Chapter 67 Kill?do not kill?

There were shouts and curses from afar and the old man's obsequious response.

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei frowned and veins jumped on his forehead.

Bai Xiaofei is a very emotional person. He not only takes great care of his relatives and friends, but also his parents. Before the Zombie Virus broke out in H City, he would call home almost every day to check on his parents.

Therefore, when Bai Xiaofei heard that the young man spoke rudely to his mother, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but felt a twinge of fear in his heart, and his fists became hardened.

"Just like you, he has been injected with KW74."

Nan Yu glanced at the golden eyes in the young man's eyes and chuckled.

Hear what he has to say.

Bai Xiaofei also noticed it.

Golden eyes are one of the characteristics of those injected with KW74.

No wonder.

He took an old man with handicapped legs and feet, and he was able to scurry back and forth in the infected area unharmed.


It's really unbecoming of a man to speak so harshly to his mother.

"Get out of my way!"

Bai Xiaofei and Nan Yu were standing between the unfilial son and the entrance to the cemetery barbecue. From the perspective of the unfilial son, Nan Yu and the others were standing in front of him. He, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly started to curse.

Hearing the curse, Ham opened his mouth and was about to curse, but before it could speak, Nan Yu kicked it away.

Bai Xiaofei did not look at the screaming Ham, but frowned at the scolding unfilial son.

He and Nan Yu didn't mess with him, so why did this guy start cursing people when he got up?

But Bai Xiaofei was not prepared to argue with him, but as soon as he got out of the way, the unfilial son started to curse again.

this time.

He cursed even more harshly.

"You're fucking courting death, right? Did I tell you to go away? Are you deaf or can't understand human speech?"

Bai Xiaofei, who had just moved away, paused.

Then I heard Nan Yu taunting in a strange way: "You don't know how to detour yourself? Useless things."

The unfilial son was furious in an instant, threw the old woman behind him to the ground, raised his fist and hammered at Nan Yu's face, shouting loudly: "You idiot, you are fucking looking for death!!!"

KW74 is an illegal drug.

If the neutralizer is injected in time after taking it, the strength of an ordinary person can be upgraded to mid-human level to late human level at most. The specific level depends purely on how long the drug can withstand the effect.

People like Bai Xiaofei can reach the pinnacle of human level in one step.

For now, he is the only one.

After all, not everyone can survive the impact of the medicine for several days without exploding.

If a normal person can survive for 5 minutes, it is considered a success.

Just like this unfilial son who was trying to beat Nan Yu with his fist, although he survived for 5 minutes, his strength was only in the mid-term of human level, obviously he didn't last long.

So with his punch speed and strength.

Not to mention hitting Nan Yu, even Bai Xiaofei had time to react, and then easily grabbed his fist, and squeezed it tightly so that he couldn't make an inch of it.

In terms of pure strength, Bai Xiaofei, who is now wearing a combat uniform, is comparable to the middle stage of the prefecture level.

He just exerted a little force, and the unfilial son immediately heard the sound of his forearm bones cracking.

"Let go of your stinky hands! Let go!"

The severe pain instantly sobered up the manic mood of the unfilial son, but it also made him even more irritable. While struggling hard, he also beat Bai Xiaofei's right hand vigorously: "Let go! Let go! Let go! Fuck me!" Let go!!!"

"Xiaochen! Xiaochen! Young man, please let go of my son~~Don't hit him! Cough cough cough——"

The old lady who was thrown to the ground by her son before, ignored the pain in her waist and legs, and struggled to come to Bai Xiaofei's feet. She was clearly struggling to speak, but she still hugged Bai Xiaofei's arm and begged bitterly. She was coughing violently, and anyone with a clear eye could tell that she was seriously ill.

Bai Xiaofei's heart softened, and he was about to let go, when Nan Yu said calmly from the side.

"Your son?"

"Your son poisoned you, do you know?"

Hear this.

The old lady's voice paused, and Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment. Only the unfilial son named Xiaochen still beat Bai Xiaofei hard and greeted Bai Xiaofei's three generations of ancestors.


"Brother Nan, what's going on?"

Bai Xiaofei, who was about to let go, clenched his hands tightly again, Xiaochen screamed in pain.

The old lady also reacted and said in a trembling voice: "No, no, my son didn't poison me, he didn't poison me, he didn't poison me, he didn't poison me."

As if she had fallen into some kind of hysteria, she kept repeating the words 'my son didn't poison me'.

As everyone knows, her behavior proved that she actually knew about it.


"Your son poisoned you, you really don't know?"

Nan Yu sneered: "A good person suddenly loses his internal organs, qi and blood, his righteous energy is deficient, and evil energy accumulates in his lungs. Don't you have the slightest suspicion?"

The old lady was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't understand what Nan Yu was talking about.

"Can't understand?"

"Then let me put it in simpler terms."

"Lung cancer is at the advanced stage, are you living comfortably? Your son has fed you rotten ginger water for a year, is it good?"

It seems that the ancestor's statement is difficult for modern people to understand, so Nan Yu changed it into a set of words that modern people can understand.

Advanced lung cancer?

Ginger water?
Plus this 'grandpa's baby' that Xiaochen mentioned before.

Bai Xiaofei's body began to tremble unconsciously, his expression became more ferocious, and the force in his hands became more and more ruthless.

In Xiaochen's miserable howl.

His forearm was pinched off by the agitated Bai Xiaofei.

This is not over yet.

The furious Bai Xiaofei punched him in the face, sending him flying more than ten meters away.

This was the result of Bai Xiaofei's lack of force. Otherwise, with his current mid-earth level strength, he would have blown off this unfilial son's head with one punch.

"No, don't hit my son."

"Don't hit my son~~~"

Seeing her son being beaten, Xiaochen's mother knelt down on her knees, hugged Bai Xiaofei's thigh, and cried, "Don't hit my son, don't hit my son."

Bai Xiaofei couldn't bear it, and reached out to help the old lady up.

"Bad gambling, ruining the family fortune, unfilial piety, intent on matricide."

"Every one of them is a felony."

Nan Yu walked slowly past Bai Xiaofei and Xiaochen's mother, reciting the evil deeds Xiaochen had committed. Then he picked up Xiaochen, who was wailing on the ground, and dropped it heavily. Amidst the explosion, Xiaochen knelt in pain in front of Bai Xiaofei and his mother. From the sound, it was clear that his kneecaps had been completely broken.

"Bai Xiaofei, kill him!"

Nan Yu's voice echoed in the air coldly, making people shudder.

kill him?

Bai Xiaofei was stunned, Xiaochen forgot to howl, and Xiaochen's mother also forgot to cry.

In the minds of Xiaochen and her son, there were only three words lingering.

Bai Xiaofei also had the same confusion.

"Brother Nan, this."

"I said, kill him, don't you understand?"


"Would you give your mother ginger water to give her cancer on purpose?"

"how is this possible!"

"Will you gamble badly, lose all your family property, and then kill your mother on purpose in order to get the treasure in your mother's hands?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!!"

"Then what would you do if you encountered such an unfilial beast?"

"Of course it is, of course it is."

Bai Xiaofei blurted out that of course he would be beaten to death, but in the middle of the sentence, he couldn't say any more.

Xiao Chen, who had already recognized the gap in strength, was no longer violent before, and kowtowed tremblingly begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

He also pulled on his mother's sleeve: "Mom, Mom, please persuade them not to kill me. How can you survive without me?"

Sure enough, upon hearing her son's words, Xiaochen's mother immediately begged: "Don't kill my son, I, I don't blame him, he doesn't know that ginger water will make me sick, those who don't know, Those who don't know are innocent."

"Look, it's hopeless."

"Both the mother and the child were lost."

Regarding their mother and son's entreaties, Nan Yu was naturally indifferent, and still said coldly: "Do you think you are not guilty if you excuse your son? Have you heard that a loving mother is a loser? Have you heard of it? Raise or not? Mother's fault? Hmph, I see that you are also living in such pain, so let's just die together. Killing you is also a kind of relief. Being able to die with your son is also fulfilling your wish, right? "

"Brother Nan."

"Have you thought about it?"

"No, Brother Nan"

"A mother-killer, even if you don't do it, he is still a death penalty. In this troubled world, no one can enforce justice. Since your fist is stronger than his, then you can naturally do this kind of justice for the heavens. A scum like this, if you don’t kill him, why don’t you let him continue to harm your mother? Continue to disrupt the already chaotic social order?”


"Think about Zeng Yong, think about what this kind of powerful scum would do in troubled times? If you let a scumbag go today, tomorrow this scumbag will kill more innocent people. Then you will think about it. You let this scumbag go, don't you regret it?"

Nan Yu's voice was as cold as a judge crawling out of hell, and his indifferent and heartless words were repeated in everyone's ears.

Xiaochen and his mother had been frightened and foolish, and they didn't know how to defend themselves.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know how to answer.

kill?Or not to kill?

If Xiao Chen is killed, his mother will definitely not live alone, but will definitely leave with her son. Killing one is equivalent to killing two. Xiao Chen is guilty, but his mother is innocent.

If Xiaochen is not killed, as Nan Yu said, a scumbag is still a powerful scumbag. In this troubled world, he will most likely no longer be a human being.

But it was really his turn to kill himself.

Bai Xiaofei really had a hard time making a choice.

While thinking left and right, even he himself didn't realize that his eyes had quietly turned crimson.

(End of this chapter)

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