Chapter 69 Strong Man Recycling Plan

Municipal library.

Longyou, who was soaked in the blood pool, has returned to his previous strong figure of more than three meters, and there is no sign of his blood decay after the battle with Nan Yu.

"Nan Yu."

"Is that his name?"

Long You was sitting in the pool of blood, holding a book with the cover of "Abnormal Psychology" in his hand, and asked a little absent-mindedly.

"Yes, my lord, the information sent back by the little bug is so, those bastards call him Mr. Nan Yu."

The answer was a giant worm with eyes all over its body, like a puddle of fleshy mud.

This is a corpse brother with special functions specially made by Long You.

called earworms.

As the name suggests.

The little bugs born from it are all its eyes and ears. As long as they are within the scope of H City, what the little bugs see and hear can be transmitted to the mother, so that Longyou can understand it even if he stays at home. To what is happening in the whole H city.

Of course.

Earworms are not a panacea.

For example, Long You asked the ear-eye insect to follow Nan Yu, which was a bit too difficult for it.

So Long You knew nothing about Nan Yu's movements.

But he had a strong premonition that Nan Yu would definitely come to him again, definitely.

"Nan Yu."

"A monster that also feeds on blood?"

"Hehehe, it's interesting."

Long You put down the book, stood up from the pool of blood, stretched his muscles and bones, then clenched his fists and said: "The undead body has only recovered to [-]%, not enough, not enough."

Nan Yu's strength left a deep impression on Long You.

Three cultivations of spirit, energy and spirit.

All three items are at the peak of the sky level.

In other words, all three items are above themselves.

At the same time, he is also a blood-sucking monster like himself, with a special bloodline in his body no less than that of the phoenix and the deep-sea ice demon dragon. With his current recovery, it may be difficult to keep such an opponent when he meets next time. he.

Recovery must be accelerated.

After walking out of the blood pool.

Long You put on his white robe and asked casually: "Have the monitors been installed?"

"My lord, all the installations have been completed, which can ensure that every corner of the library is within our monitoring range."

This time, it was a female corpse brother with bold and revealing clothes, arms and legs covered in long purple hair.

Her name is Xiaorou.

She was originally a primary school English teacher in H City.

Later, she was captured by Hei Wuchou in this library, and was in charge of teaching Long You to learn foreign language (English), and then Long You easily transformed her into Brother Corpse.

As Longyou's foreign language teacher.

Xiaorou's status is not comparable to that of ordinary corpse brothers.

Although his strength is mediocre, his status in the library is very good and he has many slaves of his own.

Especially after Bai Wusheng and Hei Wuchou were killed, Long You lacked men who could run errands.

So Long You strengthened Xiaorou again, making her his personal maid.

After hearing Xiaorou say that the monitor has been safely completed, Long You pondered for a moment and then asked: "How many humans are left?"

What he asked was not how many survivors were left in City H.

But there are still humans left in the library.

He was severely injured by Nan Yu before. In order to quickly replenish his blood, he killed a large number of survivors in the library to replenish the consumption of the blood pool. In addition, he destroyed a building when he fought with Nan Yu. There are not many living people and dead brothers left.

"Four left."

Xiaorou reported a number, and then said worriedly: "Master, these human beings are far from enough for your strong plan to consume."

"I see."

Long You nodded without showing any special expression.

The so-called strong man plan is what Nan Yu said before, the plan to mass-produce earth-level corpse brothers.

For this plan, Long You also ordered his subordinates to capture all the survivors in City H. At the same time, he also looted all the zoos, insect houses, aquariums, plant houses, etc. in City H.

It can be said that the Municipal Library has now become the largest animal and plant museum in H City, where you can find all kinds of creatures.

And to capture these survivors, besides allowing his subordinates to evolve quickly, Longyou also had another purpose.

That is to prevent humans from using nuclear bombs to blow themselves up.

Long You is very arrogant, but he is not crazy enough to think that he is invincible.

After he got out of trouble, the first thing he did was to understand what the world would look like after 2000.

There is also a TV installed in the place where he rests in the municipal library. When he soaks in the blood pool on weekdays, he will look at it to learn more about the changes in the new era. In addition, there are many books in the library, which allow him to fully understand the modern times. The power of the weapon.

Among them, what impressed him the most was the nuclear bomb.

Although the actual combat results were only two shots, the astonishing damage they could cause, let Longyou see how powerful ordinary humans, whom he regarded as ants, could exert.

"Destroy a city with one blow."

"It is as powerful as a divine skill."

"This is only the lowest equivalent. If it is replaced with a larger equivalent, even the powerhouses in the middle and late stages of the god level may not be able to resist it."

This was the conclusion Long You came to after seeing the power of the nuclear bomb.

It can kill the power of the middle and late stages of the god level.

With his current strength, even an undead body, no matter how much energy it consumes, might not be able to stop a super nuclear bomb.

So Long You decisively ordered to arrest people, gathered all the remaining survivors in H City under his command, treated them as hostages, and made Yanhuang use the nuclear bomb as a destructive weapon.

"There are only more than 2000 people."

"It's really not enough."

Longyou frowned slightly.

There are almost no survivors in H City now, and it is difficult to add living people to come in. After thinking for a while, he looked at Xiao Judao again: "Did you find what I told you to look for?"

"My lord, I'm still looking for it."


"Yes, my lord."

After Xiaorou withdrew.

Long You took out a copy of "Encyclopedia of Animals" from the bookshelf, turned to the page of electric eels, and while looking at the introduction on it, he said to himself: "There are not enough living people, so you have to recover your strength as soon as possible, hmph, Nan Yu, Nan Yu, next time we meet, I must eat you."

at this time.

The mother body of the earworm, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly began to give an early warning.

"Report to your lord, a human has broken in."

"Is it those boring special power teams again?"

"My lord, the people who came this time are very strong. They found my little bugs as soon as they came in, and all the chameleons were wiped out."

"Oh? Are there any interesting humans here?"

Long You stood up and called out, "Where's the monitoring?"

Hearing his voice, Xiaorou, who had just gone out, hurriedly ran back and turned on the monitoring at the corresponding location according to the direction mentioned by the ear-eye insect.


The surveillance screen was revealed.

There are a total of seven people in the picture.

Walking in the front were five young men with different looks, and behind them was a bald, fat middle-aged man and a tall masked young man with two knives on his back.

However, only a few seconds after the surveillance screen appeared, one of the red-haired youths with an afro-hair spit on it. Immediately, the clear surveillance screen turned into a cloud of snowflakes.

"It's good to come."

"Hey hey hey."

Although the monitoring screen was gone, Long You smiled very happily: "The recovery plan for the strong can start, just in time, and it will also allow me to exercise my muscles and bones by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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