Chapter 7 Is it human?Or a monster?
Laboratory Room 507 on the fifth floor of the Sunshine Primary School teaching building.

A tall, shirtless man with a third eye on his forehead was holding a syringe full of red medicine in his hand in a pair of pink rubber gloves. Female teacher in teacher uniform.

This man is Teacher Mu who caused a series of tragedies in Sunshine Elementary School.

When Nan Yu jumped up, he was still babbling: "Mr. Xiaojia, this is the genetic medicine I reserved just for you."

"Don't worry, this is diluted by me, and it will definitely not change your pretty little face after using it."

"Hey, it's still strawberry flavor, I hope you like it."

"Come on, come on, come and evolve into a new human being with me, hehehehe——"

Facing the completely inhuman face of Teacher Mu, Teacher Xiaojia shrank back with some fear. Beside her, there was a woman in police uniform clinging to each other, and kept trembling: "Xiao Sister Xiaojia."

Reaching out to comfort policewoman Xiao Hui who was too nervous to speak, Teacher Xiaojia gritted her teeth and said, "Teacher Mu, you just want me to go with you. Don't embarrass this little girl!!"

Teacher Xiaojia's original intention was to let Teacher Mu let Xiaohui go.

But I didn't think so.

After hearing what she said, Teacher Mu laughed more and more wantonly.

"Oh? Are you agreeing?"

"Hee hee hee—"

"That's great, so the three of us can play together, hehehe——"

Teacher Mu stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his own lips. Even if he saw the obscene expression on his face, he would have to exclaim that he is really a pervert.

This kind of action naturally frightened Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui to keep dodging backwards, until they were forced to hide in a corner and could only watch Teacher Mu getting closer and closer.

at this time.

From the corner of his eye, Teacher Xiaojia suddenly caught sight of Nan Yu, who was squatting on the broken wall watching a play.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously to make sure she saw it correctly. There was indeed a person squatting there.

Although she didn’t know how a stranger suddenly appeared here, she still had the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live doctor and hurriedly shouted for help: “Brother over there, please come and save us, Teacher Mu. He's crazy!"

"Hehe, Teacher Xiaojia, don't play such tricks."

"It's useless~~~"

"You are mine today. Don't be afraid. I will treat you very gently. It won't hurt you at all."

Teacher Mu was not disturbed by Teacher Xiaojia's shouting at all, and kept molesting Teacher Xiaojia with all kinds of obscene words.

The Bai Xiaofei who was beaten just now gave him full confidence in his current strength.

Moreover, he didn't feel anything strange in this room, so Teacher Xiaojia's cry for help to Nan Yu was naturally regarded by him as a deliberate means to delay time.

"Mr. Xiaojia, delaying time is useless."

"Come on, you only need this injection, and you can sleep with me and fly together, and become the fairy couple that everyone will envy."

The more Mr. Xiaojia was unwilling to give in, the more excited Mr. Mu became, and the pace of his feet became faster and faster.

However, he had not yet succeeded.

Nan Yu's figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and grabbed his arm that was holding the gene potion of God.

Before Teacher Mu had time to react, Nan Yu twisted his hand and easily snatched the potion away.

"You! Who are you!"

At this time, Teacher Mu finally discovered Nan Yu's figure.

It's just that the surprise that a stranger suddenly appeared in the room quickly turned into anger that the potion of God was taken away.

All three of his eyes were wide open, and he roared angrily: "Where did the wild mice come from, dare to come to my place to play wild!"

"Oh, my dog ​​used to like to bark like you."

There was a sneer on Nan Yu's lips, and he said sarcastically: "Do you know what happened to that dog?"

"I don't care what happened to you!!!"

Teacher Mu, who was in a furious state at this time, could not hear the words that came out of Nan Yu's mouth. He suddenly exerted force on his feet and slammed into Nan Yu like a tank.

The moment he attacked, Teacher Mu's skin began to metallize visibly with the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, his entire body hardened into silver-white metal.

This is a superpower he gained after being injected with the gene of God.

In addition to the hardened skin, the eye on his forehead also appeared after the injection of medicine. Its function is to use thermal imaging to easily see through the flow of the enemy's energy and blood.

Teacher Mu's speed was extremely fast, and his strength was also incomparable. Now that he wanted to kill Nan Yu, he unreservedly exerted his full strength.

His fist attacks were as intensive as raindrops. Driven by the powerful force, the sonic booms of air bursting continued in this small laboratory, causing Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui to huddle in the corner and cover their ears helplessly. They shouted, but their voices were completely drowned by the violent sonic boom.

However, with such a crazy attack, he didn't even touch the corner of Nan Yu's clothes.

"How, how is it possible"

Unlike Nan Yu, who was calm and breezy, Mr. Mu became more frightened the more he fought.

All his fists fell through.

And in his third eye, there is no blood flow in Nan Yu's body at all, no, his third eye that can be thermally imaged can't see Nan Yu at all, as if he is a dead person, there is nothing at all The temperature leaks out.

Even brother corpse, he still has body temperature, thermal imaging can also see the outline of the body.

But now?
Could it be that he was fighting a dead man?
The anger in Teacher Mu's heart was gradually replaced by fear bit by bit.

He is crazy and arrogant, but he is not stupid.

A non-human with such strength is completely different from him. If he doesn't run away at this time, he will die.

However, just when Mr. Mu started to retreat and his punches slowed down a little.

Nan Yu made a move.

He just drew his sword and waved it casually.

Without even a moment of stagnation, Teacher Mu's metal body, which could withstand the chop of a knife or an ax, had an arm cut off, and blood suddenly sprayed out from the severed arm like it was free.


Teacher Mu stretched out his hand to cover the place where his broken arm was, and kept backing away screaming.

A few minutes ago, he was talking obscene words to Teacher Xiaojia aloofly, but now, before the crisis of life and death, he is like a frightened kitten, his whole body is like a frightened kitten, and he flinches while shaking his voice tremblingly. Said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I am very useful, I can also create the gene of God, one hundred bottles, oh no, two hundred bottles, oh no no no, I can give you as much as you want Created, as long as you let me go, as long as you let me go, I will do anything."

"Oh? You mean this little thing?"

Nan Yu waved the gene of God in his hand, squeezed out a drop from the syringe and took a sip, then smiled contemptuously: "Strawberry flavor, it tastes good, but unfortunately, using this thing can only become a waste like you, ha ha .”

The genetic potion he had worked so hard to research was ridiculed in this way. Teacher Mu's expression immediately changed, and the muscles on his face were twitching with anger. He who had just been begging for mercy immediately changed to a distorted face. , pointed at Nan Yu with his only remaining arm, gritted his teeth and cursed loudly: "You bastard, you bastard, you look down on me too, so does the principal, so does Teacher Xiaojia, and so does my mentor!"

"Beasts! Beasts! You are all beasts!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!
"You bastards! Come die with me! Hahahaha——"

Cursing and cursing, Teacher Mu suddenly laughed wildly, accelerated his body suddenly, and rushed in front of Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui who were huddled in the corner of the wall.

At this moment, his face is ferocious, and against the blood all over his face, he is like a ghost crawling out of hell, waving his one arm and smashing down heavily. It is obvious that he, who knows that he has no way out, wants to kill him. Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui pulled together to be buried with him.

Seeing that Teacher Mu's one arm was about to hit her on the head, Teacher Xiaojia, who was powerless to resist, instinctively hugged her head. Xiaohui beside her was also frightened and closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look in Teacher Xiaojia's direction.

However, after waiting for a long time, the pain he imagined did not come.

The confused teacher Xiaojia opened her eyes, and then she and Xiaohui were stunned.

Teacher Mu, who had broken his arm, did not rush to Teacher Xiaojia, but was held in Nan Yu's hand.

Teacher Mu, who was originally arrogant and crazy, will twist his body like a pitiful creature, struggling weakly, opening and closing his mouth, but can't make a sound, and a puddle of stinky golden yellow liquid flows out from his crotch , dripping down the trousers to the ground.

As for the source of fear that made him wet his pants, it was the four sharp fangs on his neck.

Just then, the lights in the room flickered.

Between flickering and flickering, a creepy red light flashed in the eyes of the tall figure sucking blood. Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui got goosebumps all over again, and couldn't help hugging each other tightly again.

The man who saved them.

Is it human?Or a monster?
(End of this chapter)

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