Chapter 55 Divine Skills
"What happened over there?"

Gui Gun and others who had already withdrawn from the library trembled when they heard the ground shaking behind them.

Looking back, I happened to see the scene where Nan Yu cut open the library building with a sword.

That terrifying red sword energy.

After cutting open the building, the momentum remained undiminished, and it tore a [-]-meter gap in the ground before stopping.


"What kind of strength does this have to do?"

"Terrible, terrible, unimaginable."

"What are you still doing in a daze? Run, this kind of big boss fights, we will die if we touch each other, and we will die if we touch each other. Why don't you run quickly, run as far as you can!"

Erdo's words reminded everyone, and they hurriedly ran out.

"It's Mr. Nan Yu."

While running for his life, Gui Gun said something out of nowhere.


Hearing his words, several people looked over.

At this time, the blood lotus body armor on Ghost Stick's body had faded away and disappeared without a trace, and the sequelae of the golden needle's life-burning also started to show up.

However, the blood demon was still there, and through the blood demon, he could vaguely sense who Nan Yu was fighting with.

The previous sword energy resonated extremely clearly with the internal power within the blood demon species.

no doubt.

That was the sword energy that Nan Yu used.

Listen to the ghost stick.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Especially Lin Long, who had provoked Nan Yu several times before, couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Slash a building with one sword!"

"What kind of strength is this?"

"I made a mistake in my judgment. He is definitely not only the mid-day level, but at least the late-day level, and may even be the peak of the day level."

"The pinnacle of heaven."

"My mother."

"Speed ​​up. No matter who Mr. Nanyu is fighting, in a battle of this level, they are within their attack range for several kilometers. Our current position is still very dangerous."

Su Po Cat's fighting ability is not strong, but his vision is outstanding.

Having witnessed the massacre of tens of thousands of people at the top of the Heaven Level in the Border Land, he knows far better than others how terrifying the Peak Level is.

"The pinnacle of heaven."

Su Pomao took a deep breath and couldn't help but look back.

Just in time, I saw Nan Yu, who was covered in flames, fighting with a giant with a naked upper body coming out of the library, and the giant baby corpse brother who had caused the special energy team such a headache in the library yard didn't even have the courage to look at them, so he Screaming and running away.

"Is that the corpse king who manipulated Brother Corpse?"

The power of the battle between the two made Su Po Mao couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, but he still did not forget his own job and took several high-definition photos of Nan Yu and Long You fighting at the risk of being affected, and then hurriedly left. go.

Since coming to this world, this was the first time that Nan Yu was really broken by someone.

It’s not that I’m mentally broken.

It is the physical body that breaks the defense.

Long You's Tiangang Qi is a higher level skill than the Blood Lotus Technique.

Yizhong's intelligence can keep Longyou awake at all times, and will not lose his ability to judge the battle situation due to external factors.

The second level of illness has greatly increased Longyou's speed. Even though his size has skyrocketed now, he is still extremely dexterous.

The third level of power simply and crudely greatly increased Long You's physical strength.

you could put it that way.

In addition to defense, Long You is now a super master who has full strength and speed, and is always able to keep calm and look for Nan Yu's flaws.

As for his current level of internal strength.

Late day level.

This was roughly determined by Nan Yu after fighting with him.

It is slightly lower than Nanyu now.

But Long You's recovery ability is so abnormal that he is so abnormal that Nan Yu, who has also obtained immortal blood, is far inferior to him.

The most straightforward performance.

Nan Yu used a giant sword to open a wound on Long You's body that was deep enough to show the bone. Long You didn't even need a single breath to fully recover from the wound.

After Nan Yu broke his shoulder blade with Long You's punch, it took him two seconds longer to fully recover.

Also has undead blood.

Nan Yu's recovery ability is obviously a big difference.

This is based on the premise that Nan Yu himself has a strong self-healing ability. If it is not his body or a zombie, the recovery ability will be slower.

So don't look at it now that he is stronger than Long You.

But if it goes on like this.

Sooner or later it will be him who loses.

Realizing this, Nan Yu decisively distanced himself from Long You, and looked at him across the air.

"What? Didn't you speak harshly just now? Why didn't you dare to come here?"

Long You didn't take the initiative to fight Nan Yu again, but just stood there and sneered.

At this time, Longyou's appearance has completely changed compared with before.

Thick black scales covered his body, giving him extremely strong defensive capabilities. At the beginning, Nan Yu could cut off his arm with a sword. Now, relying on this layer of scales, he could even cut off his arm forcefully. Ju Que was only cut open with a wound.

Xuanwu armor.

I don't know that Longyou is a biological armor condensed after eating something. If it is fully activated, even missiles can resist it without damage.

Longyou's cultivation base has not yet fully recovered, and he can't activate the four-level defense of the Tiangang Qi for the time being. He can only rely on the basalt body and the protective Qi to improve the defense of the physical body.


Listening to Long You's mockery to him, Nan Yu's expression didn't change much, but he let out a long breath.

The golden flame on his body became more and more intense.

The moisture in the air was quickly baked to vaporization, centering on Nan Yu's feet, charred black and dry cracks continued to spread, and the plants in contact with it began to wither and decay in an instant until they turned into a mass of ashes.

The ancients said.

As soon as the drought came out, the land was red for thousands of miles.

Nan Yu's blood was once purified by Hanba's blood essence in his previous life, and now he has completed the second purification by entering the body with immortal blood. The bloodline is very close to the real descendants of Hanba.

Although he doesn't have the power of the ancestor Chidiqianli, he can also do what he has passed without a blade of grass growing.

"What kind of species is this kid?"

Nan Yu's changes made Long You vigilant.

Back then when he was not sealed, he had never seen such a strange creature as Nan Yu.


Suddenly, Long You felt something strange.

Look down.

Then he found that the basalt carapace he was wearing was slowly melting.

This discovery couldn't help but make Long You's expression solemn.

There were dozens of steps between him and Nan Yu, but despite such a distance, the high temperature radiating from Nan Yu's body could actually melt his Xuanwu shell.

What temperature is this?
Seeing that the situation was not good, Long You was about to make a move.

Nan Yu yelled violently: "Fire Dragon! Appear—!"

Immediately, flames shot up from his body, and amidst a high-pitched and resonant dragon chant, a golden dragon with four legs under its belly and two horns on its head took shape in the flames. As soon as it appeared, it swooped towards the right of the dragon. .


This dragon has only four claws.

Hanbao's blood essence and blood were not refined enough to completely break Nan Yu's seal. Otherwise, this should be a five-clawed golden dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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