Chapter 51 Nan Yu ran away again
There seem to be a lot of corpse brothers outside the library, but in fact these corpse brothers are completely undefended.

Originally, Su Pomao and the others thought that this super giant baby corpse was acting as a monitor, but it turned out that this guy was really sleeping all the time, no matter what sounds happened below, he never raised his head.

Therefore, Nan Yu and the others easily found the gap opened by Special Forces Team [-] when they came last time, and followed this gap into the library.

"It's strange, there are so many corpse brothers outside, why are there no one on guard inside?"

"Are they really not afraid of someone invading?"

Erdo looked around and complained.

It was still the same as when Gui Gun and the others came last time. Nothing in this room had been moved, not even the furnishings had been changed.

Look at it from the eyes of normal people.

This is abnormal.

But from the perspective of the Corpse King, it seems that it can be explained.

"Why set up defenses?"

"The Corpse King is waiting for you to come and die."

Nan Yu said in a flat tone: "Didn't the ghost stick say that any corpse brother here is better than the outsiders, if you don't use the sky level to come here, what do you use to save people? In the end, you can only become a member of the corpse brother .”

These words were a bit heavy, and Ghost Stick and the others didn't know how to respond for a while.

Lin Long, who was silent for a while, said, "Why do you feel that you are very familiar with these monsters?"

she said so.

Several other people also noticed this problem.

When they were attacked by a zombie wave, Nan Yu was able to accurately find the earth-level corpse brother who controlled the lower-level brothers.

When he came to the library, he revealed the reason for the large-scale influx of low-level corpse brothers into the library with one sentence.

Now it was he who once again revealed the reason why the library was undefended in one sentence.

And it seemed that Nan Yu not only knew Brother Corpse, but also the so-called Corpse King.

How did he know so much?

This question suddenly jumped into everyone's mind.

"A butcher who has killed many pigs will naturally understand the structure of pigs."

Nan Yu chuckled and said: "It makes sense."


Several people couldn't help but looked at each other, and they all saw puzzlement in each other's eyes.

What kind of bullshit is this?
"Okay, don't talk useless, here comes the guest."

Nan Yu looked out the door and said lightly.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately became alert.

The ghost stick set up the three-section stick, and Lan Hai Erduo entered the combined mode again. All the weapons of the mouse and the rabbit were ready to go. Lin Long and Su Pomao were also aiming with a laser cannon and a rifle.

They all focused on the only door in the room.

It's just that everyone stared for a long time, but still didn't see the 'guest' that Nan Yu mentioned bursting through the door.

Out of trust in Nan Yu, Ghost Stick frowned and asked, "Mr. Nan Yu, is that monster outside the door?"

"Not anymore."


Nan Yu waved his hand, and a ray of red light flashed past the giant tower, and then a scream rang out, and the bright red blood exploded into a ball of blood in the air.

In the corner behind everyone, a chameleon corpse broken into two parts suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"This is this?"

"Brother Corpse?"

"Exactly in the shape of an animal?"

"Judgment, level A infected person, confirmed dead."

The appearance of the chameleon made Gui Guang and the others suddenly change their expressions.

The corpse brother who can become invisible.

If it wasn't for Nan Yu's warning, someone might have been attacked by it just now.

"Tell your little mouse to turn on the thermal imaging function when it's okay. There is more than one thing, and let the little mouse scan with thermal imaging to give an early warning."

Nan Yu raised his chin at Zi Shu.

"How do you know Zi Mouse has thermal imaging capabilities?"

Lin Long did not immediately follow the instructions, but questioned: "Zi Shu is the latest mechanical warrior developed by our Yanhuang. It is still in the experimental stage. How do you know its function?"

Nan Yu chuckled and said, "You care about me?"


Lin Long was out of breath.

But for Nan Yu, she really has nothing to do, she can only order out of anger: "Zishu Maotu, switch to full power mode, and move freely."

After receiving the order, Zishu Maotu, who had been restricted in energy before, immediately changed his appearance, and a dark red light suddenly burst out of the originally dark and empty eyes.

"Alert, alert, there are 71 mutants outside the door, including 62 B-level infected, eight A-level infected, and one S-level infected."

As soon as the full power mode was turned on, Zishu immediately issued a rapid alarm sound.

Maotu also began to analyze the combat power of the corpse brother outside the door.

"S-class infected person."

Nan Yu raised his eyebrows.

Yanhuang's current attitude towards Brother Corpse is, how can I put it, too contemptuous?

This so-called S-level infected person is not the S-level superpower equivalent to the heaven-level in the Western power system. It is just a name for those corpse brothers who have mutated more times and have relatively strong qi and blood.

Converted into a cultivator's statement, S-level is probably the appearance of entering the prefecture-level.

Then the SS-level infected people are in the mid-prefecture level, and the SSS-level infected people are in the late prefecture-level.

There isn't even a grading at the peak of the earth level, let alone a grading at the sky level.

There are only dozens of corpse brothers, and the strongest one is only an early-stage earth-level one.

This was not a difficult task for Nan Yu and the others. They didn't spend much effort to clean up the outside area along the way, and they didn't even give them a chance to warn.

Where they are now is a reading room in the library.

After coming out of here, Ghost Stick led the way, Zishu and Maotu were on guard. Everyone did not alert the snake, but looked for a place that would not alert Brother Corpse. Unless they had to, they would avoid the Corpse patrolling the road. Brother, concentrate on recording the distribution of corpses and survivors in the library.


What made Lin Long feel dissatisfied again was that Nan Yu left by himself again, leaving only a sentence of 'I will help you if there is danger'.

This time it wasn't just Lin Long who was muttering, even Su Po Mao, who had such a calm temperament, couldn't help but mutter a few words.

Without him.

There is really a crisis in this library.

They had only investigated half a floor, and they had already encountered three earth-level corpse brothers.

Although it is only at the early stage of the prefecture level and does not pose much of a threat to everyone, this is the first level.

Gui Gun also said that the last time he barely rushed to the third floor, he was almost eaten alive by the zombie brother. In the end, he could only rescue three survivors who escaped by themselves.

In other words.

If Nan Yu's rescue doesn't come in time, they will be the unlucky ones.

"Is this stinky uncle really ready to let go?"

"He's a heaven-level guy. Even if he can't be beaten here, he can still run away. Where should we run then?"

"It's all my stinky dad's fault. If you insist on going in for a walk, you'll be paid for it. Now it's all right, let someone cheat you."

Lin Long's voice was not loud.

But the people present were basically masters of internal strength. Even Su Po Mao, who didn't cultivate internal strength, wore a helmet that could help improve hearing and vision.

So Lin Long's words were almost the same as what was said in everyone's ears.

No one refuted her words, including Gui Gun, because he didn't know how to refute it at all. You Nan Yu just ran away quietly. You really couldn't find a reason to speak for Nan Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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