Chapter 88

A straight drop of more than 100 meters.

For ordinary people, this is an unbearable huge pressure, but for the heavenly class, especially Nan Yu and Jin Hua, who have zombie bodies, this is nothing at all.

The two of them didn't have any scruples, and just hit the ground hard without any protection. The huge impact directly created a big hole on the surface.

After landing, Nan Yu first looked around.

The pitch-black environment didn't bother him at all. The shabby surroundings could be seen clearly in the zombie's bloody eyes.

This place should be remodeled from a high-rise residence, and there are so many portals around it, which made Nan Yu frown.

You can't waste time looking for it door by door.

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered one thing.

The breeding area is to the west of the corpse nest, which means you can just find the door to the west.

Thinking of this, Nan Yu identified the direction and looked towards the west.


There happened to be only one khaki iron door.

"Tsk, tsk, you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort to get here."

Nan Yu chuckled, waved to Jin Hua, then walked to the iron door and pushed it in.

It was still pitch black as far as the eye could see.

However, Nan Yu had already confirmed in his heart that the insect nest was in this direction, so he continued to walk in with great strides.

This passage is very narrow and not too long, and it didn't even take a minute to walk through it.

When Nan Yu opened the door again, what came into view was a forest that was incompatible with the reinforced concrete outside.

Right now, this leafy forest is extremely quiet. Walking a few steps forward, you can still see several steel cages placed in the open space, filled with densely packed human beings.

Nan Yu took a rough look, and roughly had a figure in his mind.

At least 500 people.

All these humans were in a coma, and their bodies were tied tightly. One after another, blood-colored tubes were inserted into their bodies. From a distance, you could see that there seemed to be something in these tubes. The liquid is flowing.

"It's blood, father, and these tubes are drawing blood from humans."

In fact, Jin Hua didn't need to say anything, Nan Yu also saw it.

The so-called breeding area was originally where Longyou used to raise humans, and then draw blood to nourish the corpse nest.


This is called a breeding area, so breeders are naturally indispensable.

As soon as Jin Hua finished speaking, there were waves of subtle footsteps ringing from all directions.

"Father, it's Brother Corpse."

Sensing the abnormal noise, Jin Hua turned her head and glanced at the strange figure in the forest, her eyes narrowed slightly.

However, she had only been taught a lesson by Nan Yu for a short time. This time, she was obviously not so impulsive. She just carefully consulted Nan Yu's opinion first.

"Go ahead, Brother Corpse here is your trophy, you don't need to give it to me."

Nan Yu waved his hand with little interest.

Jin Hua's eyes suddenly lit up, she pulled out her cherry flames and pounced on it.

In an instant.

The entire breeding area screamed again and again, shouts and moans were endless.

Nan Yu just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

The zombie brothers guarding this breeding area are not very strong. At most, there are only two or three in the mid-prefecture level. The others are basically small human-level minions. These low-level zombie brothers do not have the transcendence of human practitioners. In front of Jin Hua, who is at the early stage of the Heaven Level, the only chance of being slaughtered is with this level skill.


Jin Hua licked her lips and came back. To Nan Yu, this energy and blood was nothing, but to her now, it was still a very nutritious tonic.

Then, they continued to the next breeding area.

As for the humans here.

Nan Yu had no idea of ​​saving them.


Nan Yu came to the Corpse Nest this time with no intention of rescuing anyone. His targets were always Brother Corpse who stayed here, the cultivators who came to cause trouble, and Long You.

In fact, before he came, the Yanhuang military offered a big price, asking Nan Yu to save the survivors as much as he could, and then he had to kill Long You after saving the survivors.

For such a request.

Nan Yu sneered and didn't even give Su Po Mao a chance to bargain. He turned around and left, leaving only one sentence: "Rescue whoever you want to save, it has nothing to do with me."

Passing through this breeding area called the zoo, Nan Yu and Jin Hua came to another breeding area.


It is also a lush forest.

The difference is that there are no iron cages here, and many bright red crops similar to mushrooms grow under each tree.

The roots of these 'mushrooms' are composed of tentacles one by one, which are attached to the tree trunk like parasites. When you look up, you can see that the survivors who were caught here were all planted like plants. In the tree, only one head was left exposed.

Among the exposed faces, some are still sleeping, others have empty eyes and their mouths are opening and closing unconsciously, and some are devouring a fat white meat worm. As their upper and lower jaws opened and closed, yellow-green juice continued to flow down their chins, which made people feel inexplicably nauseated.


Jinhua sighed.

She didn't sigh for these human beings who were kept in captivity like pigs, but because she recalled the past. When she was captured by the Japanese people for experiments, like these survivors, she also relied on eating bugs to maintain her life. life.

Jinhua's voice was not loud, but someone still heard it in this relatively quiet forest.

at once.

The man shouted in surprise: "A living person! A living person! Save me! Come and save me!!!"

It was as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

This cry woke up other survivors who were still waiting for death in a daze. They also saw Nan Yu and Jin Hua standing under the tree, and they all began to cry and scream at the top of their lungs.

"Help! Help!!!"

"Come and save me! My dad is the village chief! Save me! Save me!"

"Your dad is the village chief, and my dad is still the secretary! Save me first, save me first!!"

"You all get out of here, ladies first, I'm a woman, save me first!!!"

"You guys can't save everyone, save the ones in front of you first! I'm the closest to you, save me first!!"

All kinds of cries for help, and the various states of the world seem to be fully displayed in this one cry for help.

Just as these survivors were scrambling to ask Nan Yu to save them, an impatient voice suddenly came down from the treetops.

"It's so noisy, can you still make people sleep well?"

Followed by.

A black shadow fell from the sky and killed four survivors in succession. Seeing this, the survivors who had been shouting for help immediately shut their mouths in fear.

"Hey hey hey, here come two more blood-thirsty blood-eaters. I believe the king will be very happy."

In a burst of laughter, the black figure revealed his true face, a mantis corpse brother with sickle-shaped hands.

At the same time, there were other laughter coming from the forest. Looking carefully, they were all corpses with obvious insect characteristics, including cockroaches, longhorns, butterflies, flies and bees, etc. There are all kinds of them, no less than dozens.


It was the mantis corpse brother who killed several survivors one after another.

I saw it standing at the front, and said with a mean smile: "Hey hey, it's just right, I will dedicate you and that red-haired boy to the king, the king will be very happy."

Red-haired boy?

Nan Yu caught one word keenly.

He tilted his head and asked, "What does that red-haired boy you mentioned look like?"

"Huh? Hehehe, what's the matter? You and that red-haired kid still know each other?"

"Maybe, tell me what he looks like, and I'll make sure."

"Does the family have to die neatly? Hehehe, it is indeed a good ideal, but that's all." At this point, Brother Mantis Corpse spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm and shouted in a stern voice: "Drink, you, you despicable human beasts, Do you think I will tell you? There is an old saying that only dead humans are good humans, so suffer death!!!"

As soon as the words fell, all the insect corpses around screamed and attacked together.

Nan Yu clicked his tongue, and told Jin Hua, whose hands were already itchy, "Keep alive."

"Yes, father."

(End of this chapter)

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