan Yu?"

Just when everyone was about to retreat to the isolated building to hide for a while, Ghost Stick suddenly found that Nan Yu had disappeared.

His shout immediately attracted the attention of several others.


The place where Nan Yu was sitting before was empty at some point.

"What about people!?"

"Yes, where are the people!!"

"Why did this stinky uncle run away? He can't really be a liar!"

"Miss, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Nan Yu signed a cooperation agreement with the commander, it is impossible to do such a treacherous thing!"

"That's not necessarily the case. We know people but don't know their hearts. Who knows if he will help us wholeheartedly! If he goes in for a while and then runs away like he said, we will be in trouble!"

"Enough! Shut your stinky mouth!!!"

The ghost stick's sudden outburst startled everyone.

I saw him who was always calm, looking at Lin Long with a gloomy face at this time, and scolded mercilessly: "Since you came here, you have been chattering and making noise here, I really don't know What's wrong with Mr. Nan Yu, huh? Do you hate him so much? Do you want to let him go before you stop?"

"Do you know how scary it is in that library?"

"Do you know! How did all my brothers die in there!?"

"Hehe, I almost forgot, you are the commander's daughter, you have the capital of willfulness, the commander will give you bodyguards and a lot of equipment that can save your life, but have you ever thought that because of your willfulness, we The only heaven-level master here is gone, what will happen to the remaining people now?"

"Are we continuing to carry out the mission? Then we were beaten to death by a group of monsters in the monster's lair, and the whole army was wiped out except you?"

"Or do you want us to give up the lives of those survivors, violate the tasks assigned to us by our superiors, and dare not even look at them like a bereaved dog?"

"Are you satisfied with the situation now? Are you happy?"

"Miss! This is a matter of life and death. Do you think you can just play house and play whatever you want!!!"

Lin Long was completely bewildered by Gui Guang's roar, as well as Lan Haierduo and Su Po Mao.

Who is Lin Long?

He was scolded by the ghost stick in front of him, and judging from his appearance, if he hadn't been concerned about his status, he would have even wanted to slap Lin Long twice.


"Don't get excited."

"Miss, don't cry, let's talk if we have something to say, if Mr. Nan Yu just has something to do suddenly, maybe he will come back after a while."

"Calm down, calm down."

Seeing Lin Long who was in tears, Lan Hai hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over.

Seeing this, Su Pomao also stepped forward to persuade Guigun and Lin Long.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the most taboo thing is internal strife.

Just when everyone was busy trying to persuade one of them, the tide of zombies that was still rushing towards them suddenly stopped charging without knowing what happened, and once again changed back to the confused look of the brainless corpse brother. .

The sudden change made Gui Gun and the others forget about their quarrel. They all turned their heads to look at the wandering corpse brothers in surprise.

At this time.

A familiar voice came from behind them.

"Hey, I can't tell, you guys are pretty big-hearted. There are so many corpse brothers behind you, why are you still thinking about quarreling here?"


He is back?

Everyone turned their heads in surprise.

Then he saw Nan Yu dragging half of the corpse brother dressed like Batman in his hand, and said as he walked: "This guy is directing the zombie tide to attack you. It was well hidden. It took me a long time to find it. "

Hear this.

The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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