People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 63 Little Sister, I’m Riding on the Bow of the Boat, Brother, You Walk on the Shore

Chapter 63: Little sister, I will sit on the bow of the boat, and brother, you will walk on the shore (please follow up on Tuesday)
"God-level speed"

Looking at Fumo Huitaro who disappeared in place, Nan Yu grinned.

too fast.

This Fuma Gray Taro.

It was much faster than Long You who had activated the second level of Tiangang Qi.

Nan Yu didn't even see clearly what he had done before he disappeared.

Don't even think about it.

Fuma Huitaro's escape move is definitely a magical skill.

"The best ninja in the world. In addition to ninjutsu, his ability to run away is also the best in the world."

Nan Yu shook his head and sighed helplessly.

He really didn't expect that Fuma Gray Taro's ultimate speed could be so fast.


until this time.

The sword energy that Nan Yu swung with the Blood Flame Tyrant Saber just now finally closed, cutting all the surrounding buildings together with the corpses inside into pieces.

Looking at the ruins he had created, Nan Yu found a stone and sat down, frowning slightly, thinking about how to break his magical skill the next time he meets Fu Mo Hui Taro.


This time it was Nan Yu's serious mistake.

He shouldn't have exposed his god-level combat power so recklessly.

Especially the continuous use of Juque to cast the Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword.

You must know that Ju Que's ability is to simply and brutally amplify the internal force. Every style of his Blood Flame Tyrant Sword Slash is the consumption of the peak of the sky, the power of the god level.

Such consumption is normal in Nan Yu's view.

But in the eyes of Fuma Huitaro.

An enemy who releases magical skills such as drinking water will be a heaven-level one?
"It actually scared people away."

Nan Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Second time.

This is the second time he has let his opponent run away when he is overwhelmed by strength.

The last time it was because Long You relied on his undead body and super strong energy and blood to exhaust himself until he couldn't stand it anymore before he ran away.

And this time.

It turned out that it was because of such a small mistake that Fumo Huitaro escaped with his magical skills.

Blood loss!
He could have caught a heaven-level master to improve his blood.

The more Nan Yu thought about it, the more regretful he became, and he punched the wall next to him, completely smashing the wall with a bang.

And just after the wall collapsed, a miserable howl suddenly came from below.

"Master—Master—Help me!!!"

"Almost forgot, I still have a dog."

Nan Yu reached into the pile of rubble and groped around. After finding Ham, he pulled it back by its hind legs and dragged it out of the ruins abruptly.


"Is there any injury?"

Nan Yu held Ham upside down and shook it curiously.

It really is.

Why is this dog so resistant to beatings? It's so weak that even an ordinary corpse brother can ride on it and beat it, but a building collapses but it can't kill it.

Not to mention smashing it to death, there wasn't even any skin trauma.

What material is this demon dog made of?
"Shoot a Retinazer and show me."

Nan Yu pouted at Ham.

Ham, who was staggering in the air, was a little dizzy, and he forced a smile and said, "Lord, master, I can't ejaculate anymore."


"what's the situation?"

Nan Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at it with an unfriendly expression.

Being stared at by Nan Yu like this, Ham panicked and shouted hurriedly: "I have been chased by monsters since I came out of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. In order not to be eaten, I have been hitting monsters with lasers. It is really useless now." When it came out, there wasn’t even a drop! Really! Master! I didn’t lie to you!”

see it.

Hamm was really anxious.

This call was like a cannonball, and he couldn't even pronounce the words clearly. He was afraid that Nan Yu would be dissatisfied and stew himself.

"Forget it, I wanted to take a look."

Judging by Ham's appearance, it didn't seem like he was telling a lie, Nan Yu lost interest, and threw Ham on the ground casually.

Just landed.

Ham immediately returned to his dog-licking behavior and kept circling around Nan Yu. It seemed that he was ready to come up and lick Nan Yu's shoes again.

"Calm down for me!"

Nan Yu scolded, which made Ham shrink his neck angrily, not daring to move any more.

Fuma Gray Taro has been scared away.

Don't talk about coming to find me one-on-one again, it's not bad for this guy to run without turning around the next time he sees me.


"It's all trouble."

The opportunity at his fingertips was lost in vain because of a small mistake of his own. Nan Yu got a little annoyed, got up and left here.

Ham didn't know what Nan Yu was bothering about, anyway, seeing Nan Yu leaving, it wagged its tail and followed carefully.

The situation in H City has improved slightly compared to before.

With the cooperation of the special ability team and the special team, most of the survivors in the urban area have been rescued, and the remaining survivors are basically in the municipal library controlled by Longyou, except for sporadically hidden ones.

Nan Yu wandered around the city for a long time, but he didn't meet Yanhuang's rescue team along the way. He didn't know if he gave up on the rescue in the city, or focused all the rescue on the city library.

Walk all the way down the street.

Nan Yu didn't care where he was, anyway, he just wandered around in this huge city.

If you catch the corpse brother at the ground level, you will drink a meal of blood, if you can't catch it, you will continue to search, as if you are walking tirelessly.

Hamm was very tired.

From the time Nan Yu wiped out the Dark Sun Magician and Clown Jack until now, it has not eaten or drank. In order to escape, it has exhausted all the energy in its body. Now its belly is empty, and it can even walk with danger. Venus, the sky is spinning.

But it didn't dare to say anything to ask Nan Yu to stop.

In Ham's perception, Nan Yu is a very terrifying human being.

He sucks blood, and the blood of human blood and corpses will not be rejected.

He killed people without blinking an eye, and he probably killed dogs even more without blinking an eye.

His strength is very terrifying, even more terrifying than the head of the council. Looking at the entire dark council, I am afraid that no one can match him.

He is also moody, he was still smiling at you one second, and may draw his sword and chop off your head, dig out your heart, and drink your blood in the next second.

These are Ham's stereotypes of Nanyu.

So it would rather endure its hunger and thirst than dare to say nonsense.

while walking.

Just when Ham felt that he was about to lose his hold and was about to pass out.

Nan Yu finally stopped.

Ham, who was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, quickly lay on the ground and stuck out his tongue, looking around to see if there was anything to eat or drink.

Then it saw a big sign on the ground.

【Safe place】

【Infected people are prohibited from entering】

Around this sign, there is also an iron cage, and a disheveled female corpse brother is sitting cross-legged in it, as if asleep.


"Safe place?"

"Are infected people still prohibited from entering?"

Even though he was so exhausted that he could hardly stand up, Ham still couldn't help laughing and said, "Are you sick? There is no safe zone in City H, there are monsters everywhere!"

Nan Yu glanced at the past and ignored it, but seriously looked at a poster pasted on the iron cage.

Haven't waited for him to finish reading.

The female corpse brother who was sitting quietly jumped up suddenly, grabbed the iron railing with both hands and shook it wildly, and then roared in a tone-deaf voice: "Little sister, I will sit on the bow, brother, you walk on the shore. "


"Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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