Chapter 65 Unfilial Son



Bai Xiaofei didn't have time to stop it.

Nan Yu had already slapped the small figure away, and then hit the wall heavily.


This is a bald kid wearing a golden monk's uniform. After turning over from the ground, he has been holding his chest and coughing violently. He was originally wearing a green frog hat, but after being slapped by Nan Yu , I don’t know where the hat flew to.

Harm didn't react until then.

Someone actually dared to sneak attack on his master!
Its dog-licking spirit immediately broke out, and it rushed in front of Nan Yu and roared sternly: "Where are you from, this young boy? Are you looking for death? Even my master dares to sneak attack! Damn you! You are lawless!"

"A talking dog?"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Ham in surprise.

But he knew this wasn't the time to ask why dogs talked.

He rushed forward and grabbed the little monk, patted his chest and back, and kept complaining: "Hey, little frog, why are you so excited! This person is my friend! No. What Blood Lotus Sect villain!"

After the little monk named Little Frog took a breath, his first words were: "Fei, Fei Donor, is this your friend?"

"Yes, Brother Nan protected us through the entire infected area before, or he asked me to come to the doctor to treat Xiaowei."

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't even ask. I started fighting as soon as I came up. I don't have the time to tell you."

"Oh, Amitabha, I was too impulsive. When I smelled the blood on this donor, I thought he was a follower of the Blood Lotus Sect."

In fact, there was one sentence that the little frog didn't say.

That is, the smell of blood on Nan Yu's body is not as strong as usual, and it is not the same as those peripheral members of the Blood Lotus Sect. What is the status of the disciple of the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Everyone understands the Blood Lotus Sect’s consistent style.

A person who can get into such a high position knows how to behave.

Even if Bai Xiaofei was talking happily with Nan Yu at that time, the first reaction of the little frog was that the villains of the Blood Lotus Sect had bewitched Bai Xiaofei, so this threat must be resolved first.

"Little frog, you are too impulsive."

At this time, a man with a golden container on his head and wearing a doctor's uniform came out of the laboratory. He first checked the condition of the little frog, and then he stood up and said to Nan Yu: "I will send a letter to Nan Yu on behalf of the little frog." Your Excellency apologized, he mistook you for a villain of the Blood Lotus Sect."


Nan Yu didn't reply, just crossed his arms and looked at Dr. Yu coldly.

That is to say, he has a good temper now.

If it was back then, his slap would have killed the little frog long ago.

On the other hand, Ham was still cursing, looking at its agitated appearance, as if it was the one being attacked.

Dr. Fish naturally ignored the foul-mouthed devil dog, but turned around and began to teach the little frog a lesson.

"I told you before, don't be impulsive when you see someone coming. Don't be impulsive. This Mr. Nan is a heaven-level master. If he hadn't been merciful just now, I would have been collecting your body now."

"Heaven level."

The corner of the little frog's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly got up, bowed his hands together and said, "It's the little monk who is being rude, and I hope the benefactor will forgive me."


He can beat himself like this with a single blow, at least he is in the early days of the Heavenly Level, this is not a master that he can offend.

"Excuse me?"

Nan Yu snorted coldly: "If I weren't a heaven-level person, with the strength of your attack, I would have ended up with broken bones and tendons. Can you just forgive me?"


The little frog was embarrassed for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

Nan Yu is right.

He is a newcomer to the peak of the earth level, and if he goes out with all his strength, even the max of the earth level will be injured if he is unprepared. If it weren't for Nan Yu's being a sky level, he would have hurt an innocent person impulsively.

What's more, as Dr. Yu said, Nan Yu was indeed merciful. Otherwise, with the gap between the sky and the earth, if he didn't pull back, he would be able to slap himself into hundreds of dollars with a single slap, or he wouldn't be able to fight. kind.

The atmosphere between them was not very good.

Bai Xiaofei hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, let's just pretend we don't know each other, brother Nan, brother Nan, don't be so stern, everyone is my friend, so you are also friends now Come on, let's stop arguing."

"What do I have to argue about?"

Nan Yu shrugged his shoulders: "It's not me who is unlucky."

This makes sense.

Seeing that he didn't care about the sneak attack just now, Dr. Fish apologized again and walked into the laboratory with the sad little frog.

There is a treatment cabin arranged by Dr. Yu. Although Nan Yu kept his hand, the difference in strength between him and the little frog is too great. Even if the little frog has the golden bell cover in his practice, he will inevitably be interrupted Broken two ribs, now I have to go to the treatment cabin for treatment.

After they all left.

Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu were the only ones left outside.

"Brother Nan, hehe."

Bai Xiaofei scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Nan Yu came to see him on purpose, but there were so many troubles.

"Don't just hang around your little girlfriend every day. Didn't I tell you that in troubled times, strength is the foundation of success."

"No ability, let alone protecting your little girlfriend, even you are a piece of fat on the chopping board to be slaughtered."

Nan Yu frowned slightly, and reprimanded lightly: "Look at you, I haven't seen you for two days, and your skills have regressed so much. I think you might as well follow me. Anyway, there is that little bald man and the light bulb here, so there is no safety at all." questionable."

In fact, what Nan Yu said in his heart, to be precise, is that Bai Xiaofei has no future in this relatively safe barbecue in the cemetery.

Nan Yu has always been thinking about asking Bai Xiaofei to awaken his killing power and reach the heaven level in one step, so that he can provide himself with blood essence for training.

Nowadays, the heaven-level masters in H City can hide and hide. It is very difficult for Nan Yu to find a master. It is better to train one who is born with cheats.


Sure enough, when Nan Yu said this, Bai Xiaofei immediately showed hesitation.

He was a little bit reluctant to part with Xiao Wei who was still receiving treatment.

At the same time, he felt that Nan Yu was right.

When he and Nan Yu went to find Ju Que before, he had a deep understanding of his own shortcomings.

Whether he met the ninjas of Japan, or the leader of the black line of fire later, or those corpse brothers who emerged endlessly and could not be beaten to death, he seemed too weak in comparison.

Especially when there is Nan Yu beside him.

Comparing with him again, I am more like a baby who is still babbling.

If you want to protect others, you must first have your own strength. If you don’t have the strength and want to protect this or that, that is death, and you will implicate others before you die.

This is what Nan Yu taught him.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Bai Xiaofei made up his mind and said to Nan Yu: "Brother Nan, wait for me, I'll go and talk to the doctor."


Nan Yu waved his hand casually, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Stayed for a while.

Bai Xiaofei just came out.

Looking at the tear stains on his face, he probably said a heart-rending goodbye to Xiaowei.

Dr. Yu also came out to see them off.

But he didn't say much, just took a deep look at Nan Yu, then handed Bai Xiaofei a box of the virus vaccine he developed by himself, and told Bai Xiaofei that as long as it was injected within one hour after infection, it would be cured.

After saying goodbye to Dr. Fish.

Nan Yu took Bai Xiaofei and Ham to leave the cemetery for barbecue.

Not far away, they bumped into a strange pair of mother and son.

Strange to say.

It was because the man who seemed to be his son was obviously carrying his mother on his back, but he kept swearing in his mouth.

"You old man, why don't you die quickly? I have to carry you on my back. Don't you have legs?"

"Where is the thing grandpa left for me? Tell me! If you don't tell me, I will throw you down to feed those monsters!"

"Speak! Are you mute? Damn old woman! I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?"

(End of this chapter)

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