Chapter 83 Long You, Running Away?

Longyou started building a corpse nest so soon?

Looking out the window, Nan Yu felt a little puzzled.

Others may not know what that bloody and ferocious mountain of meat is.

But Nan Yu knows it too well.

This thing is a super giant corpse brother. I don’t know how Long You made it. Moreover, this thing is a living creature, a living creature with strong vitality and blood that reaches the heavenly level.

Looking at the army of dead brothers under his feet like a tide, Nan Yu's eyes were a little dignified.

According to the original timeline, the time for Longyou to build the corpse nest should be a few days later. Why did it start so soon?

Could it be that.
Nan Yu's heart trembled, and he turned to ask Su Po Mao: "Where is the power plant in H City?"

"power plant?"

Su Po Mao was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Nan Yu wanted to do with the power plant now.

However, he checked the map carefully, and then pointed to several directions one after another: "From here, there is one about 47 kilometers away in a straight line in this direction, and there is another one in this direction, 69 kilometers away. This location, here, here."

Su Pomao named eight locations in one breath.

"Eight power plants?"

The number of power plants in H City was somewhat beyond Nan Yu's expectation. He originally thought that there was only one power plant in H City.

But think about it carefully.

City H is a super-large city with a population of nearly [-] million, how could it be possible to use only one power plant to supply electricity to the whole city.

After thinking for a while, Nan Yu asked again: "Can you find out the operation status of these power plants?"

"Just a moment."

Su Po Mao took out his satellite phone and dialed a number.

Not long after, he put away the phone and said, "The power plant in the west of the city has stopped working, and all the areas it supplies have also lost power."

"Is this the only one?"

"Well, I found this one for the time being. The other power plants are still working normally, but this power plant is the largest power plant in H City, and the area affected by it is very large."

"How long have you stopped?"

"More than a day, well, it probably started when you arrived here from the Sirius."

"I see."

Nan Yu looked calm on the surface, but his heart suddenly sank.

Long You has finished absorbing the power from the power plant, and it is still the entire power of a large power plant.

In other words.

Now it is no longer possible for him, but [-]% has returned to the peak of heaven-level strength.

"It's troublesome."

Nan Yu whispered to himself.

The biggest trouble now is not only whether he can defeat Long You, but also whether Long You is still in H City.

"Tell your commander to deliver what I want as soon as possible."

"Especially those who expand the dantian, don't waste time."

"By the way, tell him to be careful about the changes in the capital, especially the family surnamed Long. During this period of time, there are various domestic water sources, sewers, flies, and containers shipped abroad. In short, anything that can spread the dead brother virus quickly Investigate what."

Nan Yu's voice was not loud, but it hit Su Po Mao's heart like a heavy hammer.

He hurriedly asked: "Mr. Nan Yu, what do you mean? The corpse king is going to spread the virus to all Yanhuang and even the whole world?"



Su Po Mao gasped suddenly, and then left in a hurry.

If what Nan Yu said is true.

The protective power that needs to be invested is too great.

And not only is Yanhuang facing a severe test, they also need to issue an early warning to other countries so that they are always on guard against the influx of the dead brother virus.

Glancing at Su Po Cat's leaving figure, Nan Yu retracted his gaze and continued to stare at the corpse nest in the distance.

What he just said was not to scare the Supo cat, but that this kind of thing might really happen.

According to what Su Pomao said just now, it has been more than a day since Longyou finished absorbing the power of the power plant, but he didn't come to him.

Nan Yu guessed.

Perhaps it was because Long You felt that he couldn't defeat him with his current strength, so he put his life-and-death struggle behind him and prioritized going to cities with large populations to eat people. He would come to find him again when he recovered to his god-level strength. Not too late.

Of course.

It's also possible that this was a smoke bomb released by Long You.

This insidious guy might be lurking somewhere in H City right now, in the corpse nest, in the urban area, in the suburbs, it could be anywhere, and he might find those strong men who are competing for immortal blood to eat him.

However, Nan Yu still preferred that Long You had left quietly at some point.

Without him.

Still the same sentence, Longyou didn't come.

If this guy really recovered to the god-level strength, then with his character, he would definitely come to kill him.

In addition, there are not many living people left in City H. Before he and Longyou fought, the number of survivors in the library was about 5000.

Later, the aftermath of the fight between the two of them even caused a building to collapse, which should have crushed many survivors to death.

Later, Long You was severely injured by Nan Yu and the Immortal Master, and needed to eat a lot of people to restore his blood and body.

Adding all these up, the 'food' stored by Longyou is definitely not enough.

For these reasons.

Nan Yu came to a conclusion that relying solely on the electricity from the power plant and the remaining resources in City H was not enough for Long You to recover to the god level.

So he had to move to a more densely populated big city to restore his strength.

In order not to hinder his plan, he made this corpse nest as a smoke bomb to attract Yanhuang's attention.

Otherwise, a large number of missing people in a city in a short period of time will definitely arouse Yanhuang's vigilance and vigilance.

"It seems that those disciples of the Blood Lotus Sect have been captured by him."

Nan Yu deliberated carefully, and roughly understood Long You's plan.

Brief summary.

Restore strength, grab a substitute, attract attention, run away to eat people, continue to restore strength, and then attack in a wave.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Looking at the giant corpse nest that encompassed the entire municipal library, Nan Yu became more active.

Long runs right.

All the senior corpse brothers in the entire H city went to the corpse lair to defend under his call.

And there is also a son of the corpse nest with an immortal body and half immortal blood.

for others.

There is definitely a crisis everywhere in this corpse nest, and there may be a danger of death at any time.

But for Nan Yu.

There is blood and food everywhere, and opportunities are everywhere, especially the son of the corpse nest pretending to be Long You. With his peak heaven-level cultivation and immortal blood, he is a top-notch tonic.

"Well, it's better to be safe and wait and see, just in case Long You hasn't run away yet."

"It's too late to go after Yanhuang's things are delivered."

Nan Yu thought about it, and then went back to the laboratory where he practiced with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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