People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 50: A Library That Has Completely Changed Its Appearance

Chapter 50: A Library That Has Completely Changed Its Appearance

Perhaps it was the ghost stick's cursing that took effect.

Anyway, after setting off again, Lin Long was surprisingly quiet.

However, it may also be because Nan Yu frightened her by drinking the corpse brother's blood as a drink in front of her.

all in all.

Lin Long stopped.

Nan Yu's ears finally calmed down.

So on the next journey, he had nothing to do, so he pointed out a few words to Ghost Stick.

Gui Gun is a very interesting person.

From the first meeting, he has been trying his best to protect Nan Yu. Although he is soft-spoken, he still can't avoid the wariness and vigilance of Nan Yu from the Yanhuang headquarters, but this kind of performance still makes Nan Yu very useful.

"Your moves are too fancy, and the power of your stick technique is not at the mid-earth level level."

"It's okay against ordinary people, but when facing an opponent with strong regenerative ability and completely ignoring your attacks like Brother Corpse, the problem of your weak stick technique will show its disadvantages."

"This has a lot to do with your lack of strength."

"Your internal strength is not bad, and you can barely see lightness kung fu, so relatively speaking, the weapon you are more suitable to use should be a concealed weapon, rather than a wide-ranging weapon like a long stick."

Ghost Stick listened carefully to Nan Yu's teaching.

Lan Hai and Er Duo next to him glanced at him enviously, then sighed and turned their heads away.

Advice from a heavenly master.

Who doesn't want to rub it in?

But there is no way, who let the ghost stick establish a relationship with this big boss in advance.

"Mr. Nan Yu, you don't know something."

Hearing that Nan Yu said that his energy did not match his weapon, Ghost Stick smiled: "The exercise I practice is called Golden Needle Pricking Acupoint Dafa, which is a technique that stimulates the acupoints to stimulate the potential and quickly increase the cultivation base of internal force." Cultivation method, so my classmates are the same as me, and the cultivation of internal strength is stronger than the cultivation of other aspects."

"Hmph, let's lose the inheritance."

Nan Yu snorted coldly, and naturally guessed the problem.

He has also seen many techniques that can quickly increase internal strength, such as the Golden Needle Puncturing Technique, but these techniques must be practiced in conjunction with the body-training techniques.

As said before.

The three ways of cultivating essence, energy and spirit complement each other.

Especially the essence, that is, the strength of the physical body.

This is the basis for practicing all kinds of methods.

Without a strong physical body, your internal force moves and powerful abilities will not be able to exert their full power. For example, Ghost Stick now, his staff skills are very good, but due to lack of energy, the power of the staff skills cannot be exerted. Can use all kinds of fancy moves in a sideways manner.


Gui Gun admitted this very happily, and then sighed deeply.

During the war years, all the martial arts classics of various sects were seriously lost, and there are not many sects that can still retain complete inheritance.

For example, the school he belongs to has lost the body training method, and only passed down this method of golden needle acupuncture.

"This is your situation."

"Either like what I said, go to practice hidden weapons. Relying on your internal strength and lightness skills, your actual combat ability can be improved to a higher level."

"Or go to Tiancai Dibao to supplement your own strength, such as Shaolin Great Rejuvenation Pill, Nine-leaf Ganoderma Lucidum and other great tonics."

Nan Yu thought for a moment: "Of course, you can still practice a body-refining technique, but you are a bit old and have missed the golden period of body-refining. Even if you use the treasures of heaven and earth to pile up, I'm afraid It will be difficult to achieve great success again.”

Ghost Stick is a 27-year-old young man.

The best time to train is during the bone-shaping stage of childhood. Now that Gui Gun's bones and meridians have been finalized, it is indeed very difficult to train again.

Gui Gun knew it himself, and said with an open-minded smile: "I have given up on refining the body for a long time. Moreover, when I learned the golden acupuncture method, I wanted to get out of the mountain as soon as possible to protect Yanhuang and the beauty under my feet. of earth.”

"Life is alive, but it is only a few dozen years. If I am one day late, the time to protect Yanhuang will be one day shorter."

"So, I am very satisfied with what I have achieved now. It's good to be diligent if you can. If you can't be diligent, there is no need to force it."

When he said this, Gui Gun was very proud. He puffed up his chest proudly, his eyes were as bright as fire, and his enthusiasm was in full swing. It seemed that he had remembered something beautiful, and the corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously.

Hear what he said.

Su Po Mao and the others who were walking aside all looked over and puffed up their chests. Even Lin Long, who was sulking, couldn't help but look at Gui Gun a few more times.

After encountering that wave of large-scale corpses, Nan Yu and the others never encountered any high-level corpse brothers blocking the way, only some scattered unmutated corpse brothers wandering on the street.

It didn't take long.

The outline of the Municipal Library appeared in everyone's sight.

Look far away.

A super-giant baby corpse brother with a height of 50 meters sat on the central open space of the municipal library, leaning back on the tall building, his chest heaved up and down regularly, and he seemed to be asleep.

The library, which was originally quiet and peaceful, was now covered with countless blood vessel-like foreign objects similar to tree roots. The blood surging in the blood vessels was clearly visible, making one's scalp numb just by looking at it.

Countless low-level corpse brothers gathered in front of the library. They did not just know how to eat like the brainless corpse brothers Nan Yu and the others met in the neighborhood before. Instead, they lined up in order to enter the library. The door of the museum.

"It's different from the last time we came here."

Ghost Stick's brows were tightened, and his face darkened a lot.

He continued: "The giant baby corpse brother has a very strong self-healing ability. Even if his body is penetrated by the No. 117 armor-piercing bullet, he can complete regeneration in a few seconds. As for those corpse brothers."

Ghost stick's brows furrowed deeper and deeper: "When we came last time, these corpse brothers outside didn't go into the library. It's hard to imagine how many corpse brothers there are in this library now."

"The Corpse King is creating elite monsters."

Nan Yu muttered something.


The ghost stick didn't hear clearly.

"Let these cannon fodder-like corpse brothers devour each other and use low-level soldiers to form high-level soldiers. Haven't you ever played this game before?"


Nan Yu's words were a bit down to earth, causing Gui Gun and the others to have their brains shut down for a moment.

But they reacted quickly.

"In other words, there are likely to be more powerful corpse brothers in this library."

Su Pomao rubbed its chin and said thoughtfully.

This is bad news.

It means that their infiltration missions have a high chance of becoming very dangerous.

"Mr. Nan Yu, our task this time is mainly to find out how many dead brothers are hidden in this lair, how strong they are, and how many are there. We don't force how many dead brothers can be cleaned up, nor how many survivors can be rescued. If you can understand more than half of the area, the mission is completed."

"Of course, these tasks are not mandatory. If we encounter irresistible danger, we can retreat at any time."

Su Pomao explained seriously.

After hearing this, Nan Yu nodded: "Okay, I understand."

After all, the few people set off towards the periphery of the library.

(End of this chapter)

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