Chapter 56
"Divine skill?"

"Is this kid still capable of magical skills?"

Seeing the flaming golden dragon rising into the sky, Long You's expression changed for the first time.

I no longer have the confidence I had before.


It is an extremely eager greed.

The undead species with the three cultivations of spirit, energy and spirit are born with a super fire control ability. If they can eat Nan Yu, it will be unimaginable to improve him.


The top priority right now is not how to eat Nan Yu, but how to resist this magical technique that has already reached the level of god.

Looking at the oncoming flaming golden dragon.

Long You did not rely on his immortal body to pick it up as before, but decisively used his body skills, trying to avoid the attack range of the flaming golden dragon.

The temperature of the flaming golden dragon summoned by Nan Yu with the Fire Dragon Curse was too high.

It was so high that Long You had no confidence that he could use his undead body to catch this move.

However, the range of the Flaming Golden Dragon's attack is too large, almost covering the entire periphery of the library.

Even though Long You was extremely fast under the double blessing of Tiangang Qi, he was still rubbed by the flame golden dragon on half of his body.

Just like his previous worries.

This blow.

The Xuanwu Armor evaporated without even a trace of resistance, and even half of Longyou's body completely disappeared in the golden flames.

The flaming golden dragon's attack is not over yet.

After destroying the right half of the dragon's body with one blow, under Nan Yu's control, the flaming golden dragon self-destructed on the spot without warning, turning into a circle of raging flames that spread outward.

Longyou, whose body was still regenerating, had no time to escape at all, so he had to frantically mobilize the undead body, and forcibly took over the flame storm.

Under the ravages of the flame storm.

The body of Long You, who lost his Xuanwu body, kept repeating the process of being burned and reborn. Basically, the new flesh was melted as soon as it was born, and then continued to be reborn and continued to be burned, struggling to support itself with the extremely abnormal undead body. Don't burn yourself to ashes.

The library building behind Long You that was cut open by Nan Yu's sword was already crumbling, and now it collapsed under the impact of the flame storm, killing countless corpse brothers hiding in the building.

Those low-level corpse brothers who were summoned by Longyou outside the library were desperately fleeing, but they couldn't escape the speed of the flame storm, and were vaporized in an instant, leaving only a disgusting stench in the air.

As for the other places affected by the flame storm, there was nothing left except the scorched earth.


Nan Yu panted slightly.

This Fire Dragon Curse almost drained his mana, and the originally blazing golden flames on his body became a little erratic.

The peak of the heaven level used a strike comparable to the god level.

It really wasn't an easy task.

But such a blow.

Not enough to kill Long You.

It's just been hit hard.

Looking at Long You who was floating in the air and whose body was being regenerated rapidly, Nan Yu pulled out the giant gate, kicked his feet, and quickly swept towards Long You.

The mana is indeed almost depleted.

But his physical strength and internal strength are still there, and he still has the combat strength of the peak of the sky.

This is the terrible thing about the three cultivations of spirit, energy and spirit.

"Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword Slash!"

Nan Yu was not stingy with his internal strength. Before he could reach Long You, he used all his strength to slash with the bleeding flame sword. The sword energy soaring into the sky suddenly intertwined as densely as a fishing net, and in an instant, Long You, who had not yet recovered, was chopped into pieces again.

But even though Long You was injured like this, his voice still sounded powerfully throughout the world.



"Boy, your strength is indeed above mine."

"such a pity."

"Your internal strength is not endless."

"As long as your inner strength is exhausted, you will obediently become my nourishment."

talking room.

Taking advantage of Nan Yu's slight distraction, Long You's body that had just been chopped up by Nan Yu was immediately stuck together, and it was completely restored to its original state before Nan Yu attacked again.

"Zhenwu Seven-Star Sword."

Nan Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he used the giant sword in his hand to perform the swordsmanship he had learned in his previous life.

This is a Taoist sword technique.

In Nan Yu's previous life, he learned to play when he had nothing to do.

Of course.

The reason why he can learn this sword technique is because he doesn't know internal force, so he only learned the shape of a sword technique.

But it's different now.

With the internal force blessing of the Blood Lotus Dafa, he truly used the power of this set of swords for the first time.

It's just that this set of orthodox swordsmanship to subdue demons and subdue demons, but under the blessing of the bloody internal force of the Blood Lotus Dafa, it looks extremely evil and ghostly.

Long You, who had already recovered, was not to be outdone, and activated his basalt body with all his strength, using the thick and heavy basalt body to resist the edge of the Juque sword, and relying on his strong recovery ability, he fought against Nan Yu again with the method of changing injuries for injuries Together.

The speed of the two of them is extremely fast, and the shadow of the sword and fist can no longer be described as dazzling, but it is completely invisible to people, only the sound of swords and soldiers clashing in the air can be heard continuously, the only one The only method that can be used to judge the location of the two is the blood and limbs that the two wantonly scatter.

Long You is a very cunning person.

He saw that Nan Yu deliberately cut his body in order to steal the immortal blood, so he controlled his blood so that the blood that flew out of his body was ordinary blood that did not contain the essence of immortal blood.

Nan Yu did the same thing.

As a zombie, it is instinctive to control the flow of his own blood. He can easily stop the blood flow in his body. Even if he is injured, he will never let a drop of blood flow out of the wound.

This means that neither of them can take away what they want unless they beat each other until they are unable to resist.

That's how you come and go.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, from the scorching sun to the full moon.

During this period.

Nan Yu cut off Long You's body no less than a thousand times.

But every time, Long You could complete the regeneration in an instant, and then fought Nan Yu again with great momentum.

Long You's ability to fight and resist really surprised Nan Yu.

It's not that he doesn't know that the source of Longyou's immortality is the original body in his body, and even in the blood pupil of the zombie, he has confirmed the location of the original body.

However, Longyou's protection against the original body was extremely strict.

He would rather resist Nan Yu's blow with his hands, feet, and body than give up the protection of the original body.

This made Nan Yu quite helpless, and could only fight him hard, hoping to drain Long You's energy and blood, and completely exhaust his self-healing ability.

However, until Nan Yu's internal strength almost bottomed out, he did not wait for the moment when Long You disarmed.

With only physical strength left to use, it was impossible for him to take down Longyou.


Now it's not a question of whether he can capture Long You, but if he continues to waste like this, he will be killed by Long You.

In the battle between him and Long You, Long You was not the one who was beaten for nothing. Nan Yu also suffered countless punches, and his muscles and bones were broken by Long You. Lighter to the right.

Recovering from injuries requires consuming energy and blood.

Nan Yu's mana was at the bottom now, his internal energy was almost exhausted, and the remaining energy and blood were not enough to last for long.

But looking at Longyou, he was still as fierce as a dragon and a tiger at his peak.

The ghost knows how much energy and blood is stored in his body, and it has not been exhausted after almost a day of beating.

This battle can't go on.

Nan Yu, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, made a feint and used the last of his inner strength to hit Long You with a Blood Demon Bead.


"The exercises that those bitches stole from me."

"What you used is quite mysterious."

Long You waved his hand and crushed the Blood Demon Orb.

Just when he was about to continue to mock Nan Yu, he found that there was no one in front of him.

"It runs pretty fast."

Longyou stood on the spot with a cold expression, his eyes looked back and forth from side to side.

After confirming that Nan Yu really left.

He no longer had the calmness and calmness before, so he jumped up in a hurry, stumbled all the way back to his home, and then plunged into the blood pool where he usually rested.

At this time, he no longer had the ferocity he had when fighting Nan Yu. Not only did his figure shrink rapidly to only about 1.6 meters, but his originally mighty and majestic body also shriveled into a skinny body, and his aura continued to decline, and finally withered to the point of only The same level as when I first broke the seal.

This battle with Nan Yu.

Although he managed to maintain his immortal health and beat Nan Yu away, this battle also made all the supplements he had done during this period useless.

It can be said.

Back to before liberation overnight.

(Seeing that some people say that I am a clickbait, I would like to clarify that my book is called "Brother Man Zai Zu, Duel Long You", not "Brother Zai Zai, Duel Long You Duo".)
(End of this chapter)

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