Chapter 75 Long You, Getting Stronger and Stronger

"Long You sucked the essence and blood of thousands of people slaughtered?"

"And you ate the little butcher's arm?"

Before Nan Yu could choose the magical weapons and skills, he received bad news from the commander.

The news is very bad.

Nan Yu's good mood quickly faded a lot.

Wan Tu is a master at the late stage of the heavenly level, and a master who specializes in body and qi refining. He has even reached the peak of the heavenly level. The qi and blood in his body are not generally strong.

Although the little butcher's strength is a bit lower, he is only at the early stage of the heaven level, but he is still a heaven level, and his energy and blood are not comparable to those of the earth level.

Originally, Longyou squatted in the municipal library and could only recover his strength by eating ordinary people and miscellaneous creatures, but Yanhuang gave him a head this time, which was really a generous gift for him.

Maybe now he has returned to his peak heaven-level strength.

For Nan Yu, the difficulty level can be said to have increased exponentially.


"Is this the name of the corpse king?"

After hearing Nan Yu's words, the commander did not focus on the corpse king's rapid recovery of strength, but on the name 'Long You'.

"Yes, his name is Long You, and his father's name is Long Qi."

".Long Qie?"

This name is very familiar, the commander thought for a while, and suddenly asked in surprise: "The one from 2000 years ago?"

"Ang, that's him."

"Doesn't that mean that this corpse king is an ancient man from 2000 years ago?"

"That's right."


The commander's temples twitched violently.

The undead ancients more than 2000 years ago are a bit difficult to deal with.

As said before.

Yanhuang has been vigorously developing science and technology since modern times, completely ignoring the development of martial arts, and even treasured these classics in the Martial God Pavilion in order to prevent the loss of martial arts classics.

This series of operations has led to Yanhuang's practice world showing a state of incompleteness.

Nowadays, except for the Qinglong who spent countless precious resources to build it, the younger generation has few god-level ones, not even heaven-level ones.

But that was different more than 2000 years ago.

At that time, the world was in chaos, and heroes emerged in large numbers. Not to mention god-level men, Yanhuang even had super-god-level strongmen sitting in command at that time. They were so powerful that everyone on the left and right surrendered.

If this corpse king Long You really lived from more than 2000 years ago to the present, with the martial arts secrets at that time and more than 2000 years of hard training, how strong would he be?
As the commander thought about it, he couldn't help but get chills down his spine, and goose bumps all over his body.

At the same time, he also figured out that the reason why Long You, who was not even a match for the three heaven-levels, was beaten by Nan Yu was not only because of Nan Yu's peak heaven-level cultivation and the power of his magical skills, but also because of the most important thing. , that is, Nan Yu is also an undead creature, and his background is unknown.

Undead versus undead.

This wave is really fighting magic with magic.

Thinking room.

Nan Yu, who was checking the list of magical skills, asked casually: "By the way, did you send someone to the polluted waterworks?"

"Polluted waterworks?"

"Sanlu, we're gone." The commander nodded: "As the first source of pollution, we have already sent people to investigate."

"Then did you find a red stone coffin?"

"Well, there is indeed such a thing."

Speaking of this, the commander's eyes narrowed slightly: "This thing is made of extraterrestrial meteorites. The material is very special and has the function of dispersing biological energy. It should have been originally used to suppress the corpse king, right?"

Originally this was just a guess by the commander.

Now that Nan Yu has taken the initiative to mention this matter, it is almost inseparable.

Nan Yu did not deny it, nodded and said: "It is indeed the function. Transform that red stone coffin and make it into a weapon for me. Swords, hidden weapons, ropes, whatever. Don't make big ones. It's not good." put."

"it is good."

The commander responded.

Originally, he was going to spend a lot of money to invite Nan Yu to kill Long You. Naturally, he would try his best to satisfy Nan Yu's request.

Finish talking about the redstone coffin.

Nan Yu also selected the artifacts and magical skills he wanted.

Among the artifacts, he chose a hidden weapon passed down from the Tang Sect, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

Hidden weapons Hidden weapons.

As the name suggests.

It's just for sneak attack.

This hidden weapon has a very strong ability to break defenses, and is highly concealed. If it is aimed at air pockets, it can interrupt the internal force in a short time.

The ordinary Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle has the ability to transcend levels and break defenses, let alone the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle that has been made into an artifact.

I don’t know if it’s because it is a consumable item, but when Nan Yu checked the information, it clearly stated that there was only one left.

As for another artifact.

Nan Yu chose a pair of dragon and phoenix rings.

This pair of wrist guards, which are worn on the wrists, contains dragon and phoenix silk threads whose toughness has reached the level of artifacts. During the battle, the silk threads can be used to entangle the enemy, and then inspire the dragon and phoenix fire to burn the enemy.

In fact, from Nan Yu's point of view, the power of this artifact is somewhat worthy of its name.

However, what he valued was not the lethality of the mother-child dragon and phoenix ring, but the dragon and phoenix karma fire it could trigger.

This should be the incarnation of the power that a god once stored in the dragon and phoenix ring. For Nan Yu, who is good at playing with fire, the power of this kind of karmic fire in his hands will be no less than that of Juque.

In addition, in terms of magical skills.

Nan Yu chose several skills from sword skills, internal force skills, to fist and kick skills.

One of the techniques he values ​​most is called Blood Transformation Palm, and its current heir is a peak heaven-level expert named Ni.

This blood-transforming palm fits perfectly with Nan Yu's physical fitness.

Except for the blood Buddha seal whose power has reached the level of divine skills, its ordinary moves are all based on ultra-high-speed vibrations combined with a unique internal force walking route, which can instantly shatter the enemy's flesh and meridians with a single blow.

Moreover, the stronger the user's physical body, the more powerful the Blood Transformation Palm can be.

The unique way of exerting force and the use of internal force in this technique, let alone a heavenly level, is a very practical skill even if it reaches the god level.

The most important thing is that this blood-transforming palm is an evil technique, and it can be called a match made in heaven with Nan Yu's internal force from practicing Xuelian Dafa.

After the two confirmed the artifacts and skills.

The commander first issued an order, and then said to Nan Yu: "I will send these things to you as soon as possible."

"Prepare some more elixirs to replenish qi and blood, and send them along with the heavenly heart essence and blood that I promised me earlier."

Nan Yu grinned: "The more essence and blood in the heart of the heavenly level, the better, so that I can be more sure of killing Longyou."

"No problem." The commander nodded and readily agreed.

"Also, you'd better move faster."

Nan Yu put away the relaxed expression before, and said with a serious expression: "Long You is recovering his strength all the time, and now he has eaten the essence and blood of Wan Tu and his apprentice, his strength will The growth is getting faster and faster, if I miss the best time, I can't guarantee that I can kill him."

"okay, I get it."

Hearing this, the commander's face was even more serious than Nan Yu's, and he hurriedly left after a reply.

(End of this chapter)

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