People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 70 The 'Deal' with Black Firewire

Chapter 70 The 'Deal' with Black Firewire

Nan Yu naturally does not know what happened in the municipal library.

What he is doing now is to find a new head of the Crazy Horse Club.

It's just that the process is not so friendly.

When the soldiers of the Black Fire Front were massacred in the love apartment earlier, the photos of him and Bai Xiaofei were sent to the headquarters of the Black Fire Front.

As a wanted criminal in the black line of fire.

When he and Bai Xiaofei appeared at the Crazy Horse Club, they naturally aroused the alert of the Black Line soldiers.

Of course.

These warnings were of no use at all. After Nan Yu slapped the heads of several soldiers, a long-haired man wearing glasses came out to receive Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei. He not only ignored the corpses on the ground, but also sternly reprimanded them. Those soldiers who attacked Nan Yu.

"This is a distinguished guest of our Black Firewire. If you make a random move, be careful that I will throw you into the arena."

"Drag these waste away, don't obstruct the eyes of the distinguished guests."

After scolding his soldiers, the long-haired man introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Tian. You can call me Dr. Tian. Now I will temporarily take over the Yanhuang branch of Black Fire Line."

"Nan Yu."

"Bai, Bai Xiaofei."

"I'm Uncle Kham."

Dr. Tian's attention was always on Nan Yu, without even looking at Bai Xiaofei and Ham.

After Nan Yu and the others finished announcing their names, he asked with blazing eyes: "I don't know if Mr. Nan Yu is here, but do you have anything to discuss?"

"Send him to the arena."

Nan Yu pointed at Bai Xiaofei and said in a flat voice.

"Jiao, arena?"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at the arena in the center of the arena, and when he saw the bloody and brutal duel inside, he couldn't help but twitch his eyelids and said, "Nan, Brother Nan."

Dr. Tian on the other side was stunned for a moment, then looked Bai Xiaofei up and down with a smile on his face and said: "If this little brother wants to go to the arena for trial, he must be fine."

"That's fine." Nan Yu nodded.

"Brother Nan."

Bai Xiaofei was a little anxious.

He was a little confused as to why Nan Yu allowed him to enter the arena.

"Take him to get ready."

"With his strength, it should be no problem for you to prepare some seventy or eighty-level mutants."

After talking with Dr. Tian, ​​Nan Yu turned to look at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Remember what I told you before I came in? The people here are all damned. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. Go Now, be ready to fight to the death, this time, I will not save you, and no one will save you."

Bai Xiaofei's lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but his lips moved for a long time, but he didn't say anything, so he had to leave with the soldiers in the black line of fire.

Looking at his lonely back, Nan Yu didn't show the slightest worry, and said to Dr. Tian, ​​"Are you interested in making a deal?"

Dr. Tian was waiting for this sentence, and quickly invited: "There are a lot of people here, Mr. Nan Yu comes with me."

The two turned east and west all the way, and arrived at a luxuriously decorated room.

Dr. Tian first dismissed the soldiers in the room, and then asked impatiently: "I wonder what kind of deal Mr. Nan Yu wants to make with us?"

"I want the blood of your chief."


Dr. Tian was a little confused by Nan Yu's straightforwardness.

The overall leader?
Who is the overall leader of Black Fire Wire?
That is the super munitions leader Dajiefeng who has dominated the entire underground world, and is also a powerful god-level powerhouse. His blood essence is so precious, how can he give it as he pleases.

However, Dr. Tian did not refuse immediately, but asked politely: "Then I wonder what price Mr. Nan Yu is going to pay?"



Dr. Tian raised his voice a bit: "Are you going to whore for nothing?"

His first reaction was that this person was crazy.

Is it a waste of money to go to the black live wire?

"What? No?"

Nan Yu glanced at him, then looked away, and looked at the large screen in the room that was the size of the entire wall.

Bai Xiaofei's first battle has begun.

It is a prefecture-level mid-term mutant that has been transformed by the black line of fire, and it can be regarded as evenly matched with Bai Xiaofei.

It was in line with Nan Yu's expectations.

Only by increasing the intensity step by step can reasonably force Bai Xiaofei's killing momentum.

the other side.

Dr. Tian, ​​who was choked by Nan Yu's words for a long time, also came back to his senses, and said with a little sullenness: "Mr. Nan Yu, don't you Yanhuang people pay attention to fair trade? How can you ask for such a valuable thing for nothing? paid for it."

to be frank.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Nan Yu.

Dr. Tian was really prepared to teach Nan Yu a lesson, let him know what it means not to be too arrogant, and then put Nan Yu into his laboratory and make a bunch of obedient clones.

But the problem is that you can't beat it.

When Nan Yu and Long You were fighting in the municipal library, the people from the Black Fire Line risked their lives to take pictures of their fight and sent it to the headquarters, and were confirmed by Da Jie Feng to be a strong man at the peak of the heaven level. This is not Yanhuang. Enemies that the division can contend with.

After hearing what Dr. Tian said, Nan Yu chuckled.

"Fair trade?"

"That's based on equality of strength."

"Now our strengths are not equal, so why should I trade fairly with you? Well, to put it another way, you can also take my request as robbery!"

What Nan Yu said was very natural, and Dr. Tian's fist hardened when he heard it.


Black Fire has not heard this word for many years.

They, Black Fire Wire, have always been the only ones to rob others, and no one has ever dared to rob Black Fire Wire.

This is the first time ever.

"Mr. Nan Yu, please pay attention to your words. I know you are powerful, but we are the leader of the black line of fire."

Before Dr. Tian finished speaking, he saw Nan Yu strike like lightning and grabbed his fragile neck. Nan Yu didn't even use any force. He felt as if he saw his grandmother who had passed away for many years.

"A waste who relies on equipment, who is allowed to talk to me like this?"

"I will rob you to give you face."

"Don't give you face, I will loot all your Yanhuang branch right now, what can you do to me?"

Nan Yu said in a calm voice: "I know your leader Da Jie Feng is very powerful, but so what? This is Yanhuang. He will come if he is not afraid of death. But before he comes to Yanhuang, at least your life is certain." It can’t be saved.”

Say it.

Nan Yu threw Dr. Tian out with a wave of his hand: "Have figured out how to talk to me before opening your mouth."

"Cough cough cough-"

After breathing fresh air again, Dr. Tian lay on the ground and coughed violently several times.

He had never felt so close to death.

Facing Nan Yu's threat, Dr. Tian really had no choice.

He can't fight again and again, and he is not afraid of the name of Great World Wind.

What else can I do?
Dr. Tian didn't have the awareness that he could die for the black line of fire at any time.

After figuring it out, Dr. Tian got up and said cautiously: "We don't have the blood essence of the general leader here. You need to contact the general leader to get it."

"Then use other things. Take whatever you have. Your potions, things to replenish your qi and blood, and the collected blood of strong men. Give them all to me. If there is anything missing, I will skin you."

Nan Yu crossed his legs with a smile on his face, not paying any attention to Dr. Tian's face that had turned the color of bitter melon.

(End of this chapter)

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