Chapter 6 Fuck me!martial arts master?
My name is Bai Xiaofei, and an unimaginable disaster happened around me.I want to live and save more people.Xiaowei, if you wait for me, I will definitely rescue you.

Along the way, I encountered many horrific things and some people who, like me, were struggling to survive in the apocalypse.

Just yesterday, I met a policeman named Xiaohui.

While escorting her to the evacuation point, we met another corpse brother with incredible strength.

In order to protect Xiaohui, I asked her to hide in the nearby Sunshine Elementary School, and then I went to fight the big corpse alone.

After exhausting all my efforts, I finally killed the big corpse brother and also saved a kindergarten kid named Xiaolu.

However, just after Xiaolu and I arrived at Sunshine Elementary School, I was attacked by a strange person, and Xiaohui was also kidnapped by that person.

So I passed all the way, defeated the elementary school student corpse brothers who blocked the road, and rushed to the mysterious kidnapper.

But I never expected that this kidnapper named Mr. Mu was so powerful that even though I had been injected with the KW74 human body enhancer, I was still easily defeated by him.

But I absolutely can't give up. I still have to find a way to rescue Xiaohui and the others from Teacher Mu.


before that.

Can anyone explain it to me.

Who is this man who keeps staring at me lustfully?What does he mean by looking at me with such ambiguous eyes?Huh?Why is he looking at my ass?Fuck!This is a pervert!Me, I'm not that kind of person!

Seeing Bai Xiaofei who was covered in injuries, he jumped up suddenly, and then stared at him vigilantly while covering his buttocks.

Nan Yu couldn't help but darken his face.


The protagonist of the world of "Brother Corpse" is a super funny guy, even when life and death are at stake, his abnormal mind can come up with some unscrupulous things.

Just because I suddenly met the comic protagonist, I couldn't help but take a second look at him out of curiosity. I didn't expect that this bastard with a missing string in his head took him for what he was.

"If you look at me like that again, I don't mind digging out your eyes and replacing them with a pair of corpse brother's eyes."

The more she thought about it, the more unhappy she became. Nan Yu directly started to threaten Bai Xiaofei.

Originally, Nan Yu was just wandering around the city and didn't know where he was.

But when he saw this guy being knocked down from upstairs, he finally knew where he was now.

Sunshine Primary School.

The early stage of the plot of "Brother Corpse" is a very important point.

There are not only a large number of mutated student corpse brothers, but also a heavyweight early boss, Mr. Mu!

This Teacher Mu is a complete pervert and a complete genius at the same time.

According to what he said.

Back then, his paper was misappropriated and he was falsely accused of plagiarism. As a result, such a talented genius could only teach in an elementary school.

During the years he taught at Sunshine Elementary School, the resentment in his heart grew stronger every year, until his heart was completely distorted to the point of abnormality.

When the Corpse Brother virus broke out, relying only on simple experimental conditions, Teacher Mu extracted the Corpse Brother virus from the contaminated tap water and transformed it to create a virus that could strengthen the human body and mutate it without losing consciousness. Gene enhancement potion.

With this potion called 'God's Gene', the grievances accumulated by this guy for many years completely exploded.

He first killed all his students with his own hands, then made them into mutated corpses and controlled them with infrasonic waves, then kidnapped the female teacher who had rejected his confession and the policeman Xiaohui passing by, and at the same time lured Bai Xiaofei Play crazy tricks at school.

"Being able to hammer Bai Xiaofei down from the building means that Teacher Mu has now injected himself with his 'God Gene'."

"After being injected with the 'God Gene', Teacher Mu should have earth-level strength, and maybe mid-earth-level strength. If you suck him, it won't be much better than Niuben 52."

Thinking of this, Nan Yu couldn't help but licked his lips.

This action made Bai Xiaofei even more convinced that the person in front of him was definitely a pervert, so he quietly moved back.

It's just that such small actions can't be hidden from Nan Yu's eyes.

He glanced at Bai Xiaofei and said with a smile: "Hey, boy over there, I just heard you say that you want to save someone?"


As soon as he mentioned this, Bai Xiaofei's temper immediately came up, and he ran away with himself and Xiaohui all the way eloquently, but in the end, he vomited out all the perverted things about meeting Teacher Mu like pouring beans.

At the end, he kindly reminded Nan Yu: "Brother, that pervert is too strong. I can see from your eyes that you haven't been injected with KW74 yet, so you should leave here quickly."

"Well, by the way, there is a child named Xiaolu hiding in the staff lounge on the second floor of this building. If you have time, please take her away too."

"The child's only wish is to find her mother. It is too dangerous for her to stay here alone."

Nan Yu could hear from Bai Xiaofei's tone that he felt like he was leaving death alone, and that he was left alone at the end of his life.

It's not really his fault.

The current Bai Xiaofei has only been injected with the KW74 human body enhancer for a short time. Although due to various accidents, it took him an exceptionally long time to absorb the potion, but overall, his strength is at most the peak of the personal level, and his strength exceeds the prefecture level. Teacher Mu, if there is no special means, it can be said that there is no hope at all.

Even in the original plot, he relied on tricks, using Teacher Mu's underestimation of the enemy and the thermite he made to barely win.

Just like that, he was almost beaten to death on the spot by the violent teacher Mu.

With such a huge difference in strength, it is normal to have a little pessimism.

But things are different now.

Nan Yu ignored Bai Xiaofei's advice, squinted at him and said, "Who told you that only people injected with KW74 can defeat that pervert?"

As he spoke, he bent his knees and looked at the fifth floor with a big hole in the wall.

"No buddy, what are you doing?"

Bai Xiaofei looked a little confused.

Why did this guy seem to be even more excited after he said that there was a pervert in this building?


Could it be that a pervert meets a pervert, right?
But what was the strange man in front of him planning to do when he jumped up?Is he ready to jump——

Just when Bai Xiaofei was dreaming.

Nan Yu's feet suddenly exerted force, and his whole body jumped from the flat ground to the height of a five-story building like an arrow, and then fell lightly into the room where Teacher Mu had just knocked Bai Xiaofei out.

Bai Xiaofei was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out, and he opened his mouth wide and blurted out: "Fuck me! Martial arts master!?"

(End of this chapter)

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