Chapter 68 Underground Arena

Did Bai Xiaofei kill Xiaochen in the end?

the answer is negative.

Even though Nan Yu had tried his best to brainwash him, he still couldn't do anything.

In the end, it was Nan Yu who took the initiative to send their mother and son on the road.

before dying.

Xiaochen's mother confided to her son that she had sold the family's treasures to pay off his debts. She also revealed that she had long known that Xiaochen was planning to poison her, but she did not blame Xiaochen and even bought a copy. The beneficiary is Xiao Chen's large insurance policy. After his death, a large sum of money will be paid to Xiao Chen, allowing him to pay off his current debts.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

Maybe it was a discovery of conscience.

Or the heart of filial piety finally broke out.

Xiaochen burst into tears, crying and calling "Mom" non-stop.

It's just that Nan Yu wouldn't let Xiaochen off just because of his sudden repentance, and after making Xiaochen's mother leave this world without any pain, he cut off Xiaochen's head with a single sword.

Anyone can be trusted.

Only gamblers and drug addicts cannot be trusted.

This is a sentence Nan Yu learned while living in modern society.

Today Xiaochen repented, it was because he was about to die.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

When society returns to peace in the future, he will start a life of gambling and harming his family again in all likelihood.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Bai Xiaofei was silent for a long time, and even Nan Yu called him several times and did not come back to his senses.

After a long time.

Only then did he sigh, and silently followed Nan Yu away.

This time.

Even he himself didn't find out.

Around his pupils, at some point, there was a circle of red lines.

"Master, wait for me."

Harm, who was kicked by Nan Yu and didn't know where he was going, also ran back at this time, fearing that he would be left behind, he ran fast with his four short legs.

The two and the dog set off again, wandering aimlessly in the city.

Nan Yu seemed to be in a good mood.

Even humming some incomprehensible tunes when walking.

It doesn't sound like pop music, but more like the tune of an opera.

Can you be unhappy?
Although Bai Xiaofei chose to give up just now, his killing potential has been activated.

Others may not see it.

Nan Yu, whose mental power was close to the god level, could see clearly.

Bai Xiaofei's spirit suddenly skyrocketed, rushing straight to the level of the late Earth Level, but in the end it slumped down and stayed at the early Earth Level.

It's just that it's different from when I was in the love apartment.

This time.

Bai Xiaofei's killing power did not completely retreat, and he also activated a spiritual seed.

in other words.

In the past, Bai Xiaofei might have been a little resistant to killing people.

Now, unless the opponent is an ordinary person like Xiaochen's mother and son, otherwise, he will definitely be able to violently kill people.

As his killing intent becomes more intense, his killing power will be activated faster and faster.


"Where are we going to find some living people to force him?"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei who was fighting Brother Corpse, Nan Yu secretly pondered in his heart.

I want to fully inspire the killing potential in his soul.

Then it is necessary to let Bai Xiaofei have that kind of truly indomitable killing intent.

In Nan Yu's view, Long You's method of massacring ordinary people to force Bai Xiaofei is the most reasonable and effective.

But now one is that the remaining living people in City H are basically in the city library, and he can't find so many people; the other is that if he really does this, that Qinglong will definitely come to hunt him down, just for one Heaven-level blood essence is really worth the candle.

"Blood Lotus Sect, European country, Japanese ninja, Black Fire Wire."

Nan Yu reviewed the forces still active in H City.

The Zuo Guardian of the Blood Lotus Sect has been slaughtered by himself, and now the young leader should be leading the team, but I don't know where he is making money now.

Except for Dark Sun Magician and Clown Jack, the others in Europe are still missing and no one knows where they are hiding. This Ham is useless except as a licking dog, and no one can contact him.

Think of this.

Nan Yu suddenly became angry, and kicked away Ham who was lying at his feet watching the play.

Finish kicking Hamm.

Nan Yu thought about it again.

There is no need to count on the Japanese ninjas. Their leader, Fuuma Haitaro, has been frightened to death. With his character, he will definitely order his ninjas not to mess with him. They will definitely not be found in a short time.

Then, there is only one goal left.

Black fire.

But the leader of Yanhuang's Black Line of Fire was beaten to death by himself and Bai Xiaofei, and now someone else should take over.

"Crazy Horse Nightclub."

"Black Fire's Yanhuang Headquarters."

Nan Yu still remembered the place name.

After Bai Xiaofei cleaned up the dead brother, he asked Bai Xiaofei to lead the way to the Crazy Horse Nightclub.

Crazy Horse Nightclub is very famous in H City.

As a black line of fire, it is placed at Yanhuang's headquarters and gold-fishing sites.

In peacetime, this is a famous high-consumption place in H City. There is an endless stream of second-generation rich people, dignitaries and people who are intoxicated and dreamy.

Bai Xiaofei has lived in City H for such a long time, even though he has never been here, he has heard about it for a long time.

It's just that the brightly lit and bustling Crazy Horse Nightclub in the past has all the luxurious doors and windows smashed to pieces. From the outside, there is no difference between this place and the surrounding ruins.

"Why is it still so lively here?"

After injecting the enhancer, Bai Xiaofei's five sense organs became extremely sensitive.

Even standing on the ground, he could hear the faint noise coming from the underground of the nightclub.

"Go, go down."

Nan Yu stepped forward and walked in first.

Ham, who had been beaten countless times, hurriedly followed behind him.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the chaotic door of the nightclub, hesitated for a moment, and then followed.

The elevator at the Dark Horse Nightclub is still working.

Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei went all the way down to the negative level.

As the elevator door buzzed open, a darker basement was revealed, and the sounds that were just faint before became increasingly clear.

Bai Xiaofei heard it clearly.

What those people shouted was clearly 'kill him'!
In addition to these extremely excited roars, there are also all kinds of restless laughter and cursing.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and asked softly, "Brother Nan, what is this place?"

He had an ominous premonition.

This place doesn't seem to be a serious place.

Nan Yu's answer to his question was simple: "A good place, a place that can quickly improve your strength."

Nan Yu walked in the front, Bai Xiaofei couldn't see his expression, he could only hear his faint voice.

"The people here are all damned. If you don't kill them, they will kill you."

"So, go ahead and do it, Bai Xiaofei, let me take a good look at your determination to protect Xiaowei."

After saying that, Nan Yu opened a door.

behind the door.

It was a row of soldiers with live ammunition.

As soon as they saw Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei's unfamiliar faces, they immediately faced each other with guns.

at the same time.

A tsunami-like shout of 'kill him' rushed towards his face, causing Bai Xiaofei to tremble all over.

What the hell did Nan Yu bring him here?

(End of this chapter)

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