Chapter 62

"Your Excellency is Yanhuang Nanyu who killed our Dongying warrior?"

Looking at Nan Yu who was standing with a sword in hand, Feng Mo Hui Taro did not take action as soon as he came up, but started to question in a deep voice.


Several of his subordinates were killed, Poohime, one of the twelve Jonin, lost contact, and the elite Hanada team was wiped out. All clues pointed to the black-haired and yellow man in front of him.

Therefore, when he saw Nanyu, Fuma Gray Taro should immediately draw his sword and kill him instead of questioning him calmly and calmly like now.

But Fumo Huitaro is different from those other Japanese ninjas who are like reckless men.

Not only is he powerful, he is also extremely thoughtful.

The missing Poison Lady is a late-stage Earth-level warrior. In terms of combat power, the Huatian team can kill even the peak Earth-level warriors.

But now they all died at the hands of this Yanhuang man named Nan Yu.

Especially the death of the Hanada team.

All the blood was drained, and judging from the wounds on the corpses, all of them were killed in one blow, including the porpoise ghost at the peak of the prefecture level.

Looking at it this way, the strength of the person who made the shot is actually self-evident.

day level.

Baodi is a master at the early stage of heaven level.

Since it is a heaven-level opponent, it has to be taken seriously.

Before Nan Yu could speak, Ham started shouting loudly.

"Hey, Dongying's dog, can you call my master's name?"

"Seeing the heroic appearance of the master, you should immediately kneel down and kowtow."

"In view of your previous rudeness, if you kowtow a hundred times and then cut off your arms, my master can spare your life."

"Otherwise, when my master takes action personally, you won't even be able to save your whole body!"

In response to Hamm.

It was a rapidly rotating shuriken, a completely invisible transparent shuriken.

With Ham's strength, he naturally couldn't see what was going on, and was still cursing and swearing.

have to say.

This foreign dog speaks Yanhuang fluently, which is amazing to watch.


Ham couldn't see that Fumo Huitaro had attacked it, which doesn't mean Nan Yu couldn't see it either.

After a sharp sound of gold and iron interlacing.

An oversized shuriken with a diameter of one meter, but completely invisible to the naked eye, was pinched by Nan Yu in his hand.

Fuma Gray Taro narrowed his eyes slightly.

This formula.

It's the secret shadow shuriken passed down by their Fuuma clan.

It is made of a completely transparent material, and its shots are concealed and quick. Apart from a slight wind noise, there are no shortcomings.

He is the strength of mid-day level.

The shadow shuriken thrown naturally also has mid-day attack power.

Nan Yu was able to see through the attack path of the Shadow Shuriken so easily and catch it in his hand.

It seems that he is at least mid-level Heaven level strength.

"Equally matched opponents."

"It seems that he is the one who killed Huatian Team and Poison Princess."

Fuma Gray Taro has already made up his mind.

Sky-level powerhouses are rare.

Blood-stained Yanhuangtian level powerhouses are even rarer.

Now that the identity of Nanyu's murderer has been confirmed, Fuma Gray Taro is not polite.

I saw his figure swaying, his left and right hands moved, and he didn't know where he pulled out the shurikens. Anyway, several large shurikens with a diameter of more than one meter flew out quickly, killing Nan Yu from different angles. .

The secret of ninjutsu of the Japanese Feng Demon family, the Feng Demon Sword Formation.


Facing several oncoming shurikens, Nan Yu kicked Hamm away who was huddled with his head in his arms. He then threw out the shadow shuriken in his hand and used it to knock down one of the shurikens. Swinging the giant sword, he stepped back and slashed at the shurikens flying in other directions.

In an instant.

Nan Yu's giant que moved in unison, and cut off seven shurikens with lightning speed, five of which were giant shurikens on the bright side, and two were shadow shurikens hidden in the dark.

Just when Nan Yu was about to slash towards the last shuriken.

A long knife glowing with cherry-purple light stabbed straight at him.

This knife is extremely fast and very tricky.

It happened to be stuck in the shadow of the giant shuriken, which caught people off guard.

"The best ninja in the world, he deserves his reputation."

Nan Yu sighed in admiration, then leaned back along the direction of the knife, and kicked out his left leg.

I don't know what kind of exercise this Fumo Huitaro learned.

When Nan Yu kicked him up, he stopped his forward motion and bent his body into an arch shape. He then pushed forward, using the momentum of this kick to directly open the distance between him and Nan Yu.

The temptation to fight for the first time.

Both of them are sure that the other party is a master.

Nan Yu also put away his contempt for Feng Mo Hui Taro.

The name of the world's number one ninja is really not bragging, both combat experience and sword skills are top-notch.

Especially when he has an artifact in his hand, that long sword glowing with purple light, whose name is Sakura Fire. With the help of this artifact, Fuuma Gray Taro is now at least a late-level heaven-level combatant. If he uses his magical skills, he will be even more powerful. With the top of the sky, it is a god-level level.

The trial is over.

Neither of them was talking nonsense.

Feng Mo Huitaro moved his left hand, and a golden afterimage suddenly flashed out, and then his figure disappeared from the place. No matter how Nan Yu activated the zombie blood pupils, he could not find where he was hiding.

Heavenly fantasy kunai plus Japanese stealth technique.

The so-called heavenly phantom kunai means that three kunai are thrown at the same vibration frequency. The speed is extremely fast. Only a looming shadow can be judged. If you are not careful, you will be hit.

As for Fuuma Haitaro's stealth skills, he couldn't even compare with the Twelve Jonin like Touhime. His whole person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. His voice, energy, blood, and air flow were completely gone, and no trace could be found at all.


Nan Yu knew the move of Tianhuan Kunai. After swiping his sword to knock away three kunai, he immediately summoned golden flames to protect himself.


The moment the golden flames appeared, Fuma Gray Taro's hidden figure reappeared and quickly retreated.

Judging from the direction where he appeared, he was already approaching Nan Yu.

Nan Yu had no sense of this.

"What kind of fire is this? It has such a high temperature."

Looking at the golden flames on Nan Yu that could even burn and distort the air, Feng Mo Huitaro's eyes flashed with surprise.

However, his trance only lasted for a short breath.

When the close fight failed, Fuma Gray Taro immediately adjusted his tactics. The arrogance around him surged, and the crystalline cherry red inner energy adhered to the cherry blossoms. He shouted: "Heaven and Earth! Disillusionment Slash!"

The sharp sword energy shot out instantly and slashed horizontally towards Nan Yu's waist.

at the same time.

Nan Yu also wielded the giant palace and performed the Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword Slash.

A red sword energy that was far more powerful than the Heaven and Earth Disillusionment Slash arrived first. It completely annihilated the Heaven and Earth Disillusionment Sword's sword energy with a devastating force, and with unrivaled momentum, it headed straight for the Feng Demon Gray Taro. place.

"Magic skill!"

Fuma Gray Taro was shocked.

As for being so desperate?Use your magic skills when you come up!

Not daring to take on the red sword energy, he immediately flew away and avoided the attack range of the Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword.

But it's not over yet.

Just as Fumo Huitaro escaped a slash of blood flames, he suddenly felt a surge of momentum in front of him, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards him.

Look up.

It was the sword energy net composed of more than a dozen blood-flame tyrannical slashes that enveloped hundreds of meters around him.

Even more terrifying.

Nan Yu was still waving the sword energy tirelessly, and the sky-filled network of sword energy swung by Ju Que appeared to encircle him. Once closed, even a god-level master would have to be severely injured on the spot.

"What kind of monster is this! Throwing magical skills casually?"

Fuuma Haitaro is about to curse.

Isn’t it said that heaven-level people can use magical skills to burn their lives?

Whose heaven level can lose such magical skills?Did you make a mistake?Is this Yanhuang man actually a god-level master?

In addition to Qinglong and Immortal, are there new god-level masters in Yanhuang?
As soon as this idea popped up, Fuma Gray Taro immediately felt his heart tremble.


Facing the overwhelming sword energy, Feng Mo Hui Taro's heart skipped a beat, and while he swept backwards, he quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Pro! Soldiers! Fight! Those! All! Array! Row! In front of!"

As the Nine-Character Mantra was recited, one of Fuuma Gray Taro's eyes glowed white and the other glowed red. Purple-black lightning crackled and exploded in the interlaced red and white light.


In the sword qi net that was about to close, Fumo Huitaro's figure disappeared without a sound, and even Nan Yu could no longer find his aura.

The ultimate secret of the Feng Mo family is that Feng Mo can endure ghost behavior.


Function: Allows the user to achieve god-level speed in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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