Chapter 76 This time, let me see where you go
Although Nan Yu had already informed the commander of Long You's danger and his own needs, the reply he got was that the artifacts and skills would be delivered tonight, and other things would have to be prepared in three days at the earliest.

It's not that the commander doesn't want to give Nan Yu something.

Simply because it takes a preparation time.

Cultivation techniques and artifacts are all ready-made, and they are in the capital, and he can send them over quickly right now.

But those Qi and blood medicines, heart essence and blood, and redstone weapons that Nan Yu requested took time to prepare, and they were not what Nan Yu said would be delivered immediately.

After receiving the exact reply from the commander, Nan Yu didn't say much, and he didn't continue to stay on the Sirius, and took the plane directly to the temporary military base where he stayed before.

This is not because Nan Yu wants to go there, but because of the commander's request.

Because he was worried that Long You would come out of the city library as his strength grew stronger. If Nan Yu was not there, City H would have no defense at all and could only be slaughtered by Long You.

Nan Yu did not refuse.

He didn't look for Bai Xiaofei either, so he went straight to the temporary military base.

This kid has now awakened his killing potential, and his strength has advanced to the early stage of the sky level by leaps and bounds, and he is no longer the weak earth-level rookie before.

Although due to physical and internal strength problems, he is still in a state of adapting to strength.

But as long as you don't meet Fuma Huitaro and Longyou.

Bai Xiaofei can now walk sideways in H City, even if he encounters the Dark Council group. With his early Heaven level strength, even if he cannot defeat them, he can at least run away, and self-protection is always no problem.

So in Nan Yu's view, it is better to let him get acquainted with the power and become stronger than to take him by himself.

"Huh? I always feel like I forgot something?"

Standing at the door of the temporary military base, Nan Yu rubbed his chin and thought carefully.

Besides Bai Xiaofei, he seemed to have lost something else outside.

"Ah, I remembered."

"Where's the dog?"

Nan Yu suddenly remembered.

Hamm was also thrown in the Crazy Horse Club by him.

At that time, when he saw Bai Xiaofei jumping into the sky, he was so happy for a moment that he forgot about the dog.

"Forget it, just forget it, this dog can't resist beating to death anyway."

Nan Yu had no interest in finding Ham, so he turned around and entered the temporary military base.

For Nan Yu's arrival.

Ghost stick and Supo cat expressed their full joy.

Lin Long, who was the most noisy before, was also discouraged.

This commander's daughter, who was always acting like a young lady, when she saw Nan Yu again, she immediately went up to apologize and beg for forgiveness three times in a row, and was then reluctantly picked up by the commander's people. .

"Mr. Nan Yu, let's take a rest here for the time being. When there is news tonight, I will inform you."

"OK, alright."

Su Pomao brought Nan Yu to a room.

The two are talking.

Su Pomao suddenly let out a light snort, and pressed several times on his earphone.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"What interfered with the base's communication signal?"

at this time.

The warning lights in the temporary military base suddenly turned on, and the rapid "Dididi" alarm sounded endlessly.


"Something's wrong!"

Su Po Mao's face changed slightly, and he was ready to check the situation immediately.

"Wait a moment."

As soon as he turned around, Nan Yu stopped him: "Take me to the second underground floor of your military base."

"second lower floor?"

Su Po Mao was startled for a moment, and then he realized: "Mr. Nan Yu means that their target is the second underground floor!"

What's on the second basement floor of the temporary military base?
KW89 body enhancer?
But the human body strengthening agent is not a secret now. If it is just to grab KW89, it will definitely not be worth the candle to attack such a heavily guarded military base.

Since it wasn't KW89, it could only be something else that attracted the intruder.

Su Pomao quickly thought of a possibility.

Before this military base was established, there was actually a sealed underground base below.

According to Nan Yu’s wishes.

Those who invaded the temporary military base should target the sealed military base.

"East Ying people?"

Su Pomao asked tentatively.

Nan Yu nodded: "Well, that's right, it's them."

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Nanyu."

Su Po Mao immediately stopped talking nonsense, and immediately took Nan Yu to the elevator and went straight to the second basement.

compared to the ground.

The second underground floor of the temporary military base looked much more gloomy, and the lights in the corridors were all dim.

There should have been many research facilities here.

Thick metal gates with combination locks are next to each other.

However, due to the outbreak of the Brother Corpse virus, all the researchers here have been evacuated. Except for a few guards, the entire second basement floor can only hear the hum of the machine when it is running.

After explaining to the guards, Su Pomao led them back to the ground in a hurry to support, and handed everything down to Nan Yu.

"This place is really big."

When everyone was gone, Nan Yu carried Juque to the laboratory where KW89 was stored and sat down. At the same time, he also locked the door of the laboratory.

Then, he adjusted his breathing again, suppressing his body functions to the most primitive zombie form, and his breathing, qi and blood all stagnated.

In his current state, if you don't look carefully, you can easily mistake him for a corpse.

In fact, if he hadn't practiced the Blood Lotus Technique and kept his pure zombie body, he would have been a master of stealth no matter where he went.

Because there is no blood flow in the body of a zombie, and there is no problem of breath leakage.

As long as you hide, even if you simply bury yourself in the soil, no matter how sharp your perception is, you will never find out where Nan Yu is hiding.

But now there is a little bit of trouble.

Practicing the Blood Lotus Technique allowed Nan Yu's body functions to recover a lot, especially the blood and qi began to flow again, no longer simply stored in the body as before.

In addition, he also got some immortal blood from Long You, and most of his body functions were almost recovered. When he entered the military base just now, the robot named Chou Niu couldn't even detect that Nan Yu was not a human.

With his body in this state, Nan Yu had to suppress his energy and blood on his own in order to return to the form of a zombie with no breath at all.

"There will still be a trace of breath leaking out."

Nan Yu shook his head dissatisfied.

This is the trouble with flesh and blood resuscitation. No matter how you suppress it, there will still be a trace of aura leaking out.

While Nan Yu was thinking.

A burst of footsteps that were extremely difficult to distinguish came quietly outside the door.

Nan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Hey, here we come. This time, let's see where these Japanese wild dogs can run."

(End of this chapter)

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