Chapter 79 Father (for Subscription)

Time goes back to before.

On the second floor of the silent underground base, two faint voices sounded quietly.

"Strange, there are so many guards above, why is there no one below?"

"Hmph, with Lord Fengmo here, the group of Yanhuang people must mobilize all their strength to deal with it."

"That's right, look here, right?"

"Let me take a look, um, according to the map given by Captain Ishii, it is under the laboratory."

"Then let's do it. Master Feng Mo ordered us to fight quickly and don't waste any time."

"Okay, okay, I got it, I really don't know what Master Feng Mo is afraid of, and I have to tell us to be careful wherever we go these two days."

"It should be because Yanhuang's Sirius is still here, right? But who is Nan Yu in Feng Mo's mouth, have you heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it. Master Feng Mo just told us to run away when we see this person. Is he a new sky-level person from Yanhuang? But we don't have any photos. How can we know who Nan Yu is? You can't just run away when you see a Yanhuang person." Bar?"

"Who knows, anyway, it must be right to listen to Mr. Fengmo, move aside, I will open the door."

"it is good."

The sound like a mosquito stopped and was replaced by soft popping sounds.

I saw a blindfolded ninja cutting a thick door lock with a knife. The steel lock with a thickness of several centimeters was easily cut open in front of his samurai sword without the ability to resist.

As for the siren that the laboratory door was cut open, it was completely ignored by these two ninjas.

Anyway, now the entire temporary military base is full of sirens, who can accurately tell where the sirens are coming from.

lean less.

The heavy steel door, which was strong enough to withstand the impact of the bomb, was cut open.

Two ninjas pushed open the gate.

What came into view was a brightly lit experimental base. In addition to various test tubes, reagents, experimental bodies and materials, there was also a figure as fast as lightning.

Nan Yu's attacks were fast and accurate. They didn't even have time to react, and they were continuously hit by Nan Yu's air pockets. Not only was their internal energy suddenly blocked, but their limbs couldn't lift a bit of strength. They fell to the ground as if they were paralyzed. .

"Youyouzhu, didn't you say that there is no one here?"

"How could such a master suddenly appear!!!"

The shorter buck-toothed ninja looked at Nan Yu who was approaching them, and his hair stood on end instantly, as if seeing the evil spirits in their Japanese legends.

"Where is someone!"


"There is no talent right here!!!"

The blindfolded ninja called Yusuke cried out in panic.

Unlike normal people, Yusuke's eyes have undergone experimental transformation, and both eyeballs have been transformed into a poison gas storage and launch device that can threaten the sky.

Although he has lost his eyesight since then, Yusuke's perception has also become extremely sharp, no less than that of a heaven-level powerhouse.

But in Yusuke's perception at this meeting, he didn't realize that there was a person in front of him at all, and even said that he and the Moshu, who was also a twelfth ninja, had been attacked, and both of them were beaten to the point of losing their ability to resist, while he But still can't even perceive the position of the attacker.

"You two, it's just right for you to come to your door."

Nan Yu also spoke at this time.

The faint voice echoed in the laboratory, and the bodies of Moshu and Yusuke trembled even more when they heard it.

"You are Nan Yu?"

The ninja named Moshu guessed Nan Yu's identity.

He is a mid-earth-level cultivation base, and Yusuke is a prefecture-level peak cultivation base. He can kill the two of them in a single face-to-face and can hide his breath perfectly.

Except for Nan Yu who was constantly reminded by Feng Mo Hui Taro that he needed to pay attention, he couldn't think of another person.

"You are very smart."

"little mouse."

Nan Yu bent down, moved closer to the Demon Mouse, and let out a chuckle.


Without further ado, he opened the mouth of the Demon Mouse and threw a drop of blood into it.


"what have you done!"

"But, damn it, what, what is this!"

"Master God Emperor will not spare you, you should, you should, you should die."

The mournful wailing came to an abrupt end, and the eyes of the Demon Mouse gradually changed from agile to dull, and the skin that was originally wheat-colored was also covered with a layer of paleness, and it was as cold as a dead person.

Yusuke couldn't see what happened to the Demon Mouse, he could only judge from his breath and voice that he must have been killed by some cruel means by Nan Yu, so he mourned: "Damn Yanhuang people, if you want to kill him, you can kill him!" I'm so happy!!!"


"You two are still useful to me, why kill you?"

Said, Nan Yu also pinched Yusuke's chin, and flicked a drop of bright red blood into it.

After a short scream.

This ninja, who was still stubborn just now, changed from a living person to a zombie with dull eyes, just like the devil.

"stand up."

Nan Yu gave an order to Demon Rat and Yusuke.

There was a rattling sound in the bodies of the two of them. After twisting a few times unnaturally, they stood up straight and stood motionless against the wall.

"It's okay, the strength has regressed a little, but it doesn't hurt."

Nan Yu squeezed it left and right, then nodded with satisfaction.

Make offspring.

This is a common method used by zombies.

Normally, people who have been bitten by zombies will be transformed into second-generation zombies with relatively thin blood, and then these second-generation zombies will transform into third-generation zombies with thinner blood through biting people and sucking blood, so as to continue to spread.

This is also the reason why every zombie shouted and beat Nan Yu in his previous life.

It's different from those mindless zombies that only bite and spread.

After Nan Yu obtained Hanba's blood essence to change his bloodline, the way he transformed his descendants became to turn a living person into a zombie directly by bestowing his own blood essence.

It is different from those brainless zombies who transform into equally brainless descendants.

The descendants transformed by Nan Yu's blood essence can not only maintain their sanity, but also inherit part of Nan Yu's power.

As for how much sanity and strength he could gain, it all depended on how much and what kind of blood Nan Yu gave him.

The two ninjas who were transformed into zombies in front of them were the lowest descendants. They had some sanity but not much. They were simply controlled by Nan Yu like puppets on strings.

Of course.

Nan Yu's transformation of such two low-level descendants who can't be lower-level is not a waste of energy and blood.

He didn't fool that Yusuke.

These two ninjas are indeed very useful.

After testing the abilities of the two zombies, Nan Yu swung the giant sword, flashing red light, and cut open the floor of the laboratory in two or three strokes, revealing a dark hole.

This is what Su Pomao said, the old military base under the temporary military base.

This is an unspeakable legacy of history.

I don't know how many years this old military base has not been opened. The first time it saw the sky again, the smell of stench and decay was oncoming.

Nan Yu waved his hands in disgust and fanned the wind, and he jumped down when the air in front of him was a little bit fresher.


He returned to the ground, holding a female body wrapped like a mummy in his hand.

And this is the purpose of the Japanese ninja's raid on the temporary military base.

"Wake up, don't pretend."

Nan Yu threw the female body on the ground, and then said something lightly.

However, this sentence was like a cow sinking into the sea. After saying it for a long time, the female corpse was still lying there quietly.

Nan Yu was a little unhappy.

"Play dead, right?"

"Then keep pretending. I'll bury you right away. You don't even want to get revenge, and you don't even want to find your daughter."

The voice just fell.

The female corpse who was out of breath just now opened her eyes suddenly, a pair of scarlet pupils stared at Nan Yu, opened and closed her mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "Daughter, daughter, I, want, find me Yes, daughter."

"Open your mouth."


The female corpse opened her mouth obediently.

Nan Yu tapped on his heart, took out a drop of heart essence and blood and threw it over.

As soon as the heart essence and blood containing part of Nan Yu's cultivation base and qi and blood were swallowed into her belly, the female corpse's eyes widened immediately, and her body began to tremble involuntarily. She could feel that her own vitality was being wiped out and replaced by Another novel way of living, and the hideous scars on her body hidden under the bandages are rapidly healing, and the joints and bones that have been stagnant like old machinery for a long time are also lubricated again. The decayed and exhausted qi and blood were also expanding crazily at a wild speed.

When the essence and blood in the heart were completely digested, the female corpse crawled up from the ground.

At this time, she was strong, flexible, and thinking clearly, unlike the two low-level zombies, Guishu and Yusuke, who were stiff and unconscious.

Stand up again.

The female corpse stared blankly at her hands, then at her bandaged body, her body began to tremble involuntarily, and she didn't know what she was muttering.

After she calmed down a bit, she turned her head to look at Nan Yu who had given her blood essence, kneeled on the ground with a plop, and respectfully kowtowed: "Jin Hua pays homage to Father."

(End of this chapter)

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