Chapter 60
One is at the early stage of the prefecture level, two are at the late stage of the prefecture level, and one is at the peak of the prefecture level.

Very nice supplement.


They are also the same as the poisonous concubine, one is tougher than the other.

No matter how tortured he was, he just refused to call Fuma Gray Taro over.


Nan Yu was holding an Dongpu communicator in his hand, and after playing back and forth for a long time, he couldn't figure out how to use it, so he had no choice but to give up.

These Japanese people are too cautious.

There are many and very complicated encryption measures on their communicators, and there are also built-in bombs inside, which will blow up if they are not careful.

However, although he could not contact Fuuma Haitaro and this group of truly powerful Japanese ninjas, Nan Yu still thought of a way to disgust them.

[Dongying wild dog is buried here]

The shriveled heads of four Japanese ninjas were built by Nan Yu into a small tower of human heads. Then he grabbed a passing corpse brother and used the corpse brother's blood to leave a few bloody characters. Then he became extremely arrogant. He wrote on the ground "The murderer, Yanhuang Nanyu, I will wait for your revenge".

After doing this, Nan Yu stepped on the bloody footprints and continued to set off.

Everywhere he went, he would use Brother Corpse's blood to leave some bloody words that humiliated the Japanese people.

"I don't believe it anymore."

"How can you bear it!"

Nan Yu, who left behind the bloody words, murmured to himself.

His qi and blood have almost recovered now, it's time to seek a breakthrough and then go to Longyou to grab the undead blood.

After the blood demon holy body is condensed.

His internal strength has reached the peak of the heavenly level. The simulated immortal blood and real immortal blood, plus the refined bit of Drought Demon blood, also make him look a bit like a real Drought Demon descendant.

But this is not enough.

Compared with Long You's heaven-defying recovery ability, his current strength is still far behind.

"At least it's enough to reach the true god level."

After fighting against Long You, Nan Yu already had a judgment in his mind.

Essence, Qi, and God.

For Nan Yu, it was the easiest to rush to the god level now.

On the contrary, it is the anger of the latecomers.

That is internal force.

Everything starts with the Blood Lotus Dafa.

This technique focuses on exchanging essence and blood for internal strength and quickly improving strength.

Especially now that Nan Yu has achieved the Holy Body of the Blood Demon.

The ability to plunder blood essence is even stronger than before.

So the fastest way right now is to kill Brother Zhi and the Japanese and Europeans wandering around H City.

Then there are the magic skills.

Nan Yu is different from those Human Race's Heaven-level peaks.

His body's extremely high strength, coupled with the ability to recover from immortal blood, allows him to withstand the power of magical techniques without injury, unlike those human practitioners who have to burn their lives to release a magical technique, and may not be able to fully release the person. It's useless.

in other words.

With Nan Yu's physical condition, for him, the more divine skills, the better. They are all positive feedback and have no side effects.

In fact, Nan Yu himself knew a lot of magical skills.

For example, the Fire Dragon Curse cast at full strength, the actual combat has proved that it is a magical skill that is properly placed in this world, and even because of incomplete mana, the Fire Dragon Curse cannot exert its strongest strength.

This is not the only Fire Dragon Curse he knows.

But the problem was that if he wanted to push the Fire Dragon Curse to the god-level power, it would drain all of his mana once he cast it.

As for those more powerful spells, his current mana simply cannot support the minimum requirements.

In other words.

If he wants to use more magical skills now, without breaking the seal quickly, he can only use the martial arts secrets stored in the Yanhuang Martial God Pavilion.

Speaking of which.

So I have to mention the matter of Nan Yu not cultivating internal strength in his previous life.

He did learn a lot of martial arts at that time.

After all, the long immortal life is there, and idleness is idleness, so just learn a little bit of everything.

But the zombie's body is dead, and it is impossible to cultivate internal power.

Therefore, he only practiced the physical form, and didn't even look at the supporting internal skills and mental methods.

The Zhenwu Seven Star Sword he used in the previous battle with Longyou was the only swordsmanship he knew about inner strength and mind.

That was because it was his first time practicing swordsmanship at that time, and he wanted to try to see if he could cultivate his inner strength, so he went through the inner strength method.

Now, under the stimulation of the Blood Lotus Technique and the immortal blood, his body has regained its vitality.

Coupled with the heavenly peak internal force brought by the Blood Lotus Dafa.

Those martial arts classics that record magical skills can bring you great benefits.

"Well, it's decided."

"Next time when we negotiate terms, I'll ask for some magical skills, and by the way, I'll ask if I can get another magical weapon."

Nan Yu thought, and waved the giant que in his hand.

The addition of artifacts to combat power is also extremely obvious.

Like the giant sword in his hand, its function is very simple, that is, when attacking, it amplifies the internal force and outputs it at a ratio of one to five, and it also has the function of storing internal force.

It is equivalent to strengthening one's own internal force moves by five times without any side effects.

Such an increase is simply terrifying.

In other words, as long as it is within the bearing range of Juque, each of his attacks will receive a fivefold bonus.

With just one artifact, he could kill Longyou who used the Black Tortoise Armor. If he had a few more, he would now have the confidence to kill Longyou on the spot.

Just when Nan Yu was thinking about what else he could ask for from Yanhuang, the dead brother from the next block started to shout again.

They are all low-level corpse brothers.

Nan Yu just passed by there and ignored them.

It seems like something alive has appeared there again, which is why these brainless corpse brothers who have been hungry for a long time are so excited.

After devouring the undead blood.

Nan Yu gained some control and range perception over Brother Corpse.

This is the ability stolen from Long You.

However, the immortal blood in his body is still too little. At most, he can only control some human-level corpse brothers. Those above the earth level are not affected by him.

Rely on this ability.

Nan Yu had tried to manipulate the human-level zombie brothers to devour each other before, to see if he could use this method to pile up earth-level zombie brothers.

The result disappointed him.

Because the evolution rate of the low-level corpse brothers devouring each other is too slow, more than 100 corpse brothers can barely pile up an early stage of the earth level after devouring each other.

This speed gave Nan Yu some ideas.

Brother Zombie wants to evolve quickly. Devouring each other is not the way. Eating living creatures to obtain new genes is the real direction of evolution. Devouring each other like this can at most improve the energy and blood, and forcibly pile up a new zombie with more power. Brother.

This kind of inefficiency is not as good as finding the corpse brother and killing him.

While thinking about it, he suddenly found that the roars of those low-level corpse brothers were getting closer and closer to him.


Nan Yu frowned slightly.

I didn't know what it was that was being chased, but it was a coincidence that it ran towards my position.

In less than two seconds.

Nan Yu saw what these corpse brothers were chasing after.

A little yellow dog with a stuffed rabbit in its mouth.

Look at its appearance, isn't this the demon dog Hamm raised by the Dark Sun Magician?

It's not easy to do it yourself.

How come it's not dead?

At this time.

The exhausted Ham also saw Nan Yu at a glance, and it immediately barked as if it had found a savior: "Master, master, save me, I brought you a good treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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