Chapter 82

In a temporary military base.

Nan Yu stayed in an empty laboratory by himself, practicing the exercises sent by the commander one by one.

This trip, in addition to transporting artifacts and exercises.

The commander also sent a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that could be used to restore Qi and blood, including naturally grown medicinal materials such as Millennium Ginseng, and some Blood Bodhisattva that the Immortal Master reportedly snatched from the Blood Lotus Sect's treasury. And Qi and blood replenishing medicines like Ningxue Dan.

Look at the introduction.

Among them, the most precious one is the Blood Bodhi, which is equivalent to all the vitality and blood of a prefecture-level peak, and the commander gave away ten of them.

Such generosity surprised Nan Yu a little.

"There's something wrong with this guy's attitude."

"According to his style, he gave me such a valuable thing, shouldn't he talk to me about other additional conditions first?"

Nan Yu had just mastered a magical skill and took advantage of his break to count the items sent by the commander one by one.

The energy and blood in his body are extremely strong now, and if he moves around a little, he will feel a surge of blood energy.

All the essence and blood of Fumo Huitaro improved the blood lotus Dafa beyond Nan Yu's expectations.

At the same time, his internal energy seemed to have reached a critical point, no matter how Nan Yu urged his blood, he could not improve.

as for where is the problem
"The increase in internal strength is too fast."

Nan Yu didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

Unlike the physical body, which can be improved infinitely, the internal force is stored in the dantian.

With the increase of internal strength, the dantian will gradually expand until it reaches the limit and breaks through a certain shackle and achieves the god level.

in other words.

The limit of Dantian is the limit of internal force.

But it has only been a few days since Nan Yu regained his physical body and began to cultivate his internal strength.

Explain in simple words.

That is, it is not that his internal strength has reached the limit at all, but that his dantian has not yet grown to the limit.

This also resulted in a situation where his Qi and blood were now extremely strong, but he was unable to continue to transform his internal energy.

Nan Yu had never practiced internal strength before, but he encountered this kind of thing the first time he practiced. He didn't know whether to say that he had no common sense or that he was progressing too fast.

"Hey, let's go find the Supo cat. Yanhuang should have a treasure to expand his dantian."

"As for the extra blood."

Nan Yu rubbed his chin, and then according to the records in the Blood Lotus Dafa, he began to circulate the Qi and blood in his body in a specific way, and when it reached the palm of his hand, he stretched out his right hand.

The excess blood began to be slowly forced out of Nan Yu's body.

at the same time.

A round blood-colored pill gradually took shape in the palm of Nan Yu's hand, and then one after another, until a total of seventeen blood pills were condensed. The energy, blood and internal force in Nan Yu's body reached balance again, and he stopped. .

"Isn't this Blood Bodhi?"

Looking at the large handful of bloody pills placed in front of him, Nan Yu couldn't laugh or cry again.

It took a long time.

This is how the Blood Bodhi of the Blood Lotus Sect came about.

And the excess energy and blood in Nan Yu's body was as much as seventeen prefecture-level peaks, which was a bit too much to be true.

"No wonder Long You had such a huge Qi, blood and flesh dragon at that time, but he only used it to restore his body and not to improve his internal strength."

"It seems that he also encountered the same problem as me."

Nan Yu thought carefully and came to a rough conclusion.

The reason why Long You's strength improved so quickly when he was in H City.

On the one hand, he eats enough people, and on the other hand, he is already a god-level powerhouse. As long as he is replenished with energy and blood, through the transformation of the blood lotus method, his internal strength can be rebuilt to the level of a god at an extremely fast speed. In addition, he himself is a top-level refiner, and he can easily restore the dual-god level energy of essence and qi just by eating people.

Later, when he arrived in the capital, his improvement in strength seemed to be much slower than when he was in H city.

In fact, it was because the growth rate of Dantian could not keep up with the increase of internal strength and qi and blood, so the qi-blood flesh dragon he prepared was only used to restore qi, blood and internal power, rather than to improve strength.

When he arrived at the Gate of Hell, his strength began to improve by leaps and bounds. Nan Yu guessed that it was most likely caused by the bunch of alien genes and natural treasures that directly expanded his Dantian to the limit, or simply let his Dantian expand to the limit. The inner strength is no longer shackles by the Dantian, and from now on it can be improved without limit like the physical body.

"It's troublesome like this."

After thinking about this, Nan Yu felt more and more that it was not safe to go to Long You now, so he went to find Su Po Mao again.

After listening to his request, Supomao didn't say a lot of nonsense like before, and directly dialed the commander's phone, and reported to the commander in person that Nan Yu wanted to quickly expand his dantian's treasures.

"It will be delivered together with red stone weapons and heaven-level blood essence in two days."

Without the slightest hesitation, the commander directly agreed to the matter.

The decisive attitude of him and Su Po Mao made Nan Yu feel strange, but he didn't ask any more questions. Since they were willing to give him benefits, why bother asking for trouble.

Leave from Supo Cat.

Nan Yu didn't go back to continue practicing, but went to find Jin Hua.


As soon as she saw Nan Yu approaching, Jin Hua, who was practicing the Blood Lotus Dafa, immediately stood up and saluted.

At this time, Jin Hua had already taken off all the bandages on her body, and changed into a pair of short-sleeved jeans, revealing her white and delicate skin.

Yes, that's right.

It is white and delicate.

Jin Hua never thought that she would have such a day.

Recalling when the bandage was taken off and seeing her young and beautiful face again, Jin Hua still couldn't help feeling like crying.

Because of this, Jin Hua's reverence for Nan Yu who gave her a second life became stronger and stronger.

"What day is it?"

After saying hello, Nan Yu asked casually.

He is still very concerned about his descendant.

Although he deliberately transformed Jinhua to prevent Fuuma Haitaro from using his magical skills to escape again, after all, she is a descendant of his own bloodline. Whether it is loyalty or blood compatibility, Nanyu cannot let her fend for herself.

Since Nan Yu's blood essence now contains undead blood, the golden flower transformed from his own blood essence does not have the stiffness of ordinary zombies at all, and is even in a state of physical recovery just like himself. .

Therefore, Nan Yu taught her the Blood Lotus Technique by the way, hoping that Jin Hua could quickly increase her internal strength to the heaven level.

As for the god of the golden flower.

There is nothing that Nan Yu can do. Ordinary vampire zombies do not cultivate gods. He can cultivate gods because of the essence and blood of Hanba. Jinhua only inherited a weak god from Nan Yu's essence and blood, so he is still unable to cultivate. kind.

Looking at it now, the only cultivation routes she can take are essence refining and qi refining.

"The third heaven."

When saying this, Jinhua lowered her head in shame.

She has worked very hard, but before she was captured as an experimental subject, she was a bandit leader in the village. She didn't know how to practice any skills. Now practicing the Blood Lotus Dafa is like reading a book from heaven. Relying on Nan Yu's explanations and With blood and essence, she barely managed to push the Blood Lotus Technique to the third level after not sleeping all night. This was because the Nanyu Qi and blood she inherited was strong enough, otherwise it would have been difficult to reach the first level.

"Three heavens." Nan Yu roughly calculated, then took out two blood bodhisattvas and handed them over: "This is for you, with these two, you should be able to cultivate to the heavenly level."

Then he gave some instructions on practicing the Blood Lotus Technique, and then walked out while Jin Hua knelt down in worship.

Just as he walked out the door, Nan Yu suddenly felt something in his heart, as if something was calling him suddenly.

Go to the window and have a look.

I saw that the corpse brothers below seemed to be crazy, running wildly in one direction.

There are ordinary corpses and mutated corpses here, some who can fly, run, jump, everything, and even fish-shaped corpses rolling forward on the land.

Look along the direction of these corpse brothers.

Su Po's cat's exclamation sounded in Nan Yu's ears simultaneously: "It's not good, Mr. Nan Yu, there is a huge mountain of meat in the city library."

(End of this chapter)

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