Chapter 89 Blood Lotus Sect, Zhao Ritian
"Sir, please forgive me, please forgive me!!!"

After a while, the breeding area full of stumped limbs and arms was much quieter, only the frightened begging for mercy of the mantis corpse brother kept echoing.

This time.

The survivors who had been chirping for help just now did not dare to speak out after seeing Jin Hua massacre the dead brother with their own eyes.

Without him.

So scary.

How had this group of ordinary people who only surfed the Internet seen such a bloody and terrifying scene?

With a wave of the purple-red samurai sword in Jinhua's hand, those 'breeders' who used them as vegetable seeds would be cut in two easily.

This is not a big deal.

When Jin Hua caught the ground-level corpse brother and started sucking blood, in the eyes of the survivors, her pretty face instantly became more terrifying than the 'breeder'.

Nan Yu didn't pay attention to what they meant, but walked straight forward, looking at the mantis corpse brother who had been cut into a human stick with a half-smile and said: "Can we talk this time? Where is the red-haired boy?"

Nan Yu had some guesses about the red-haired boy that Brother Mantis Corpse was talking about.

This kid might be Bai Xiaofei.

With his stunned and good-natured character, the probability of breaking into the corpse nest can be said to be [-]%, plus he has just awakened to kill, and his physical body can't keep up with the kill. If a few prefectural-level peak corpse brothers join forces, it is not impossible for them to miss and be captured.

Think of this.

Nan Yu glanced at Jin Hua who was sucking blood from the dead brother.

Jinhua also has a similar problem to Bai Xiaofei.

As I said before, in the cultivation system of this world, the three items of spirit, energy, and spirit all complement each other, and too much lagging behind in any item will cause defects in power control.

Because Bai Xiaofei's physical body is weaker, and he doesn't have the internal strength to make up for this deficiency, so when his killing momentum explodes with full force, he will have the problem of being unable to control his killing momentum, and it is very likely that the killing momentum will affect his thinking, resulting in Only in the case of the thought of killing.

Jinhua is even more troublesome.

Her god is too weak, not even at the earth level. The problem brought about by such a weak god is that she can't control the strength of her shots, especially when using the moves recorded in the Blood Lotus Dafa, it will be more obvious. For example, she can use the bleeding flame to slash, but the strength she uses fluctuates up and down. As for the red blood spear that purely uses internal force to condense, she simply struggles to condense it.

"We have to see if we can get something to enhance the gods. It's fine at the early stage of the heavenly level. If the peak of the heavenly level can't control the strength, if one day uses a magical skill, wouldn't it be a nest of our own people?" It's over."

Just when Nan Yu was thinking secretly.

The mantis corpse brother whose limbs were cut off and only its body remained tremblingly said, "My lord, the red-haired boy is locked up with the worm mother."

"Bug mother?"

"Yes, yes, she is the mother of all of us, and the red-haired kid broke into her territory and disturbed her spawning, so the angry mother grabbed the kid and said it was enough to play Then give it to the king."

"where is it?"

Nan Yu's question is a bit difficult for Brother Mantis Corpse.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it.

Rather, his hands and feet were cut off by Jin Hua, and he was cut off by Jin Hua twelve times in a row, and he didn't stop until he could no longer regenerate.

So his problem now is that he can't guide the way without hands, and can't lead the way without feet. He can only raise his head vigorously and arch a few times in one direction.

Following its line of sight, Nan Yu looked over.


Behind that piece of forest, you can see an insect lair that is about as high as a small hill.

"Okay, you're useless."

Nan Yu said lightly, and then Jin Hua, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't wait to pounce on it, and sucked up the remaining essence and blood in his body amidst Brother Mantis Corpse's screams.


The survivors gave up even more the idea of ​​asking for help, and could only watch helplessly as the only savior left the insect nest breeding area calmly.

The wormholes standing in the forest are extremely high. At a rough look, they are at least three to forty meters long. There are many caves of different sizes and shapes all over the wormholes. Even if you are far away, you can see many caves. The figures of giant white worms wriggling back and forth in these caves.

There are also white giant worms outside the cave. They are extremely large and bloated, but their combat power is very weak, and the blood they emit is not even at the earth level. When they saw Nan Yu and the others at first, they panicked. Wriggling its two-meter-long body, it fled for its life into the wormhole.

Perhaps because the worm nest is deep in the breeding area, there is no guard outside the worm nest, only these giant white worms crawling around.

Entering along the wide passage, after walking for about two to three minutes, Nan Yu and Jin Hua suddenly saw a bright light.

This is an equally huge hall, almost as high as a wormhole. When he first walked in, Nan Yu thought he had come to the kingdom of giants.

Compared with the densely packed insect cave outside, the caves here appear to be much fewer, but also much larger.

For example, the cave in front of you is at least 20 meters high, and the width of the passage on both sides is also five or six meters apart. Faintly, you can hear bursts of screams coming from here.

"Looks like it's here."

Hearing this voice, Nan Yu roughly confirmed the location, and walked forward at a leisurely pace, followed by Jin Hua.

After passing through a large passage again.

They finally saw the insect mother who was called the mother by Brother Mantis Corpse.

This is a giant corpse brother more than 15 meters tall. The lower body is as bloated as those giant white worms. The upper body has three different limbs. The overall look looks like a fusion of many kinds of worms.

Its appearance is also similar to the characteristics of the fusion corpse brother.

The head on the top is a centipede-like insect head, and on the chest is a pale female head with no pupils and only the whites of the eyes. There is no hair on her face, and there are only various hideous black patterns depicted everywhere. It is easy to look at. People can't help but panic.

Under this giant face, there is also a pair of humanoid arms covered with zebra-like stripes.

At this time, in the hands of the worm mother, she was grabbing the green red-haired young man and beating her vigorously. The screams that Nan Yu and Jin Hua heard earlier came from the mouth of this red-haired young man.

"Huh? Not Bai Xiaofei?"

Nan Yu frowned slightly.

Although he also had red hair, the young man in front of him was obviously not Bai Xiaofei in appearance, but Nan Yu was very familiar with the energy and blood fluctuations on his body.

Blood Lotus Dafa.

Coupled with the peak earth-level cultivation, the red hair, the sausage mouth and the word "天" on his chin.

If I read it correctly, this guy's true identity should be the direct disciple of the leader of the Blood Lotus Sect, the insane Zhao Ritian.

(End of this chapter)

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