Chapter 78 Backstab

At this time, there are five ninjas fighting outside the temporary base.

These five people are all Japanese jounin.

The moves used are also different.

Two of them are brothers, both are good at sonic attacks, and there is a strange combination attack technique, which is extremely powerful, and two of them are good at using knives, and one is good at using thunder knives to attack. Touching, a knife technique is extremely fierce, and the speed is extremely fast, making it difficult to parry.

As for the last ninja.

He is a bit weird. He holds two knives in his hands but doesn't use them. Instead, he likes to attack people with a knife on his butt. The martial arts he uses are also very disgusting. He is called Qianju Ju.

The most outrageous thing is that his strength is only at the early stage of the prefecture level, and he is simply pitifully weak. As soon as he entered the battle, he was slapped to death by the combined form of Lan Haierdo.

After beating him to death, Lan Haierduo was stunned for a moment, wondering if there was a trick.

After waiting for a long time and seeing nothing unusual, they finally determined that this chrysanthemum monster who was nominally a Jonin was actually a rookie who became a Jonin through connections.

Although a comrade in arms died as soon as the battle started.

But the other four junin in Dongying didn't show any sad expressions. Instead, they mercilessly laughed at this Oda Kiichiro, and then the offensive in their hands became more ferocious.

This is the temporary military base.

The ghost stick is in the middle stage of the prefecture level, and the combined Lan Hai Erduo is the pinnacle of the prefecture level. With the addition of preparations and pet cats, the Supo cat can barely exert its power in the mid stage of the prefecture level. It seems that its combat power is not bad.

But among the four Jninzhong they faced, the two who were good at using knives were both at the peak of the prefecture level, and the pair of brothers also had the strength of the late prefecture level.

There is a huge difference in strength, even though Ghost Stick and the others killed one person first, they still inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

last resort.

Ghost Stick, whose injury has not fully healed, used the golden needle again to forcibly raise his strength to the late stage of the prefecture level. Erdo also ate a large bottle of his own treasured "Little Blue Pill", and displayed his true strength. · Beastmaster form, this is barely equal to these Japanese ninjas.

But this balance of power was not due to the desperate efforts of Guigun and the others, but because one of the four jounin had been letting off steam and did not use all his strength at all.

The worst thing is.

In addition to these jounin, among the ninjas who attacked this time, there was another ninja who never took action and was always vigilantly guarding the surroundings from a distance.

The aura emanating from this ninja made Guigun and the others feel unprecedented pressure.


"These little bastards actually sent heaven-level ninjas here."

"Brother Mao, is there a way to contact Mr. Nan Yu? If he doesn't come, we'll all be stuck here today."

"Can't get in touch, all the signals around the base have been cut off."

After all, after Su Po Mao raised his head and shot the ninja named Xiaowanzi, taking advantage of the cooling time of the red chest, he quickly leaned over and continued to dial Nan Yu's satellite phone.

But no matter how hard he pressed, the signal was always interrupted.

"This group of bloody little bastards!!!"

Supomao, who has always been calm and composed, will become more irritable now, and swears a few words out of rare occasions.

The Japanese ninjas were too well prepared for this attack.

Not only the luxury equipment of one-day level and more than five prefecture-levels, but also deliberately found the timing for Lin Long to leave with Zishumaotu, and only started to do it after cutting off the signal of the base.

If Nan Yu hadn't happened to be here.

This temporary military base, which was temporarily used as an evacuation point, definitely fell here.

"Now we can only pray that Mr. Nan Yu will finish off the attackers below, and then he will be able to save us in time."

Seeing the three ghost sticks retreating steadily, Su Pomao gritted his teeth and took out a miniature nuclear energy bomb from the special equipment bag.

The power of this thing is enough to seriously injure a strong man at the pinnacle of the earth level.

But the problem is that there is only one shot, and once it is dodged, it will be in trouble.

"Lan Hai, keep them alone!"

The Supo cat yelled, then loaded and loaded the gun, and aimed the gun.

Lan Hai, who had fought side by side several times, instantly understood what Su Po Mao meant.

"Spiritual hypnotism!"

Lan Hai, who resided in Erdo's body, immediately urged his mental power with all his strength, and forcibly controlled the younger brother of the pair of brothers in place.

Seeing this, Supo Cat didn't hesitate at all, and immediately pulled the trigger, accurately shooting at the Japanese jounin named Xiaowanzi.

However, the imaginary picture of abolishing a prefecture level with one shot did not appear.

The moment Su Po Mao shot, Fumo Huitaro, who had been on guard all the time, shot.

He was originally good at speed, and he stimulated the internal force of the heavenly level, which was much faster than the bullets fired from the red chamber.

Before the miniature nuclear energy bomb hit Xiao Wanzi, he unsheathed the magical weapon Sakura Fire in his hand, and with a slight vibration, he changed the trajectory of the miniature nuclear energy bomb.


Looking at the miniature nuclear energy bomb that exploded in the distance, the Supo cat's pupils suddenly constricted.

Afraid of what to come.

They were barely able to deal with these earth-level ninjas before, but now that this heaven-level one takes action, they have nothing to do except pray for Nan Yu to come quickly.

as predicted.

It was in response to the bad premonition in Su Pomao's heart.

With Fumo Huitaro's strength, he only used the Sakura fire, and even the ghost stick and Erdo who had used their lives to burn were completely unable to deal with it with all their strength.

But in an instant.

Ghost Stick's evil ghost form was broken, and a bloody wound was opened on his chest. If Erdo hadn't blocked him, he would have been disembowelled.

The combined form of Lan Hai and Erdo was also forced to separate.

The iron box that Lan Hai was hiding in was cut in half by Fuma Gray Taro, and Erdo tried his best to block it for him. This allowed him to save a small life, but even so, his legs were still cut off by Sakura. , blood flowed all over the ground like a fountain. If he was not sent to treatment in time, he would probably die of hemorrhage in a short time.

Among the three, the most seriously injured was Erdo, who had the strongest body.

In order to protect Lan Hai and Ghost Stick, he insisted on parrying Fuma Huitaro twice in a row. The price he paid for this was that both of his arms were cut off by Sakura Fire, and then he was kicked by Fuma Huitaro and smashed into the ground. He fell into the cement floor, and almost all the bones in his body were shattered.

"It's over."

Su Po Mao's face was full of despair.

The gap between heaven level and earth level is too big.

What's more, this Heaven-level person is not an ordinary Heaven-level person, at least he has the attack power of a late Heaven-level person.

Looking at the purple-red sword getting closer and closer to him, Su Po Mao closed his eyes resignedly.

Just when Sakura was only a few meters away from his head, a shrill shout suddenly came from the temporary military base.

"grown ups!"

"I found something!"

"The one named Nan Yu is hunting us down!"

"My lord, take your things and go!!!"

Immediately afterwards, two ninjas, one tall and one short, limped out of the temporary military base.

But they looked lame, but they ran very fast.

Following closely behind them was a crimson sword energy rising into the sky.


Seeing this familiar sword energy again, Fumo Huitaro couldn't help but gasp.

Nan Yu!

Yanhuang's new god-level promotion, he is indeed here!
I had been listening to this cat-headed boy say 'Mr. Nan Yu' and 'Mr. Nan Yu'. Fumo Huitarou was worried that it was Nan Yu that he knew, so he never made a move, just waiting for that insidious and cunning Nan Yu to show up. .

Originally, when he saw that these Yanhuang prefectures were starting to fight for their lives, he thought that Nan Yu was not here, so he took action boldly.

In the end, I didn’t expect that Nan Yu was really there.

And it is hiding under this military base.


Yusuke threw the female corpse in his hand towards Fuma Huitaro, and shouted again: "Master Fuma, grab your things and go!"

After saying that, he and the Demon Rat turned around together. One opened his blindfold and sprayed poisonous mist from his eyes. The other's body swelled up like a ball and rushed out regardless of life and death. The two of them used their own unique tricks to kill each other. , killing the figure coming out of the temporary military base.

In an instant.

The sound of self-destruction, like the earth was shattering, wandered back and forth in the poisonous mist that filled the sky. Nan Yu, whose face had been exposed, also disappeared into this purple-black poisonous mist.

"His Majesty the God Emperor will remember your achievements!"

Fumo Huitarou looked neither sad nor happy, he grabbed the female corpse flying towards him and tied him behind his back, then flew into the air, ready to use the magical skill of Fumo Ji Ninki to escape from here again.

In his eyes, Nan Yu is a god-level powerhouse.

A powerhouse of this level cannot be stopped by two prefecture-level self-destructs.

However, before he could finish reciting the nine-character mantra, the female corpse, which had lost all breath just now, suddenly opened its eyes. Suddenly, countless sharp black thorns emerged from the female corpse. While Fuma Gray Taro was in the process of forming seals and was distracted, the black thorns Unexpectedly, it pierced the body of Fuma Gray Taro.

And the aura that the female corpse exudes now is clearly at the early stage of the heavenly level!
(End of this chapter)

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