Chapter 74 The Boss Atmosphere
On board the Sirius.

The commander was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, his face full of sadness and anger.

In front of him were two working green medical cabins.

This is currently Yanhuang's most advanced medical cabin.

Those who are qualified to use this medical cabin are without exception dignitaries or important national elites.

Lying in it now.

They were a tall young man with a broken right arm, and a bald middle-aged man with a withered appearance.


"That Corpse King is so strong."

"Old Tu and the others broke up, and Master Immortal couldn't keep him."

After a long silence, the commander finally sighed.

In the medical cabin was Uncle Tu, the 'Ten Thousand Slaughterer' of the Yanhuang Special Neng Team. The tall young man was his apprentice and the alternate member of the team, Little Butcher.

Having received the order from the commander earlier, they took a break from their original mission and came to H City, where they sneaked into the municipal library together with Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu from Yanhuang Special Energy Team [-].

Speaking of infiltrating, this time is not appropriate.

In fact, they went in openly and openly.

According to the commander's idea.

Uncle Tu is a strong man who has fallen from the peak of the Heaven level to the late Heaven level, but if he explodes with all his strength, he still has the same strength as the peak of the Heaven level. The Little Butcher is a strong man in the early stage of the Heaven level, with metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Although they are all at the earth level, when they form the Five Elements Formation, they can also display strength that is no less than that of the heaven level.

This combination should be enough to take down the Corpse King.

And once this battle plan is successful, Yanhuang will not have to pay the bill to Nan Yu who keeps extorting because of his strength.

Thinking of this, the commander's face became increasingly annoyed.

"Late stage of the heavenly class."

"There is such a strong late stage sky level!"

He couldn't think of it anyway.

A person whose strength is in the late stage of the heavenly level almost left behind the first and second special teams led by Uncle Tu.

A red-haired young man standing beside him said with a mournful face:

"Commander, that Corpse King's recovery ability is really terrifying."

"If Uncle Tu and Brother Tu hadn't tried their best to use Tu Qianli continuously, none of us would have been able to escape."

This is from Yan Yan, the second team of Yanhuang Special Energy Team.

Compared with Uncle Tu and Little Butcher, who are physically disabled and will definitely fall down the level, their Five Elements injuries are much lighter. Most of the injuries come from the backlash of the Five Elements counterattack. After a simple treatment, except for Muxi , all can move about freely.

But it was precisely because of this that Yan Yan and the others blamed Uncle Tu for his self-sacrifice in order to save them.

this battle.

Yanhuang suffered heavy losses.

Uncle Tu was almost drained of all his essence and blood. In order to save his master, the young butcher forced himself to use Tu Qianli to save his master. At the cost of an arm, he assisted the second team of the Five Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth to attack Long You together. It was easy to rescue Uncle Tu.

But Longyou's amazing recovery ability still made them almost despair.

Two shots and one shot of Thousand Miles of Massacre only severely damaged him, but they couldn't kill him on the spot. Even Uncle Tu's shot of One Shot of Thousand Miles of Massacre knocked off half of his body, but he still fully recovered in a very short period of time. Come here, and then continue to chase Yan Yan and the others.

If the commander hadn't invited the Immortal Master over in advance, and just when he sensed Longyou's demon-like aura, the dazed Immortal Master finally regained his sobriety, I'm afraid none of the seven of them would come back today.

"It was a mistake in my judgment."

"Too underestimated this corpse king."

After listening to Yanyan's words, the commander blamed himself and said, "It's my fault that I didn't collect the information beforehand and let you take risks."

Then, he sighed again and said: "You guys stay here to take care of Lao Tu and the others. That Nan Yu is on the ship. I have to go and meet him."


"Is that person really reliable?"

Yan Yan hesitated and raised her own question: "This person has been saying that he can kill that Bai Mao, but you see, even Uncle Tu is no match. Even if he is at the peak of the heaven level, he can really kill this guy." Baimao has super recovery ability? And he is the only one who has fought against Baimao, but he didn't even share any information with us. If he had known that Baimao had such strong recovery ability, Uncle Tu wouldn't have been injured like this. , I suspect that he just watched us fall here on purpose!"

"It's too late to say that now."

The commander smiled bitterly: "Things have reached this point, and we have no choice. In fact, in the final analysis, there is still a problem with my decision-making."

He looked up at Uncle Tu who was sluggish and comatose, and sighed: "If I had listened to the Supo cat's report and satisfied Nan Yu's request and let him fight against the corpse king, how could we be so big?" The loss? After all, the root cause of this defeat is all on me."

Jian Yanyan seemed to have something to say.

The commander waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about the rest, I'll take care of it, so you can rest assured."

Yan Yan had no choice but to respond: "Yes, Commander."

Leave the treatment cabin.

The commander did not go to find Nan Yu immediately, but first went to check on the situation of Master Immortal.

When he learned from Nima that Master Immortal was seriously injured and was no longer able to guard Yanhuang, the commander's expression darkened a lot.

The Immortal Master is a top genius who cultivates the three cultivations of energy, energy and spirit.

But in the golden years of his practice, he resolutely chose to give up his practice, went down to the snowy mountains, and dedicated all of himself to Yanhuang.

Over the past hundred years, he has fought countless battles, beheaded the number one ninja demon Tianji in Dongpu, and beat the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect so that he would never be born again. When the end was approaching, he fought against the corpse king to this childlike sanity.

The commander has lost count of how many sighs he has had today.

After promising Nima that Yanhuang would not forget the contribution of Master Immortal, he formally met Nan Yu with complicated feelings.

"Nan Yu?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Nan Yu who fought with that corpse king and almost killed him?"


"I have received your request."

The commander didn't say anything nonsense. He directly opened the laptop in his hand, pointed to the picture on it and said: "Too many artifacts, Yanhuang, have been lost. The existing ones are all here. You can choose one. The magic skills are on the next page. There are a total of There are four kinds of 130. You can choose three of them and do what you can. Before reaching the god level, magical skills consume a lot of the body. The greater the power, the more severe the backlash. If you need it, I can provide you with some reference opinions. "

Nan Yu was not in a hurry to choose artifacts and artifacts, but stared at the commander, and said two words lightly: "Too few."

"One divine weapon can be added, and five divine skills can be added."

"Not much."

"Six magical skills."

"not enough."

"Mr. Nan Yu's appetite is a little too big."

"Then let me tell you the number, three divine weapons, ten divine skills."

"Two artifacts, seven divine skills, the premise is that you must kill the corpse king."

"make a deal."

(End of this chapter)

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