Chapter 64
The sudden singing voice of the female corpse brother startled Ham.

It even forgot that its brain is empty and its limbs are weak. It stared at the female corpse brother and yelled: "Where is the strange thing, master, quick, shoot it to death! It looks so ugly, don't let it It's scary to come out!"

"You're not human."


Ham suddenly didn't know what to say.

What Nan Yu said seemed to make sense and there was no way to refute it.

Harm was in a daze, Nan Yu grabbed it by the neck and picked it up, then directly slammed its doggy face in front of the female corpse brother: "Go on to the next sentence."


The female corpse brother didn't know how long it had been since he brushed his teeth. When he opened his mouth, the stench hit his face. If you looked carefully, there were still many shreds of rotten meat hanging on it.

Ham nearly spat out.


This female corpse brother seems to have no intention of eating Ham.

Even if Ham is almost stuck on its face, it just repeats mechanically, "Little sister, I will take the bow, brother, you walk on the shore, pick me up quickly!" '

Where has Ham seen such a scene before, he immediately trembled like sifting chaff, turned his head tremblingly and said: "Master, master, I, I don't know how to sing yellow and yellow songs."

"That's right, you are a foreign dog."

Nan Yu suddenly sighed.

Hearing this, Ham thought that he could not sing Yanhuang songs, so he could finally escape the catastrophe.

Didn't think so.

Nan Yu actually took out the satellite phone that Ghost Stick gave him, looked through it, and found a music player from it.

After a little searching, I found this song sung by Brother Female Corpse.

[Little sister, I sit on the bow of the boat, while my brother walks on the shore. 】

【Love, love, love, the rope swings for a long time. 】

"Did you hear?"


After playing a song, Nan Yu shook Ham to make him sing.

"Lord, Lord."

Ham said with a sad face: "No, I don't remember."

In fact, it didn't understand what Nan Yu was going to do just now, so it didn't listen very carefully.

It's just that it didn't dare to say this.

And it really wants to complain. You have already found out which song it is, so you can just play it, so why do you still have to sing it out?

"Useless things."

Nan Yu scolded, and then played the song again.

This time Ham didn't dare to be half-hearted. After listening carefully, he looked at the female corpse brother who had been staring at him singing repeatedly. He swallowed heavily, and began to sing tremblingly: " Love love love, the rope swings leisurely."

Hamm sings poorly.

At least that's what Nan Yu thinks.

If the female corpse brother is tone deaf, then Hamm's singing can be called a sonic weapon.

Even the female corpse brother couldn't help showing a look of pain, and squatted back like autistic and began to draw circles.


at this time.

There was the sound of a toy car running.

"What sound?"


"Remote control car? Where did it come from?"

Looking along the sound, Ham was surprised to see a golden toy car drifting towards him with various sharp turns.

"Master, there is a remote control car here~~~"

"It's strange, who is remotely controlling it?"

Harm wagged his tail and chirped.

It is talking.

A man's voice came from the remote control car: "You two come with me, I'm safe here."

After saying that, the car turned around and left. The speed was neither fast nor slow, about the same as an adult walking.

"Let's go, keep up."

Nan Yu put Ham on the ground and said casually.

"Master, you may not be a good person operating this car. What if it's a trap."

Harm shouted hurriedly, refusing to move his feet.

Nan Yu is powerful, so naturally he is fearless no matter where he goes.

But now he has no strength at all, if he encounters an ambush by a strong man like the ninja just now, Nan Yu may not be able to protect himself.

"It's okay, it's an acquaintance there, I know him."

Nan Yu didn't even have a head, and said as he walked.

Hearing what he said, Ham's hanging heart immediately relaxed, and he followed behind him.


Then it will be fine.

Follow the remote control car all the way around.

Nan Yu and the others soon came to a very strange building.

Call it weird.

It's because from the appearance, this place is not a serious house at all, but more like an oversized tomb. According to the customs of the Yanhuang people, this place can only be described as unlucky.

"Graveyard BBQ?"

"Xiao Ming is here for a visit."

"Certificate: 13567XXXXXX."

Hamm didn't understand the customs of the Yanhuang people, so he didn't think there was anything unusual about the appearance here. Instead, he read the various words scribbled on the door with great interest.

"Then you still know the Chinese characters Yanhuang?"

Nan Yu was a little surprised, looked at Ham and asked.

This dog can not only speak Yanhuang dialect, but also recognize Yanhuang characters. Could it be that this devil dog has Yanhuang blood?
"Recognize some of them. The Dark Council sends people here all year round to do business, so in our place, Yanhuang dialect and Yanhuang characters are required to be learned."

"And it's not just Yanhuang dialect, but also English, Japanese dialect, and Mandarin. You need to learn these, so that you don't know everything when you go to their place."

Harm replied decisively.

Nan Yu also suddenly realized.

No wonder.

The Europeans and Dongying people he met spoke very well in Yanhuang, and they could communicate without distinction.

This is the reason for the whole day.

when speaking.

Nan Yu had already led Ham through the barbecue corridor of the cemetery, and came to a gate with the signboard of the Hall of Kings of Hell.

Before Nan Yu could knock on the door, the door that was closed just now opened automatically.

Likewise, it looks like someone is behind the scenes controlling the situation.

"There's a newcomer~"

"Huh? Huh? Brother Nan! Brother Nan, I read it right, it's really you!!!"

As soon as he entered the door, a voice of surprise came from the hall, and then a man in a black combat uniform rushed over with joy.

It was the long-lost Bai Xiaofei.

This is the acquaintance Nan Yu and Ham said.

"Well, passing by here, stop by and have a look."

Nan Yu nodded without showing any surprise.

He had previously instructed Bai Xiaofei to go to the cemetery to have a barbecue to find Dr. Fish. He took a detour here because he wanted to see if Bai Xiaofei had made any progress recently.


In just a day or two, it seemed that Bai Xiaofei hadn't made much progress, and his body was even a little sluggish.

"Where's your little girlfriend?"

"Done yet?"

Nan Yu asked about Xiaowei's situation.

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's face immediately turned darker: "The doctor said that Xiaowei's situation can't be solved for the time being. Xiaowei has mutated for too long, and the effect of using the newly developed vaccine is very poor. She can only barely recover and lose her food. People's desires, we have to wait until we return to the capital to do research."

"It should be fine, don't worry."

Nan Yu patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder and comforted him.

While the two were talking, a childish voice suddenly filled the hall.

"Hey, where did the blood lotus sect villain come from! How dare he sneak into the cemetery for barbecue!"

"Great Sun Vajra Legs!"

Followed by.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and a child who looked only a few years old kicked up and came straight to Nan Yu's door.

Look at the fluctuations in this child's energy and blood.

At such a young age, he has already reached the peak of earth-level internal strength.

(End of this chapter)

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