Chapter 81 Lin Long's Evaluation (Subscribe)
This time, the Japanese ninja's raid caused heavy losses to the temporary military base.


It should be said that Yanhuang suffered heavy losses.

More than thirty soldiers who had been injected with human enhancers were killed.

Er of the Yanhuang Special Neng Fourth Team was injured and disabled. Even if he recovered from his injury, he would not be able to play for the country again.

Erdo's partner, Lan Hai, suffered severe injuries and became physically disabled. Fortunately, he is a special spiritual prefecture. The secret technique lacks a host, so it may be difficult to exert its full strength.

In contrast, the ghost stick who was almost cut open became the one with the least injuries.

But in fact it is not the case.

In just a few days, the ghost stick burned his life twice in a row, especially this time, he burned a large amount of life again when the old injury hadn't healed.

This made him hurt more and more, and his life was extremely lost.

Although the current ghost stick has recovered quickly from his injuries, his face seems to have aged several decades. Not only has his physical function declined a lot, his face is also covered with large wrinkles, and his hair is almost completely white. Go, I thought he was an old man in his 70s and [-]s. Even if he recovered from his injuries, it was hard to say whether he could maintain the strength of the prefecture level.

In this battle, three more prefecture-level soldiers were seriously injured.

It also includes Lan Hai Erduo, a pair that can reach the peak combat power of the prefecture level.

When he learned the news, the commander was so heartbroken that he almost bled.

In just two days.

Yanhuang lost the combat strength of two heavenly and two earthly ranks in a row, and six earthly ranks were seriously injured, unable to recover their combat strength in a short time.

This loss is simply too great.

The only thing that counts as good news.

That is, Dongying also suffered heavy losses. If Nan Yu did not exaggerate his record, then Dongying was killed in H City by one sky level and twelve ground levels, and the lost sky level was still known as the world's number one Ninfeng Demon Ash Taro, for Dongpu, this is almost equivalent to the complete annihilation of the forces in City H, leaving only one crippled prefecture level who managed to escape.

Speaking of which.

The Commander fell silent on another report from Su Po Cat.

Nan Yu seems to have the same ability as the Corpse King to transform people into his own kind.

In this postwar report.

Supomao focused on the woman named Jinhua.

When this woman first appeared, her whole body was covered with bandages, and she was called an experimental subject by the Dongpu people. There was no breath fluctuation on her body, like a dead body.

However, when Fuma Huitaro caught her to relax her vigilance, she suddenly became violent and seriously injured Fumo Huitaro, making him unable to use his magic skills to escape from the battlefield. This gave Nan Yu a chance to kill him in one blow.

According to Su Po Mao's judgment and Nan Yu's confirmation, Jin Hua's strength has reached the early days of the Heavenly Level.


Like Nan Yu, Jin Hua also likes to drink human blood, and even calls Nan Yu her father.

All kinds of weirdness made Su Pomao think of the situation where vampires transformed into blood descendants and corpse kings infected humans at the same time in the Dark Parliament. He thought that the relationship between Nan Yu and Jin Hua was probably the same, and we must be more vigilant about this matter. Nan Yu also has the contagious power of the corpse king, and can produce heavenly powers in batches, which is a huge potential threat to Yanhuang.

What's more, Nan Yu's strength is extremely terrifying.

Although he is at the peak of the heavenly level, he can easily wield a sword energy comparable to that of a god-level attack. The first reaction of the Fuma Huitaro when he saw him was to run away. It is obvious that the two have fought, and Fuma Huitaro thought he was invincible , so such a decisive judgment was made.

Looking at the report in his hand, the commander was speechless for a long time.

Not only was he silent because of Yanhuang's loss, but also he was entangled in what attitude he should have towards Nan Yu.

Just as Su Pomao was worried.

Nan Yu, this sky-level person who came out of nowhere is not only terrifying in strength, but also has blood from undead creatures similar to the corpse king. Humans can be transformed into their own race, and they can even transform into heaven-level powerhouses.

"This City H is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

The commander put down the report, his eyes full of helplessness.

A corpse king comparable to the peak of the sky is enough to cause headaches, and now there is another Nan Yu who is full of fog.

It's okay to say that the corpse king is a clear enemy.

But this Nan Yu is indeed a big problem. If one is not handled well, there may be another Long You.

"Dad, what's wrong? You look like this."

At this time, a pair of warm little hands stretched out from behind the commander, and gently rubbed the commander's temples.

This is Lin Long who was picked up from the temporary military base.

Compared with the unruly and self-willed person when she left before, Lin Long is obviously much quieter now, and her speech is no longer as domineering as before.

"It's nothing."

The commander shook his head, took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then sighed: "That Nan Yu, you and he fought side by side, what do you think?"

Mention the name Nan Yu.

Lin Long paused, recalling the terrifying memories Nan Yu brought her, her complexion became less pretty.

But she still said the truth: "He is full of arrogance. He doesn't look like a good person, but his ears are very soft. He likes to hear good things about him. Well, that's probably all."

"Do you like to listen to others speak well?"

Hearing such an evaluation for the first time, the commander immediately became interested and sat up straighter.


"You asked me to stimulate him before, don't let him be lazy and waste what we provide."

"But that guy just ignores me."

"how to say."

"It gives me the feeling that in his eyes, I'm like a dead person, and he doesn't take me, the commander's daughter, seriously."

"So I got really angry and my words became increasingly unpleasant."

"But no matter what I said, he just ignored me and ignored me as if I were nothing."

"You remember what I said to you. Whenever I made trouble along the way, only that ghost stick kept defending him. He even scolded me severely for this Nan Yu."

"Later, when we were attacked by that earth-level monster in the library, Nanyu left a life-saving charm for the only ghost stick who had said a good word to him, but turned a blind eye to the others."

"So I think he has a kind of arrogance in his bones, but he is not so arrogant that he doesn't treat people as human beings. This person seems to be mercenary, but he rewards those who show kindness to him, but if you really If you offend him, he will definitely fight you forever."

Lin Long's words can be said to be very fair, impartial and unbiased, and did not speak harshly to Nan Yu because of the previous disagreement with him.

The commander listened carefully to everything, and with a decision in his heart, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, you are tired after tossing around in City H for so long, go and rest, I will take care of Nan Yu's matter."


Lin Long nodded obediently, turned around, opened the door and left.

Looking at her back, the commander smiled for the first time this evening: "My daughter has grown up."

(End of this chapter)

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