Chapter 61

"Master, look, this is Medusa's snake eye. It took three years for the magician, that bitch, the magician, to get it. Even the chairman of the Dark Parliament wanted it."

Ham was lying on the ground, his tail wagging as fast as he could fly. Although he had a dog face, he had a very anthropomorphic and flattering expression.

It's called Medusa Snake Eyes.

It is a crimson bead in Nan Yu's hand.

Here's what's hidden inside that bunny doll.

In fact, no need for Ham to tell, Nan Yu also knows this stuff.

Medusa snake eyes.

The magic eye of the alien species Golden Medusa.

Has the ability to recombine elements.

After humans swallow it, they can also have the same ability to reorganize elements as the golden Medusa.

When he killed the Dark Sun Magician in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Nan Yu wanted to find this snake eye, but at that time, Ham was full of lies and deceived him into looking for it in several places but could not find it. The reason why Ham beat him with a dead hand was because he didn't expect this dog to be so resistant to beatings and managed to avoid being beaten to death.

Nan Yu was not in a hurry to swallow this snake eye, but asked with great interest: "Why didn't your old master eat this eye? And you, you have already got this thing, why? Do not eat?"

Harm shrank his neck and said timidly, "Because this food is a heavy burden on the body, I dare not eat it indiscriminately."


Nan Yu looked at Hamm with a half-smile: "Then I can eat carelessly?"

This devil dog, which was extremely resistant to beatings but had a very soft backbone, immediately knelt down in a very anthropomorphic manner, clasped its two front paws together and bowed: "That's because, master, you are brave, mighty, invincible, and perceptive. "

Ham shot a lot of rainbow farts that he didn't know the so-called, and also belittled his old master, the Dark Sun Magician, as useless.

Finally, it said: "Ham believes that Master, you will be able to absorb this baby perfectly, and there will never be any side effects."

"Okay, okay, stop flattering me. I almost believed your nonsense."

Nan Yu waved his hand, telling Ham to stop talking, but there was still a satisfied smile on his face.


This silly dog's rainbow fart is outrageous, but it's still very useful.


Under Ham's envious and jealous eyes, Nan Yu squeezed the snake eye of Medusa and stuffed it into his mouth.

When it first entered the abdomen.

Nan Yu's body didn't feel any changes in his body, and he even wondered whether Hamm had given himself a fake.

But soon.

Changes appear.

What changed was not Nan Yu's body, but his mental power, that is, Nan Yu's mana.

Medusa can give the user the ability to reorganize elements.

The so-called super powers.

In the cultivation system of this world, it refers to the changes of natural elements that can be caused by spiritual power.

For example, Bai Xiaofei's air control.

Due to the fact that his mental power is currently very weak, the air bullets fired are far inferior to the stone Nan Yu throws casually.

The magic power used by Nan Yu is essentially consuming his own mental power.

The function of Medusa's snake eyes is to grant superpowers.

In other words, Medusa Snake Eyes can provide the user with a lot of mental power changes, otherwise, with the mental power of an ordinary person, it is absolutely difficult to withstand the power of Medusa Snake Eyes.

Nan Yu now felt the sudden surge in mana.

The reason is just impulsive.

Or because of that damn Heavenly Tribulation Seal.

Nan Yu frowned, with a look of pain on his face.

The conflict between Medusa's Snake Eyes and the Heavenly Tribulation Seal made him feel the severe pain of being torn apart from the inside out again when he was struck by lightning.

Fortunately, this feeling of being torn soon passed.

Just like Drought Demon's essence and blood breaks through the seal, Medusa Snake Eyes, a treasure that specifically targets mental power, is an even more professional counterpart when it comes to the Heavenly Tribulation Seal that seals Nan Yu's mental power.

Although Medusa Snake Eyes was completely incomparable to Hanba Blood Essence in terms of power, it still managed to break through some of the seals and once again released some mana for Nan Yu.

The moment Medusa Snake Eyes was completely digested.

A ray of golden light suddenly appeared in Nan Yu's eyes, and then his whole body turned golden as if he had been dropped into a big dye vat. Looking from a distance, he looked like a golden man.

The changes come and go even faster.

In just a second or two at most, the golden color on Nan Yu's body quickly receded like the tide, returning to his original skin color.


Nan Yu raised his right hand and looked over and over several times.

The first time he obtained a supernatural power, he still didn't understand how to do it, but he felt that the surrounding air was vaguely resonating with his spiritual power.

"Master, have you succeeded?"

Ham lay on the ground like a pug sticking out his tongue, drooling enviously.

Nan Yu didn't reply to it, but with a thought, his right hand instantly turned into the color of pure gold, and its weight and density were also greatly increased. When he slashed up with Juque's sword, the sound of gold and iron buzzed, and he would not be easily attacked like before. Opening a wound, it is obvious that the skin's defense ability has been greatly enhanced by the ability of elemental reorganization.

"Osmium gold."

Hamm knew at a glance that Nan Yu had succeeded.

The osmium element is the densest element on the earth. The change in Nan Yu's right hand is osmium gold.

However, the body after being transformed into osmium is too hard. If the whole body is transformed into osmium, it will extremely affect one's speed and adaptability during combat.

Therefore, Nan Yu can only use part of his body as a weapon as he does now.

"It seems that this trick is more practical than osmium goldizing the body."

Nan Yu said something to himself, and then pointed his sword forward.


An ice shuttle composed of osmium gold and water condensed out of thin air. With a soft 'pop' sound, it penetrated into the reinforced concrete without any sense of sluggishness like cutting tofu. After piercing through several surrounding buildings one after another, Nan Yu made a move with his hand, and the ice shuttle turned and flew back, floating quietly beside Nan Yu without moving.

"Ah this-"

Seeing this, Ham almost peed out of fear.

Elemental reorganization is strong, but even the Golden Medusa back then only dared to reorganize her own body, and did not dare to reorganize elements other than her own body at will like Nan Yu when she was in a life-and-death crisis.

But the man in front of him was not only reorganizing elements other than his own body, but he even seemed to be doing it with ease, without any trace of backlash.

Ham suddenly fell to the ground, licking Nan Yu's shoes crazily like a licking dog. While licking, he wagged his tail and said flatteringly: "As expected of you, my master. Your most loyal slave, Ham, sends my regards to you." Highest respect.”

Demon dogs are also demons.

The devil has the most no bottom line.

The Dark Sun Magician, in Ham's eyes, is just a piece of rubbish. Even the president of the Dark Council is rubbish. Following them is not as good as Nan Yu's thick legs.

"go away."

Nan Yu said with disgust.


Hamm responded, and immediately began to roll all over the floor, giving Nan Yu a vivid performance of what it means to roll aside.


Nan Yu stared at the licking dog speechlessly, but he had already given up the idea of ​​killing it. Then, he turned his eyes away from Ham and turned to look at the corner of the street, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


A figure was slowly walking towards him.

It was a white-haired ninja wearing a ninja uniform, with a pair of red and white pupils, which looked quite strange.

The aura of a heaven-level powerhouse spread from him to the surroundings, and those zombie brothers who were about to move were torn to pieces by this aura as soon as they approached him.

The best ninja in the world, Fuuma Gray Taro.

 Yesterday’s chapter hasn’t been released yet, so I’ll ask again in the afternoon. Well, I hope you read more. Last week’s recommendation didn’t make it up. Tomorrow’s follow-up will determine whether you can revive this week. Thank you all here~

(End of this chapter)

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