Chapter 87 Breeding Area

"Father, I'm sorry."

Jin Hua dragged her injured body and stood with her head bowed.

The strength of the four Jonin from Japan is not particularly strong, but they can join forces to launch a joint attack technique, and the power of this move has already reached the power of the sky.

Jinhua was caught off guard and was almost hit hard.

Fortunately, she was a zombie, and also inherited a small amount of undead blood from Nan Yu. This injury was not a big deal, and she recovered almost completely in a short while.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Nan Yu was currently holding the still-dead Xiaomu in his hand, extracting his blood using the secret method of the Blood Lotus Sect, and asked without looking back.

Jinhua buried her head deeper.

"It's wrong to be impulsive."

"anything else?"

"The fault is not to be reckless."

"Any more?"

"It's wrong, it's wrong"

Jin Hua faltered and hawed for a long time, but she didn't say where she was wrong.

Nan Yu shook his head, put aside Xiao Mu who was completely drained, and put the blood bodhi transformed from his blood essence into his pocket, and then said: "Your biggest mistake is that you are not calm enough."

Hearing the words 'not calm enough', Jin Hua did not refute.

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Her hatred for the Japanese had already penetrated deep into her bones during the decades of being imprisoned in darkness.

Therefore, when she saw Japanese people, especially Japanese ninja warriors, she couldn't restrain the crazy hatred in her heart.

But it is also the reason.

She was in danger, if Nan Yu hadn't come to rescue her, then even if she was a zombie, she might have died in the hands of these Japanese people today.

On the other end, Nan Yu calmly drained the blood of Japanese ninjas, and said slowly while doing it: "Do you still remember your greatest enemy Ishii? He has used viruses to transform himself time and time again over the years, turning himself into a He looks like a human being or a ghost, and claims to be no less than a god. Do you still want to kill him in your current state?"

"Think! Think! In my dreams, I dream of cutting him into pieces! His body will be broken into pieces!"

Jin Hua didn't seem to understand what Nan Yu meant, but when the name Ishii was mentioned, her body began to tremble violently involuntarily, and tears flowed down her face, as if she was gnashing her teeth, wanting to eat Ishii's flesh and blood.


Nan Yu praised, and continued.

"Since you are so ambitious, then remember, what I taught you, you have to learn and use, instead of just flailing around like a brainless person when you see someone."

"Just now, in terms of hard power, you are stronger than all the Japanese ninjas here combined, but why are you the one who was almost killed?"

"It's because you're not calm enough."

"When people are extremely angry, their brains will naturally empty everything and they will only focus on one thought to vent."

"So, if you still want to kill Ishii, just restrain your bad temper and practice with peace of mind. Now that you have the bloodline I gave you, it won't take long for you to surpass that beast. Do you want revenge or do you want to do it? Isn’t it your decision to save your daughter?”

Nan Yu's tone became more and more serious, and in the end, he snorted coldly and said: "Do you remember!?"

"I, I remember."

Jin Hua murmured softly, not daring to raise her head and look at Nan Yu at all.

Seeing her appearance, Nan Yu shook his head, and made all the corpses lying here into blood bodhi and coagulation pill.

After saying this, he took stock of what he had gained this time.

In addition to a large number of blood coagulation pills made with prefecture-level mid-term ninjas and corpse brothers.

Dongpu Ninja also contributed six blood bodhis which were full of the Qi and blood of the peak of the earth level, Zuo Dharma was even more powerful, he contributed seven by himself, even Nan Yu couldn't help but marvel when he drew blood.

This Longyou is really willing to spend all his money.

Protector Zuo, who is now known as Qinglong, has not only been strengthened by Long You from the mid-earth level to the peak of the earth level, but his energy and blood are seven times that of the ordinary peak earth level. How many resources must be spent to cultivate this!

"Hey, let me just say, it was really a mistake."

Nan Yu was suddenly extremely thankful that he forgot to dispose of those corpses that had been sucked out of blood.

Judging from the situation of Guardian Zuo, Longyou's subordinates had indeed recovered the prefecture-level powerhouses he had killed into the corpse lair, but they didn't know who he had recovered.

It would be better if Poison Queen and Clown Jack from the late Earth level were also here.

After counting, the people were trained, and the benefits were reaped, Nan Yu continued walking forward with the dejected Jin Hua.

Longyou's position is in the very center of this corpse lair.

But regardless of whether that was the real Longyou or the fake Longyou, Nan Yu wasn't going to look for him immediately.

This corpse nest is an important part of Longyou's recovery plan.

Every entrance will be guarded by powerful corpse brothers, waiting there to capture the strong men who invade the corpse nest.

Nan Yu took a fancy to these corpse brothers who acted as guards.

Although none of these corpse brothers are currently at the heaven level, the corpse brothers at the peak of the earth level are the same to Nan Yu and can be used to make blood bodhisattva.

And things like Blood Bodhi can be used to replenish Qi and blood during battles, and can also be used to improve one's own Qi and blood. These are benefits that cannot be missed.

So Nan Yu decided to clean up the corpse brothers and other idlers in the corpse nest first, and then go to Longyou.

As for why it was made into a blood bodhi instead of directly sucking and improving one's own blood.

Nan Yu thought about this very clearly.

After Long You sucked up the power plant, no matter how much his strength improved by leaps and bounds, he was still at the early stage of god level at most, not much different from his current strength, or even worse than himself.

In this case, Long You must still use the same old fighting method, consuming himself to the point of death.

So in order to deal with this attrition tactic.

Nan Yu had to prepare enough things that could replenish qi and blood in advance, so as not to fall into the situation of the last time he was alive and well, but he was already exhausted.

As they got deeper into the corpse nest, the road under Nan Yu's feet gradually changed from a road of flesh and blood to a normal concrete floor, and human buildings gradually appeared in front of them.

Soon, the two stopped.

What stood before them was a bottomless pit.

Nan Yu lowered his head and made a visual inspection: "More than 100 meters, which is equivalent to about forty floors of a human high-rise building."

If I remember correctly, this should be the breeding area in the corpse nest, which is mainly responsible for providing blood supply for the corpse nest, and there are many guards there.

"Come on, go down and have a look."

Nan Yu said something, and then jumped down. Jin Hua followed suit and jumped down too.

(End of this chapter)

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