Chapter 72 Nima, fight your own people too!

I don't know how long I was in a coma.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei felt like he just had a super real nightmare.

I was thrown into the arena of life and death by Nan Yu, a pervert. Those monster-like mutants were not afraid of pain at all, and their recovery ability was not inferior to that of the corpse brother. I tried my best, but still could only watch helplessly. Watching the long blade in the mutant's hand rushing left and right on his body, cutting bloody wounds one after another.

In a trance.

Bai Xiaofei saw the red-haired man who had appeared in his dream before.

This time.

He still didn't speak.

But Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized in his heart that he knew who he was.

That person is himself.

After the thinking is connected and the thoughts are clear.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became enlightened, and the murderous intention in his heart was no longer suppressed and burst out.

He didn't know what happened to him at that time, he only knew that his mind was full of killing all these monsters in front of him, leaving no one behind!

"Why does the back of my head hurt so much?"

Bai Xiaofei, who woke up suddenly, clutched the back of his head and let out a cry of pain.

"woke up?"

Hearing Nan Yu's voice, Bai Xiaofei turned his head and looked over.

I saw Nan Yu sitting on a rock, looking back and forth with a ball of dark red blood wrapped in his hands with internal force.

You could tell he was in a good mood at first glance, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Xiaofei sat up, and at the same time he kept rubbing the back of his head, Nan Yu's hands were not light when he took him down, and it's still sore and sore.

"Go, try your abilities."

Saying that, Nan Yu raised his chin towards the four-story building in front of him: "Here, aim there."


Bai Xiaofei didn't react for a moment.

"Try it."


Bai Xiaofei responded, gathered a ball of air and bounced it out.

Then his mouth couldn't close at all.

Previously, his air ability was at best to dent the car door, but after reaching the ground level, he could penetrate the car door.

But he never thought about it.

His own air ability can actually break a thick wall with one shot.


Not just a wall.

Instead, it penetrated countless walls.

"This this."

Huge surprise came to my heart in an instant, Bai Xiaofei's headache and body were no longer sore immediately, he clicked with his right hand, and the single-shot air ability was played by him like a Gatling-like machine gun bursting non-stop.

It wasn't until two buildings collapsed in succession that he stopped.

"Brother Nan, what's going on!"

The sudden surge in strength made Bai Xiaofei smile.

"As you can see."

"You have been promoted to heaven level."

"You have time to get familiar with your new power."

Nan Yu replied, and then swallowed the blood in his hand into his stomach.

This was the blood essence he took out while Bai Xiaofei was unconscious.

Not the essence of the heart.

It's just ordinary blood.

With Bai Xiaofei's current strength, if he forcibly extracts his heart's blood, he might fall back to the prefecture level immediately, and the gain outweighs the loss.

So Nan Yu took the next best thing and took some ordinary blood essence.

This kind of blood essence is different from the heart essence blood, as long as Bai Xiaofei is not dead and his body absorbs enough energy, it can be produced continuously.

As for the shortcomings.

Of course, the power contained in this kind of blood essence is far less pure than the heart essence blood.

But anyway, it is also the blood essence of the peak of the prefecture level. It is not so easy to find, and it can be regarded as a pretty good tonic.

Hearing Nan Yu say that he has been promoted to Heaven Rank, Bai Xiaofei's first reaction was not to be surprised, but to stand there dumbfounded.

a long time.

He just came back to his senses, pointed at his nose and stammered: "I, I, I have been promoted to the heaven level?"


"Doesn't that mean I'm as powerful as you, Brother Nan now!!!"

"You can try it, I know you have wanted to beat me for a long time."

"Hehehehe, Brother Nan, I won't be polite then!!!"

What happened next does not need to be described in detail.

Anyway, it's just too horrible to describe the scene.

After a moment.

Bai Xiaofei, who was full of confidence just now, lay on the ground with bruises all over his body, and said without tears: "Nan, Brother Nan, why are you so powerful? Ouch, my old waist, Ouch, my legs." , and my handsome face.”

Nan Yu moved his wrist, glanced at him and said: "The heavenly level is also divided into levels. You are just a beginner at the heavenly level."

The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched, and he asked, "What about you, Brother Nan?"

"Me? Let's just say I'm at the peak of the heaven level."

"The pinnacle of heaven."

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a stomachache.

Peak and junior are not at the same level.

Just like Gui Gun told him before, the gap between each stage of the prefecture level is as big as a world of difference, and the difference between the peak level and the elementary level is not just one stage.

If it is converted to the sky level, this gap will only be even more astonishing.

I'm actually a little overwhelmed.

The two are talking.

An explosion suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a golden glaring King Kong rose up instantly, and even though it was far away from the two of them, it was still clearly visible.

"What the hell is that?"

Bai Xiaofei quickly got up from the ground and stared at the golden body of King Kong in stunned silence.

"God level."

Nan Yu didn't answer him, just frowned and muttered to himself.

The twelve-armed giant King Kong's true form has reached god-level power.

Nan Yu recognized that this move was the golden body of Buddha summoned by the magical skill Kalachakra.

Who is the person who used this trick?

Undoubtedly, only the Immortal Master from Snow Mountain Tantra.

A true god-level master.

However, he is no longer considered to be at the god level. Since the god-level battle with the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect, his cultivation has dropped to the peak of the heaven level.

And the person who can force him to use the god-level power again

Nan Yu suddenly turned around and said to Bai Xiaofei: "You stay here, I will come back as soon as I go."

After saying that, he quickly swept towards the direction of Kalachakra.

along the way.

Nan Yu has been staring nervously at the power of Kalachakra.

Immortal Master's lifespan is running out, and he is about to reach his limit.

If he is forced by Longyou to use his magical skills at an overload, once his life is completely exhausted, Longyou can harvest a corpse of a peak heavenly level and the blood of a god-level powerhouse.

At that time, let alone the power of H City, even if Qinglong comes, it will be difficult to control him.

"You have to hold on!"

Seeing that the Kalachakra's color was getting dimmer, Nan Yu's footsteps were faster, and the ground he stepped on was a deep pit full of explosive power.

at last.

Before the Kalachakra disappeared completely, Nan Yu arrived.

Then he found out in astonishment.

Why is Kalachakra's fist directed at me?

Moreover, there is no sign of Longyou here.
(End of this chapter)

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