Chapter 71

Dr. Tian is very efficient.

After being beaten by Nan Yu, he immediately handed over all the resources collected by Black Fire Line in Yanhuang.

As for whether he went to report to that great world wind during this process.

Nan Yu didn't care.

Just report, anyway, it is impossible for that big world wind to enter Yanhuang territory to cause trouble.

This is not because that Great World Wind is not strong enough.

Others may not know Da Jie Feng's identity and strength, but Nan Yu knows it very well.

Dajiefeng, the general leader of the black line of fire, is actually one of the three kings of the United States, the star beauty emperor.

It is about the strength of the peak of the god level.

One of the strongest fighting powers of mankind.

When it comes to strength, it can be said that he can go wherever he wants, and no one can stop him.

It's just that his star power consumes life extremely, and every time he uses it, he will consume one life.

To this day, he has not long left to live.

Therefore, he rebelled against the United States, founded the Black Line of Fire, vigorously developed cloning technology, and extracted all his star powers into the clones, and the body was genetically mutated into a nuclear military beauty emperor who used nuclear powers.

But genetic mutations are mutations.

His lifespan still hasn't changed, and it's still in a depleted state.

This also means that unless he finds a way to prolong his life, it is impossible for him to make casual moves in Yanhuang territory, so as to avoid the situation of excessive use of powers when encountering strong people, causing the lifespan to be lost again.

And this was the reason why Nan Yu was confident.

Otherwise, if a strong man at the top of the gods wants to kill someone, only Qinglong can stop him with all his strength in Yanhuang territory.

"Essence blood of earth-level corpse brother, essence blood of earth-level warrior, life restoration potion, berserk archangel, berserk tyrannosaurus rex, berserk gorilla, No. 01 reagent, No. 07 reagent experimental type, there are many good things."

Nan Yu counted the things Dr. Tian sent over.

Judging from the quantity alone, Dr. Tian should indeed have taken out all the inventory of the Yanhuang branch.

Because Nan Yu remembered clearly that the masked leader who was killed said that there were only three Berserker Archangels in the entire Yanhuang branch.

But now there are seven of them in front of Nan Yu.

As for other medicines such as rampaging gorilla and rampaging tyrannosaurus rex, they are packed in boxes of ten.

But this is the 07 reagent experimental type.

Nan Yu picked it up and asked, "What is the function of this?"

Dr. Tian, ​​who was waiting by the side, replied: "This is an upgraded version of the Archangel of Fury. It uses the blood essence of the earth-level corpse brother, the essence blood of the earth-level warrior, plus..."

"Don't say it's useless, I'll ask you how it works."

Nan Yu waved his hand impatiently.

Dr. Tian's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said: "Comprehensively improve physical fitness, speed, strength, including brain thinking ability, but this medicine is still in the experimental stage, and the side effects are very serious."

"What side effects?"

"After the injection, people will completely lose their minds, will not distinguish between enemies and friends, and finally become bloodthirsty monsters."

"Isn't it said that it can improve the brain's thinking ability?"

"The combat ability has been improved, but the consciousness has been confused instead. I can't tell whether I am a corpse brother or a human being."

"Oh, I got it."

Nan Yu nodded, then pulled out the stopper of the test tube, and drank the prefecture-level blood collected by Black Firewire in H City one by one, Dr. Tian's eyelids twitched.


As early as after the battle between Nan Yu and Long You Library, Black Fire Line secretly sent people to follow Nan Yu and took pictures of him drinking blood.

After watching the video data, Da Jiefeng determined that Nan Yu was most likely an undead creature from the Dark Council of Europe, and he might be the eastern relative of that vampire K.

Such undead creatures are useless for the lifespan of the Great World Wind.

Because the undead creatures of the Dark Council are not products of the earth's civilization, their strength is also suppressed to the sky level and cannot be broken through.

Therefore, although Dajiefeng cherishes life very much, he doesn't want to be hindered by the blood of undead creatures to hinder his god-level strength.

As for why he didn't catch Long You.

According to Nan Yu's guess, it was probably because he didn't want to become a monster.

Otherwise, when all the countries in the original plot sent people to fight for the immortal genes, why was it that only Black Fireline did not send people.

After taking the blood essence, Nan Yu closed his eyes and felt the condition of his body.

The quality of the blood collected by the black line of fire is very high, perhaps for the purpose of producing clones and mutants. These blood essences are all the heart blood with the most vitality. The improvement is very good.

After a moment.

Nan Yu opened his eyes, and casually slapped Dr. Tian on the head.

In Dr. Tian's astonished eyes, he didn't even have the ability to resist at all, so his skull was blown apart, and his brains flew all over the place. His specially prepared life-support devices didn't even work at all, and he couldn't die anymore .

After killing Dr. Tian and gathering the resources of the black line of fire, Nan Yu focused all his attention on Bai Xiaofei who was fighting against the mutant.


I don't know if I don't see it, but it gave Nan Yu a big surprise when I saw it was true.

Bai Xiaofei was slaughtering mutants in the arena like chopping melons and vegetables.

Those mutants up to level 100, [-], or even over [-] could not survive even one round in Bai Xiaofei's hands, and were instantly crushed.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei's eyes were red, and his originally fluffy hair was already hanging down to his waist.

Seeing him reach out and point, the head of a mutant was exploded out of thin air, and then he grabbed the body of another mutant, and with a violent force of both hands, he tore it in half.

Such a wild and violent fighting style made the audience in the exciting stands even more excited. It was originally a roar of shouts like a tsunami, but now it even shook the entire arena.

"Awakening of killing power, early stage of heaven level."

Just like Nan Yu's prediction.

Bai Xiaofei, whose soul was intact, was indeed in the early stage of heaven level after awakening the killing power.

Of course.

This is just a god who has reached the early days of the heavenly level.

Bai Xiaofei's current physical body is still too poor. Even with the strengthening when he awakens to kill, he is barely at the level of the Earth-level peak. Not to mention the Heaven-level body, it is not even at the Earth-level MAX level, and his internal strength is even worse. It’s a heavenly level that doesn’t exist at all and is achieved purely by God.

Fortunately, Shen and Qi are different.

God's words can exert power close to the best state even if the physical body is a little bit short.

As for Qi, no matter if you are weak spiritually or spiritually, if you are weak in one aspect, you will not be able to exert your full strength. This is why there is a life-fighting technique like burning life in Yanhuang martial arts. It is because burning life can maximize your spiritual power. Transformation, at the same time sacrificing the body, exerting all the energy and spirit to the extreme, in order to use a blow that surpasses the current state.

"Hahaha, this kid is really good."

Nan Yu laughed loudly, kicked open the big screen in the VIP room, jumped onto the arena like a ghost, subdued the already red-eyed Bai Xiaofei with one slap, and then carried him away in a grand manner.

(End of this chapter)

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